

dpkg -–get-selections | grep -v deinstall > ubuntu.files

保存在另一个分区或者gmail邮箱之类安全的地方。下次重装ubuntu 的时候,执行

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
dpkg -–set-selections < ubuntu.files


Now you’ve told your system what it needs to install, so let’s install it all.

sudo dselect

This will open up a dselect session. Type ‘I‘ and allow dselect to install of the the packages listed in your ubuntu-files document. When it’s finished, type ‘Q‘ and hit the ENTER key to exit dselect.

Now you’re a lot closer to where you were before.


dpkg -–get-selections | grep -v deinstall > ubuntu-files; cat ubuntu-files | mailx -s “ubuntu-files” 自己的email地址
