SharePoint 2013 - Upgrade

1. 升级到SP2013时,需要对data connection文件(UDCX文件)进行修改:

1. Mark all UDCX File (Ctrl + A) and open them.
2. Find <!--udc:Authentication><udc:SSO AppId='' CredentialType='' /></udc:Authentication-->
3. Replace with: <udc:Authentication><udc:SSO AppId='' CredentialType='NTLM' /></udc:Authentication>

2. SharePoint 2013中依然可以使用"ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded" method,但是 在SharePoint 2013 中提供了一个更好的方法 "executeFunc",参考此处;

//SharePoint 2013 Code:

SP.SOD.executeFunc('sp.js', 'SP.ClientContext', sharePointReady);

function sharePointReady() {
//SharePoint 2010 Code:

ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(sharePointReady, "sp.js");

function sharePointReady() {

ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded only works with scripts which are loaded by default on the page (OnDemand=False). It's sole purpose is to make sure that the function is called only after the script has completed loading. 

executeFunc works with scripts which are not loaded on the page by default (OnDemand=True). It's job is to load the mentioned script on the page and then call the function.

3. SharePoint 2013中的Media web part在 IE11中打开时不能编辑(不会显示Media Ribbon Group),但在IE 9 中可以正常使用;这是MS的一个bug,目前无解;

4. SharePoint 2013的InfoPath Form中 的TextBox 控件,在显示多行文字时,不能正确地换行(text is not wrapping correctly),见下图:

SharePoint 2013 - Upgrade_第1张图片

解决方法很简单,只需要在InfoPath web form页面启用 Enterprise Mode即可,或者也可以参考此文章,添加如下样式:

    white-space: pre-line !important;


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