Learn In 2016 | 2016最值得学的框架与语言


The Trends                             |趋势

Shift from the backend to the frontend      | 后台转前端

Quick browsers releases                               | Edge发布

The death of Flash                                         |Flash之死

Learn In 2016 | 2016最值得学的框架与语言_第1张图片

Languages and Platforms  | 语言与平台

Python 3.5 was released this year with a lot of new features like Asyncio, which gives you a node.js-like event loop, and type hints. As a whole Python 3 is finally gaining popularity and we heavily recommend it over the older Python 2. Nearly all libraries are available for Python 3 and now is a good time to upgrade your legacy code base.

|  Python 3.5 带着很多新功能来了(如Asyncio),提供了类似node-js的事件循环和类型提示。Python3.5和Python 3终于开始流行,这里强烈推荐替换掉旧的Python 2。Python 3.5支持所有Python 3的库,现在正是升级代码的好时机。

PHP 7 is a major new version that fixes a number of issues and brings new features and speed (see an overview here). PHP 7 is around twice as fast as PHP 5.6, which will have a big impact on large codebases and CMS systems like WordPress and Drupal. We recommend PHP The Right Way, which was updated for version 7. And if you need even more speed and don’t mind switching to an alternative runtime, check out HHVM, which Facebook uses and develops to run their website.

| PHP 7  修复了很多bug并带来了全新的性能(概述)。PHP7几乎是PHP 5.6的两倍快,在大型代码库中以及 WordPress、 Drupal等CMS上会有明显效果。PHP The Right Way,,php之道,这里是个学习PHP7比较好的站点。

JavaScript also saw updates in the form of the ES2015 standard (used to be known as ES6). It brings us exciting new features and additions to the language. Thanks to most browsers adopting quick release schedules, support for ES2015 is great, and there is Babel.js which will help you bring your code to older browsers.

| JavaScript 也在ES2015标准下(通常被称为ES6)为我们带来了令人激动的新功能。大多数浏览器的支持很快,也可以使用Babel.js让代码运行在版本低的浏览器上。

Node.js saw a lot of changes this year, with the community splitting between Node.js and io.js, and then joining forces again. As a result we now have an actively maintained project with lots of contributors and two versions of Node – a solid LTS (long term support) release, which gives stability for long lived projects and large companies, and a non-lts version which is quick to add new JavaScript features.

| Node.js 也有非常多的变化:Node.js和io.js的分裂、联合。因此也有了许多积极贡献者和两个版本的Node---1.较为稳定的LTS发行版,适合长周期项目和大公司;2.non-lts版本,发行很快有JS最新的功能。

Swift 2 was released earlier this year. This is Apple’s vision for a modern programming language that eases the development of apps on iOS and OS X. As of a few weeks ago, Swift is open source and has already been ported on Linux. This means that it is now possible to build backends and server side software with it.

|  Swift 2  在早些时候发布了。几周前Swift 2开源并且已经可以移植到Linux,这意味着可以用它建立后台及服务端。

Go 1.5 was released a few months ago, and brough major architectural changes. In 2015 it has grown in popularity and has been adopted in leading startups and open source projects. The language itself is relatively simple, so learning it will be a weekend well spent.

|  Go 1.5 在几个月前发布了,有重大结构变化。Go 1.5 在2015年逐渐流行起来,并且已经被主流的创业公司和开源项目使用。这个语言相对简单,weekend well spent

TypeScript is a staticly typed language which compiles to JavaScript. It is developed by Microsoft and has perfect integration with Visual Studio and the open source Visual Studio Code editors. It will soon be quite popular, as the upcoming Angular 2 is written in it. Static typing benefits large teams and large code bases the most, so if one of these applies to you, or you are just curious, you should give TypeScript a try.

For the adventurous, you can try out one the functional languages like Haskell or Clojure. There are also interesting high performance languages like Rust and Elixir. If you are looking for a programming job, career languages like Java (which has some nice features in its 8th version) and C# (which thanks to Visual Studio Code and .net core can be run and developed cross platform) would be a good investment of your time in 2016.

Learn one or more of these: Python 3, Go, PHP 7, ES2015, Node.js, Swift, TypeScript

Learn In 2016 | 2016最值得学的框架与语言_第2张图片

JavaScript Frameworks | JS框架

  • Angular.js

  • React

  • Polymer 1.0

  • Ember.js 

  • Vue.js

Learn In 2016 | 2016最值得学的框架与语言_第3张图片

Frontend | 前端

  • Bootstrap

  • Foundation

  • MDL

  • SASS

  • Less

  • PostCSS

Backend | 后端

  • A full stack backend framework

For PHP you have Symfony, Zend, Laravel (andLumen, its new lightweight alternative for APIs), Slim and more. For Python – Django and Flask. For Ruby – Rails andSinatra. For Java – Play and Spark. For Node.js you have Express, Hapi and Sails.js, and for Go you have Revel.

  • AWS Lambda

  • A static site generator: Jekyll and Octopress 

Learn In 2016 | 2016最值得学的框架与语言_第4张图片

CMS | 内容管理系统

  •  WordPress

  • Drupal 8

Learn In 2016 | 2016最值得学的框架与语言_第5张图片

Databases | 数据库

  • Redis

  • RethinkDB

  • MySQL/MariaDB

  • PostgreSQL

Learn In 2016 | 2016最值得学的框架与语言_第6张图片

Mobile Apps | 移动应用

  • Ionic framework

  • React Native

  • Meteor

Learn In 2016 | 2016最值得学的框架与语言_第7张图片

Editors and Tools | 编辑器与工具

  •  Atom 

  •  Visual Studio Code

  • NPM

  • Git 

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