HLSL Shading for 3dsMax 03 - Specular Lighting

Create a Shader to Implement the Phong and Blinn-Phong Specular Lighting.

1.Study of the Phong Specular Lighting from <<Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 10>>

HLSL Shading for 3dsMax 03 - Specular Lighting_第1张图片

2.the Blinn Modification to Phong

HLSL Shading for 3dsMax 03 - Specular Lighting_第2张图片

the major different between Phong and Blinn is the H(Half) vector, Phong calculate reflectance between R and V, the Blinn calculate with H and N(Normal).

3.Shader Source

float4x4 wvp : WorldViewProjection <string UIWidget="None" ;>;
float4x4 w : World <string UIWidget="None";>;
float4x4 vi: ViewInverse <string UIWidget="None";>;

float4 LightPosition : POSITION
	string UIName="Light Position";
	string Object="PointLight";
	string Space="World";
	int refID=0;
> =float4(100,100,100,0);

float4 LightColor: LIGHTCOLOR
	int LightRef=0;
> =float4(1,1,1,0);

float Glossiness
	string UIName="Glossiness";
	int UIMin=1;
	int UIMax=99;
	int UIStep=1;
> = 0;

float SpecularLevel
	string UIName="Specular Level";
	int UIMin=0;
	int UIMax=99;
	int UIStep=1;
> = 0;

bool EnableSpecular
	string UIName="Enable Specular Lighting";
> = true;

struct VS_INPUT
	float4 Pos: POSITION;
	float4 Normal: NORMAL;

struct VS_OUTPUT
	float4 Pos : POSITION0;
	float3 L: TEXCOORD0;
	float3 N: TEXCOORD1;
	float3 V: TEXCOORD2;

VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
	VS_OUTPUT Result;
	Result.Pos = mul(Input.Pos,wvp);
	float3 worldPos=mul(Input.Pos,w);
	return Result;

float4 ps_main(VS_OUTPUT Input):COLOR
	float3 N=normalize(Input.N);
	float3 L=normalize(Input.L);
	float3 V=normalize(Input.V);
	float3 H=normalize(L+V);
	float NdotL=max(0.0f,dot(N,L));
	float NdotH=max(0.0f,dot(H,N));
	float3 Diffuse=LightColor*NdotL;
	float3 Specular=EnableSpecular?Glossiness*pow(NdotH,SpecularLevel):0;
	return float4(Diffuse+Specular,1);

float4 ps_phong_main(VS_OUTPUT Input):COLOR
	float3 N=normalize(Input.N);
	float3 L=normalize(Input.L);
	float3 V=normalize(Input.V);
	float3 R=-reflect(L,N);
	float NdotL=max(0,dot(N,L));
	float RdotV=max(0,dot(R,V));
	float3 Diffuse=LightColor*NdotL;
	float3 Specular=EnableSpecular?Glossiness*pow(RdotV,SpecularLevel):0;
	return float4(Diffuse+Specular,1);

technique BlinnSpecular
	pass Blinn
		VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 vs_main();
		PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 ps_main();

technique PhongSpecular
	pass Phong
		VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 vs_main();
		PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 ps_phong_main();

Specular lighting disabled
HLSL Shading for 3dsMax 03 - Specular Lighting_第3张图片

Phong and Blinn compares
HLSL Shading for 3dsMax 03 - Specular Lighting_第4张图片

HLSL Shading for 3dsMax 03 - Specular Lighting_第5张图片

HLSL Shading for 3dsMax 03 - Specular Lighting_第6张图片

HLSL Shading for 3dsMax 03 - Specular Lighting_第7张图片

HLSL Shading for 3dsMax 03 - Specular Lighting_第8张图片

HLSL Shading for 3dsMax 03 - Specular Lighting_第9张图片
