maven project 转化为eclipse project

There is actually a very easy solution for this. The mavenS W "eclipse:eclipse" goal will download any necessary dependencies and will update our project's .classpath to include these dependencies. The maven command using the eclipse:eclipse goal would be

mvn eclipse:eclipse

导入到eclipse ide后,项目有个红色的感叹号,看起来很碍眼。原因在于java bulid path出问题。


The maven eclipseS W plugin requires an M2_REPO classpathW variable. This variable needs to point to the local maven repository. On my machine, this is located at C:\dev\m2repo. I went to Window → Preferences and JavaS W → Build Path → Classpath Variables. I clicked the New button and created the M2_REPO classpath variable and pointed it to my local maven repository.


生成的eclipse项目的配置文件.classpath 中如下一段代码:


<classpathentry kind="var" path="M2_REPO/junit/junit/3.8.1/junit-3.8.1.jar"/>





