http to https Redirection

http to https Redirection_第1张图片
The HTTP to HTTPS Redirection allows you to force clients who browse to the URL of the
web listener using http:// to be redirected to the https:// URL. This option requires that you enable
both port 80 and 443 in the web listener under Client Connection Type.
When this option is enabled, the ISA Firewall will send an HTTP/1.x 302 Object Moved response
back to clients who hit the http:// URL, causing the client browser to redirect to URL specifi ed in
the Location HTTP Header.
HTTP/1.x 302 Object Moved
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 16:58:17 GMT
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 0
翻译如下:当你在web侦听器当中启用了http to https 重定向的话,那么当客户端在URL当中输入http:的时候isa会返回一个HTTP/1.x 302 Object Moved response,告诉客户端把http:改成https:
