Unity5.3中的Candela SSRR

Advanced Next Gen AAA Screen Space Ray-Traced Reflections for Unity 5®


Candela SSRR V2 Highlights


Candela V2 is the all new complete and simple to use AAA Quality highly optimized Physically accurate PBS based Advanced Screen Space Ray-traced Reflection Solution for Unity 5 Pro & Personal.


V2 brings comprehensive Unity 5 compatibility together with significant performance/ quality enhancements and a unified PBS workflow! Your ability to add advanced ray-traced reflections to your Unity Project is now at your fingertips.


• Candela SSRR V2 is now Physically correct and PBS ready in all respects. Increasing quality and performance significantly while making it easier to integrate into your projects. The general workflow paradigm is now based on PBS principals regardless if you are using the New Unity 5 Standard shaders or the legacy shaders.


• Complete support for Unity 5 Professional & Personal. Which means it works with All Render Paths and All Shaders. Supporting almost all platforms, OpenGL, OpenGL ES3 DirectX 9, DirectX 11. New Deferred Shading, Forward Rendering and Legacy Deferred Lighting.


Across the board minimum 2 - 6X Times Performance Increase! now possible & viable to use with new Mobile platforms supporting OpenGLES 3.0. Candela V2 provides the highest performance to Quality ratio comparable to any other solution on any engine..Period


• 2 New Physically correct Convolutions to choose from - no more slow and incorrect Bilateral Blur! Very closely matching Unity 5 PBS / IBL and Reflection probe convolution for correct blending. Multiple performance options can now be easily selected suitable for your project withing the new Editor Inspector GUI. *This is a very important new feature if SSR needs to be blended with other reflections, as if it is not implemented correctly the SSR results will tend to 'swim' over the scene, exhibiting low frequency temporal issues.


• SSR Shimmer Reduction & Highlight Compression! i.e. Physically Based shading (PBS) such as the one utilized by Unity 5 is susceptible to high frequency highlight shimmer primarily caused by very high specular values. Screen Space Reflections can intensify this as sub-pixel motion increases. Also as roughness becomes high (more blurry), these sub-pixel highlights will cause distracting low - mid frequency shimmer during convolution. Candela V2 reduces this significantly. 


PBS Metallic & Specular Color now effect SSR reflection Color! Occlusion Chanel can also be used when activated in the standard (or standard specular) shader.


• New & much improved Physically Based Compose blend mode - Candela SSRR V2 uses a new cleaner 'Masking' Texture to compose SSR on top of the scene making it much more Physically plausible than just ' additive blend ' with the visible scene. Now, dark reflections or scene objects in shadow will reflect correctly. Specular highlights from shading can now be masked by reflected visibility (to a certain extend in screen-space).


• Roughness values or textures correctly contribute to glossiness (roughness blur and grazing angle blur) i.e. Perfect mirror reflections are maintained at low roughness ( which means no blur on contact reflections) and progressively increase glossiness as roughness increases (while respecting graze angles as they work together)


• Highly improved Ray Distance Traversal based reflection fall off. Fresnel fall off only is not adequate as far away (distant objects) reflections (such as the sky) etc. will not be covered unless a ray distance based fall off also modulates reflections.


Much improved Sky Reflections - Candela V2 Can reflect Any Sky object such as the Default Unity 5 Sky system or any other third party sky/ cloud system. This is imperative if you wish to blend Unity 5 probe based reflections with SSR.


• Cleaner and leaner inspector UI which is much more intuitive with Performance & Quality target selections right at the top making it a breeze to use.
