Fortify SCA

 Fortify SCA简介
   Fortify SCA 是一个静态的、白盒的软件源代码安全测试工具。它通过内置的五大主要分析引擎:数据流、语义、结构、控制流、配置流等对应用软件的源代码进行静态的分析,分析的过程中与它特有的软件安全漏洞规则集进行全面地匹配、查找,从而将源代码中存在的安全漏洞扫描出来,并给予整理报告。扫描的结果中不但包括详细的安全漏洞的信息,还会有相关的安全知识的说明,以及修复意见的提供。

1.Fortify SCA 扫描引擎介绍:
   Foritfy SCA主要包含的五大分析引擎:
?? 数据流引擎:跟踪,记录并分析程序中的数据传递过程所产生的安全问题。
?? 语义引擎:分析程序中不安全的函数,方法的使用的安全问题。
?? 结构引擎:分析程序上下文环境,结构中的安全问题。
?? 控制流引擎:分析程序特定时间,状态下执行操作指令的安全问题。
?? 配置引擎:分析项目配置文件中的敏感信息和配置缺失的安全问题。
?? 特有的X-Tier™跟踪器:跨跃项目的上下层次,贯穿程序来综合分析问题

2. Fortify SCA 的工作原理:
   Foritfy SCA 首先通过调用语言的编译器或者解释器把前端的语言代码(如JAVA,C/C++源代码)转换成一种中间媒体文件NST(Normal Syntax Tree)将其源代码之间的调用关系,执行环境,上下文等分析清楚。然后再通过上述的五大分析引擎从五个切面来分析这个NST,匹配所有规则库中的漏洞特征,一旦发现漏洞就抓取出来。最后形成包含详细漏洞信息的FPR结果文件,用AWB打开查看。

 Fortify SCA 扫描的结果如下:
   Fortify SCA 的结果文件为.FPR文件,包括详细的漏洞信息:漏洞分类,漏洞产生的全路径,漏洞所在的源代码行,漏洞的详细说明及修复建议等。如下图:

3.Fortify SCA支持的平台:

4.Fortify SCA支持的编程语言:

5.Fortify SCA plug-In 支持的有:

6.Fortify SCA目前能够扫描的安全漏洞种类有:
   目前Fortify SCA可以扫描出约300种漏洞,Fortify将所有安全漏洞整理分类,根据开发语言分项目,再细分为8个大类,约300个子类,具体详细信息可登录Fortify 官方网站"> 进行查询:

Code Correctness: Call to GC.Collect()

Missing Check against Null

Object Model Violation: Just One of Equals() and GetHashCode() Defined

Often Misused: Authentication

Unchecked Return Value

Code Correctness: Class Implements ICloneable

Code Correctness: Missing [Serializable] Attribute

Code Correctness: Misspelled Method Name

Code Correctness: null Argument to Equals()

Dead Code: Unused Field

Dead Code: Unused Method

Null Dereference


Unreleased Resource

JavaScript Hijacking: Vulnerable Framework

Poor Logging Practice: Use of a System Output Stream

System Information Leak

Trust Boundary Violation

ASP.NET Misconfiguration: Request Validation Disabled

ASP.NET Misconfiguration: Trace Output

Poor Error Handling: Empty Catch Block

Poor Error Handling: Overly Broad Catch

Poor Error Handling: Program Catches NullReferenceException

Command Injection

Cross-Site Scripting

Denial of Service

HTTP Response Splitting

Log Forging

Path Manipulation

Resource Injection

SQL Injection

SQL Injection: NHibernate

Setting Manipulation

ASP.NET Bad Practices: Use of Impersonation Context

ASP.NET Misconfiguration: Persistent Authentication

Access Control: Database

Insecure Randomness

Password Management

Password Management: Hardcoded Password

Password Management: Weak Cryptography

Privacy Violation

ASP.NET Bad Practices: Non-Serializable Object Stored in Session

Code Correctness: Call to System.gc()

Code Correctness: Erroneous finalize() Method

EJB Bad Practices: Use of AWT/Swing

EJB Bad Practices: Use of Class Loader

EJB Bad Practices: Use of Sockets

EJB Bad Practices: Use of Synchronization Primitives

EJB Bad Practices: Use of

J2EE Bad Practices: Sockets

J2EE Bad Practices: getConnection

Missing Check against Null

Missing Check for Null Parameter

Object Model Violation: Erroneous clone() Method

Object Model Violation: Just one of equals() and hashCode() Defined

Often Misused: Authentication

Poor Style: Explicit Call to finalize()

Statistical: Checked Return Value

Statistical: Function Return Unused

Statistical: Unassigned Return Value

Unchecked Return Value

Code Correctness: Call to

Code Correctness: Class Does Not Implement Cloneable

Code Correctness: Erroneous Class Compare

Code Correctness: Erroneous String Compare

Code Correctness: Misspelled Method Name

Code Correctness: null Argument to equals()

Dead Code: Expression is Always false

Dead Code: Expression is Always true

Dead Code: Unused Field

Dead Code: Unused Method

Null Dereference


Poor Style: Confusing Naming

Poor Style: Empty Synchronized Block

Poor Style: Identifier Contains Dollar Symbol ($)

Poor Style: Redundant Initialization

Poor Style: Value Never Read

Unreleased Resource: Database

Unreleased Resource: Streams

J2EE Bad Practices: Leftover Debug Code

JavaScript Hijacking: Ad Hoc Ajax

JavaScript Hijacking: Vulnerable Framework

Poor Logging Practice: Logger Not Declared Static Final

Poor Logging Practice: Multiple Loggers

Poor Logging Practice: Use of a System Output Stream

System Information Leak

System Information Leak: Missing Catch Block

Trust Boundary Violation

Unsafe Mobile Code: Access Violation

Unsafe Mobile Code: Inner Class

Unsafe Mobile Code: Public finalize() Method

Unsafe Mobile Code: Unsafe Array Declaration

Unsafe Mobile Code: Unsafe Public Field

Poor Error Handling: Empty Catch Block

Poor Error Handling: Overly Broad Catch

Poor Error Handling: Overly Broad Throws

Poor Error Handling: Program Catches NullPointerException

Poor Error Handling: Return inside Finally

Poor Error Handling: Unhandled SSL Exception

Command Injection

Cross-Site Scripting

Denial of Service

HTTP Response Splitting

Log Forging (debug)

Log Forging

Missing XML Validation

NUMBER Taint Sources

Path Manipulation

Process Control

Resource Injection

SQL Injection

SQL Injection: Hibernate

Setting Manipulation

Struts: Erroneous validate() Method

Unsafe JNI

Unsafe Reflection

Access Control: Database

Insecure Randomness

Password Management

Password Management: Hardcoded Password

Password Management: Password in Redirect

Password Management: Weak Cryptography

Privacy Violation

Code Correctness: Double-Checked Locking

J2EE Bad Practices: Non-Serializable Object Stored in Session

J2EE Bad Practices: System.exit

J2EE Bad Practices: Threads

Race Condition: Singleton Member Field

Race Condition: Static Database Connection

Session Fixation

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