
SELECT id,title,cs,ssid,nf,yf,lx,sfleaf from  
(SELECT nf||yf id,yf||'月份' title,count(1)||'次' cs,'-1' ssid,nf,yf,null lx,'false' sfleaf FROM JYGL_SJSBYB  
WHERE 1=1 and (dwh=:p_dwh or :p_dwh is null) and nf=:p_year group by nf,yf order by to_number(yf))  
union all  
SELECT id,title,cs,ssid,nf,yf,lx,sfleaf from  
(SELECT nf||yf||lx id,case lx  
when 'jygz' then '就业工作会议情况'  
when 'zcxc' then '政策宣传情况'  
when 'jbxx' then '基本信息'  
when 'zph' then '招聘会'  
when 'zpjh' then '招聘计划'  
when 'xjh' then '宣讲会'  
when 'jzzt' then '讲座专题'  
when 'yrdw' then '用人单位跟踪调研'  
else '就业科研情况'  
title,count(1)||'次' cs,nf||yf ssid,nf,yf,lx,'false' sfleaf FROM JYGL_SJSBYB  
where 1=1 and (dwh=:p_dwh or :p_dwh is null) and nf=:p_year 
group by nf,yf,lx order by to_number(nf),to_number(yf))  
union all  
SELECT id,title,cs,ssid,nf,yf,lx,sfleaf from  
(SELECT nf||yf||lx||'-'||dwh id,dw.dwmc title,count(1)||'次' cs,nf||yf||lx ssid,nf,yf,lx,'true' sfleaf FROM JYGL_SJSBYB  
left join xtgl_dwjbsjzl dw on dwh = dw.dwdm  
where 1=1 and (dwh=:p_dwh or :p_dwh is null) and nf=:p_year 
group by nf,yf,lx,dwh,dw.dwmc order by to_number(nf),to_number(yf))



                    JSFUtils.setExpressionValue("#{pageFlowScope.dwhSjVo}", dwh);
                    JSFUtils.setExpressionValue("#{pageFlowScope.yearSjVo}", String.valueOf(year));
                    JyglTreeSjVoImpl treeSjVo = jyglAMImpl.getJyglTreeSjVo1(); //查询tree数据(按项目查看)

   vo绑定变量,通过EL表达式:adf.context.pageFlowScope.yearSjVo 传入参数,MB中使用JSFUtils为绑定变量传入参数,然后model层设置tree步骤和平常一样。

------摘自就业管理数据上报(按 项目/时间 查看)
