Sqoop分1和2之分,其实本质都差不多,无非就是MR运算。 命令行可参考文章: http://my.oschina.net/zhangliMyOne/blog/97236
SqoopTool --- 工具类
先看ToolRunner 源码
package org.apache.hadoop.util;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
* A utility to help run {@link Tool}s.
* <p><code>ToolRunner</code> can be used to run classes implementing
* <code>Tool</code> interface. It works in conjunction with
* {@link GenericOptionsParser} to parse the
* <a href="{@docRoot}/org/apache/hadoop/util/GenericOptionsParser.html#GenericOptions">
* generic hadoop command line arguments</a> and modifies the
* <code>Configuration</code> of the <code>Tool</code>. The
* application-specific options are passed along without being modified.
* </p>
* @see Tool
* @see GenericOptionsParser
public class ToolRunner {
* Runs the given <code>Tool</code> by {@link Tool#run(String[])}, after
* parsing with the given generic arguments. Uses the given
* <code>Configuration</code>, or builds one if null.
* Sets the <code>Tool</code>'s configuration with the possibly modified
* version of the <code>conf</code>.
* @param conf <code>Configuration</code> for the <code>Tool</code>.
* @param tool <code>Tool</code> to run.
* @param args command-line arguments to the tool.
* @return exit code of the {@link Tool#run(String[])} method.
public static int run(Configuration conf, Tool tool, String[] args)
throws Exception{
if(conf == null) {
conf = new Configuration();
GenericOptionsParser parser = new GenericOptionsParser(conf, args);
//set the configuration back, so that Tool can configure itself
//get the args w/o generic hadoop args
String[] toolArgs = parser.getRemainingArgs();
return tool.run(toolArgs);
* Runs the <code>Tool</code> with its <code>Configuration</code>.
* Equivalent to <code>run(tool.getConf(), tool, args)</code>.
* @param tool <code>Tool</code> to run.
* @param args command-line arguments to the tool.
* @return exit code of the {@link Tool#run(String[])} method.
public static int run(Tool tool, String[] args)
throws Exception{
return run(tool.getConf(), tool, args);
* Prints generic command-line argurments and usage information.
* @param out stream to write usage information to.
public static void printGenericCommandUsage(PrintStream out) {
* Actual main entry-point for the program 表明是具体入口点
public int run(String [] args) {
if (options.getConf() == null) {
// Configuration wasn't initialized until after the ToolRunner
// got us to this point. ToolRunner gave Sqoop itself a Conf
// though.
try {
options = tool.parseArguments(args, null, options, false);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Couldn't parse arguments.
// Log the stack trace for this exception
LOG.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
// Print exception message.
// Print the tool usage message and exit.
ToolOptions toolOpts = new ToolOptions();
return 1; // Exit on exception here.
return tool.run(options);
* Run an import job to read a table in to HDFS.
* @param tableName the database table to read; may be null if a free-form
* query is specified in the SqoopOptions, and the ImportJobBase subclass
* supports free-form queries.
* @param ormJarFile the Jar file to insert into the dcache classpath.
* (may be null)
* @param splitByCol the column of the database table to use to split
* the import
* @param conf A fresh Hadoop Configuration to use to build an MR job.
* @throws IOException if the job encountered an IO problem
* @throws ImportException if the job failed unexpectedly or was
* misconfigured.
public void runImport(String tableName, String ormJarFile, String splitByCol,
Configuration conf) throws IOException, ImportException {
if (null != tableName) {
LOG.info("Beginning import of " + tableName);
} else {
LOG.info("Beginning query import.");
String tableClassName =
new TableClassName(options).getClassForTable(tableName);
loadJars(conf, ormJarFile, tableClassName);
try {
Job job = new Job(conf);
// Set the external jar to use for the job.
job.getConfiguration().set("mapred.jar", ormJarFile);
configureInputFormat(job, tableName, tableClassName, splitByCol);
configureOutputFormat(job, tableName, tableClassName);
configureMapper(job, tableName, tableClassName);
cacheJars(job, getContext().getConnManager());
boolean success = runJob(job);//提交运行
if (!success) {
throw new ImportException("Import job failed!");
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {
throw new IOException(ie);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
throw new IOException(cnfe);
} finally {