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Smokeping 安装配置
smokeping是rrdtool的作者Tobi Oetiker的作品,所以它在图形显示方面有很大优势,也是一个很有特点的opensource工具:多种探测方式,包括fping、echoping、dig、curl等;
Smokeping need few perl module and other package to run. 1. RRDtools Download here : http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/ 2. FPing Download here : http://www.fping.com/ 3. EchoPing Download here : http://echoping.sourceforge.net/ 4. Curl Download here : http://curl.haxx.se/ 5. Dig Download here: http://www.isc.org/sw/bind/ 6. SSH Download here : http://www.openssh.org/ Various Perl Module Download here : http://www.cpan.org/ 1. libwww-perl 2. Socket6 0.11-1 3. Net::Telnet 4. Net::DNS 5. Net::LDAP 6. IO::Socket::SSL 7. Authen::Radius
如果用编译 ,改一下配置 文件
Install fping
tar zxvf fping.tar.gz
cd fping-2.4b2_to/
make && make install
Install CGI-SpeedyCGI
tar �Czxvf CGI-SpeedyCGI-2.22.tar.gz
cd CGI-SpeedyCGI-2.22
perl Makefile.PL
Compile mod_speedycgi (default no)? no
make && make install
tar zxvf echoping-6.0.2.tar.gz
cd echoping-6.0.2
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/echoping --with-ssl --without-libidn
make && make install
tar zxvf smokeping-2.4.2.tar.gz
mv smokeping-2.4.2 /usr/local/smokeping
mkdir �Cp /usr/local/smokeping/cache
mkdir �Cp /usr/local/smokeping/var
1、/usr/local/smokeping/etc/ config.dist
*** General *** owner = apache contact = [email protected] mailhost = localhost sendmail = /usr/local/bin/sendmail # NOTE: do not put the Image Cache below cgi-bin # since all files under cgi-bin will be executed ... this is not # good for images. imgcache = /usr/local/smokeping/cache imgurl = ../cache 不要用绝对路径 datadir = /usr/local/smokeping/var piddir = /usr/local/smokeping/var cgiurl = http://some.url/smokeping.cgi smokemail = /usr/local/smokeping/etc/smokemail.dist tmail = /usr/local/smokeping/etc/tmail.dist # specify this to get syslog logging syslogfacility = local0 # each probe is now run in its own process # disable this to revert to the old behaviour # concurrentprobes = no *** Alerts *** #to = |/usr/local/smokeping/fx.sh to = [email protected] from = [email protected] 定义丢包率; +someloss type = loss # in percent pattern = >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0% comment = loss 3 times in a row (检测12次,出现了3次丢包的情况,不论丢多少个包,就进行alter) +rttbad type = rtt pattern = ==S,>50,>50 comment = route (如果连续出现两次50ms 以上的延时,就进行alter) *** Database *** (每300秒ping 20次) step = 300 pings = 20 # consfn mrhb steps total AVERAGE 0.5 1 1008 AVERAGE 0.5 12 4320 MIN 0.5 12 4320 MAX 0.5 12 4320 AVERAGE 0.5 144 720 MAX 0.5 144 720 MIN 0.5 144 720 *** Presentation *** template = /usr/local/smokeping/etc/basepage.html.dist (定义页面模板) + charts menu = Charts title = The most interesting destinations ++ stddev sorter = StdDev(entries=>4) title = Top Standard Deviation menu = Std Deviation format = Standard Deviation %f ++ max sorter = Max(entries=>5) title = Top Max Roundtrip Time menu = by Max format = Max Roundtrip Time %f seconds ++ loss sorter = Loss(entries=>5) title = Top Packet Loss menu = Loss format = Packets Lost %f ++ median sorter = Median(entries=>5) title = Top Median Roundtrip Time menu = by Median format = Median RTT %f seconds + overview 定义流量图大小 width = 600 height = 50 range = 10h + detail width = 600 height = 200 unison_tolerance = 2 "Last 3 Hours" 3h "Last 30 Hours" 30h "Last 10 Days" 10d "Last 400 Days" 400d #+ hierarchies #++ owner #title = Host Owner #++ location #title = Location *** Probes *** + FPing binary = /usr/sbin/fping PING使用的工具 #*** Slaves *** #secrets=/home/oetiker/checkouts/smokeping/trunk/software/etc/smokeping_secrets.dist #+boomer #display_name=boomer #color=0000ff #+slave2 #display_name=another #color=00ff00 *** Targets *** probe = FPing menu = Top title = Network Latency Grapher remark = Welcome to the SmokePing website of xxx Company. \ Here you will learn all about the latency of our network. + Test 定义一级目录 menu= test tile = test #parents = owner:/Test/James location:/ ++ host1 添加主机 title = host1 alerts = someloss,rttbad host = + nagios menu = nagios ++ nagios title = nagios alerts = someloss host =
Cp /usr/local/smokeping/htdocs/smokeping.cgi.dist usr/local/smokeping/htdocs/smokeping.cgi
use lib qw(/usr/bin/perl);
use lib qw(/usr/local/smokeping/lib);
3、/usr/local/smokeping/bin/smokeping.dist 修改
use lib qw(/usr/bin/perl);
use lib qw(/usr/local/smokeping/lib);
4、启动/usr/local/smokeping/bin/smokeping.dist start
Chown www.www /usr/local/smokeping �CR
Alias /smokeping/ "/usr/local/smokeping/"
<Directory "/usr/local/smokeping/ ">
AllowOverride None
AddHandler cgi-script cgi
Options ExecCGI
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
四、nginx配置 (先安装Fcgi)
安装perl cgi模块
wget http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/FCGI/FCGI-0.67.tar.gz tar -zxvf FCGI-0.67.tar.gz cd FCGI-0.67 perl Makefile.PL make && make install
wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/G/GB/GBJK/FCGI-ProcManager-0.18.t... tar -xzxf FCGI-ProcManager-0.18.tar.gz cd FCGI-ProcManager-0.18 perl Makefile.PL make make install
Wget http://www.nginx.eu/nginx-fcgi/nginx-fcgi.txt 放置在:/etc/nginx-fcgi 注释掉nginx-fcgi.txt 中的 if ( $> == “0″ ) { print “\n\tERROR\tRunning as a root!\n”; print “\tSuggested not to do so !!!\n\n”; exit 1; } 否则会提示:ERROR Running as a root! Suggested not to do so !!! 启动方法: /etc/nginx-fcgi -l /var/log/nginx-fcgi.log -pid /var/run/nginx-fcgi.pid -S /var/run/nginx-fcgi.sock 注意给 nginx-fcgi.sock 777的权限
运行前使用cpan 安装 FCGI Getopt::Long IO::All Socket;
listen 80;
server_name smokeping.linuxtone.org;
root /usr/local/smokeping/smokeping/;
location ~ .*\.cgi$ {
root /usr/local/smokeping/htdocs/;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/nginx-fcgi.sock;
fastcgi_index index.cgi;
include fastcgi_params;
include enable_php5.conf;
测试: /usr/local/smokeping/bin/smokeping.cgi --debug
本文出自 “ seven” 博客,请务必保留此出处 http://liuyu.blog.51cto.com/183345/262248