金降落伞 Golden parachute

金降落伞 Golden parachute
金降落伞: 合同中规定的保证高层雇员因公司被收购而遭解职时可获得的一大笔钱的福利。
Golden parachute: Contractual benefits that assure a high-level employee of generous payments if a company is taken over and he or she is dismissed as a result.

例证:当一家乳酪企业的首席执行官表示他在投资火箭技术之前会审慎考虑时,其公司市值在一周内下跌10 %。这位首席执行官不久就觉得自己需要多与家人在一起,幸运的是,他得到了“金降落伞”式的巨额补偿。
EXAMPLE: When the chief executive of a cheese business said he would wait before investing in rocket technology, his company’s market capitalisation fell 10 per cent in a week. The call to spend more time with his family came soon afterwards, fortunately cushioned by a generous golden parachute.

感谢文章提供: 随心所欲学英语   合和培训
友情链接: 网上培训外语  上海少儿英语培训  旅游英语  北京英语培训  展会英语
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