HDU 1002 A + B Problem II 高精度加法

Problem Description
I have a very simple problem for you. Given two integers A and B, your job is to calculate the Sum of A + B.
The first line of the input contains an integer T(1<=T<=20) which means the number of test cases. Then T lines follow, each line consists of two positive integers, A and B. Notice that the integers are very large, that means you should not process them by using 32-bit integer. You may assume the length of each integer will not exceed 1000.
For each test case, you should output two lines. The first line is "Case #:", # means the number of the test case. The second line is the an equation "A + B = Sum", Sum means the result of A + B. Note there are some spaces int the equation. Output a blank line between two test cases.
Sample Input
1 2
112233445566778899 998877665544332211
Sample Output
Case 1:
1 + 2 = 3
Case 2:
112233445566778899 + 998877665544332211 = 1111111111111111110
这道题就是A+Bproblem的坑爹版本,数据很大,不能像原本可以直接long long 过掉,所以要用到一个神奇的东西,高精度加法。。
0001 1000
00 00
000 0000
99999 0001
1 99999
99990 00999
00999 99990
 1 var a,b:ansistring;
 2  c,d,e:array[1..1010] of integer;
 3  n,m:int64;
 4  x,ii:longint;
 5  bo:boolean;
 6    j,i:integer;
 7    begin
 8      readln(x);
 9      for ii:=1 to x do
10      begin
11      fillchar(e,sizeof(e),0);
12      fillchar(c,sizeof(c),0);
13      fillchar(d,sizeof(d),0);
14      readln(b);
15      bo:=false;
16      n:=pos(' ',b);
17      a:=copy(b,1,n-1);
18      delete(b,1,n);
19      m:=length(a);
20      n:=length(b);
21      if ii<>1 then
22      writeln;
23      write('Case ');
24      write(ii);
25      writeln(':');
26      write(a);
27      write(' + ');
28      write(b);
29      write(' = ');
30      if n>=m then j:=n else j:=m;
31      for i:=m downto 1 do
32      begin
33      val(a[i],c[m+1-i]);
34      end;
35       for i:= n downto 1 do
36       begin
37        val(b[i],d[n+1-i]);
38       end;
39         for i:=1 to j do
40         begin
41         e[i]:=c[i]+d[i]+e[i];
43         e[i+1]:=e[i] div 10 +e[i+1];
44           e[i]:=e[i] mod 10 ;
45         end;
46         if e[j+1]=0 then dec(j);
47         i:=j+1;
48         while (i>0)do
49         begin
50         if (e[i]<>0) then
51         begin
52         write(e[i]);
53         bo:=true;
54                 dec(i);
55         break;
56         end;
57         dec(i);
58         end;
59         while (i>0)do
60         begin
61         write(e[i]);
62         dec(i);
63         end;
64         if not bo
65         then write(0);
66         writeln;
67        end;
68      end.



你可能感兴趣的:(HDU 1002 A + B Problem II 高精度加法)