iPad iOS8.0升级和Xcode 6.0.1发布了,附Xcode 6.0.1下载地址

       今天上午把iPad mini升级到了iOS 8.0,升级提示需要6.7G空间,无奈只好把一些大的App删掉腾冲空间,然后开始升级,3小时后终于升级成功了。 

      下午试着把我们的App通过xcode 5 安装到升级到iOS8.0的iPad,结果不能识别设备了,于是到开发者中心下载最新的xcode6.0.1, 针对OS X 10.9.4系统的。注意:

      Xcode 6.1 beta 2 for OS X Yosemite 是针对最新的Yosemite系统的,根据我们同事的测试,Yosemite系统现在本身稳定性还可以,但一些第三方软件兼容性还有问题,例如企业QQ不能运行。



iPad iOS8.0升级和Xcode 6.0.1发布了,附Xcode 6.0.1下载地址_第1张图片

What’s new in Xcode 6.

Xcode 6 introduces a radically new way to design and build software. Swift is an innovative new programming language for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch and, when combined with Xcode tools, makes programming a delightfully live experience. This same live experience permeates throughout Xcode 6. Live rendering within Interface Builder displays your hand-written UI code within the design canvas, instantly reflecting changes you type in code. And the new view debugger explodes all the UI layers into a 3D visualization, making it easy to understand how your interface is composed, and identify overlapping or clipping views. Watch the "What's New in Xcode 6" video
