Five words per week, we are on the right track! [2005-06-03]

Five words per week, we are on the right track! [2005-06-03]

1.  magnet
    Pronunciation: 'mag-n&t
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English magnete, from Middle French, from Latin magnet-, magnes, from Greek magnEs (lithos), literally, stone of Magnesia, ancient city in Asia Minor
    1 a : LODESTONE b : a body having the property of attracting iron and producing a magnetic field external to itself; specifically : a mass of iron, steel, or alloy that has this property artificially imparted (磁铁)
    2 : something that attracts (有吸引力的东西)   
   <A box-office magnet>          
    Example: Augmentum is a magnet for developers.

2. unpredictable
    Function: adjective
    Text: likely to change frequently, suddenly, or unexpectedly (意想不到的)
            <unpredictable spring weather that makes it really hard to know what to wear>

    Example: We always met unpredictable bugs when real user begin to use our system.

3. cynical
    Pronunciation: 'si-ni-k&l
    Function: adjective
    2 : having or showing the attitude or temper of a cynic : as
        a : contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives (愤世嫉俗的)
        <Those cynical men who say that democracy cannot be honest and efficient -- F. D. Roosevelt>
        b : based on or reflecting a belief that human conduct is motivated primarily by self-interest (犬儒主义)
        <A cynical ploy cheat customers to>  
    Example: Do not make cynical remarks when I'm in trouble.

4. cereal
    Pronunciation: 'sir-E-&l
    Function: noun
    1 : a plant (as a grass) yielding starchy grain suitable for food; also : its grain (谷物)
    2 : a prepared foodstuff of grain (as oatmeal or cornflakes) (由谷物制成的食品)
    Function: adjective
    Etymology: French or Latin; French céréale, from Latin cerealis of Ceres, of grain, from Ceres
    : relating to grain or to the plants that produce it; also : made of grain (由谷物制成的)
    Example: Some people take cereal as their breakfast.

5. ponder
    Pronunciation: 'pän-d&r
    Function: verb
    Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French ponderer, from Latin ponderare to weigh, ponder, from ponder-, pondus weight -- more at PENDANT
    transitive senses
    1 : to weigh in the mind : APPRAISE (衡量)
        <pondered their chances of success>
    2 : to think about : reflect on (反思)
        <pondered the events of the day>
    intransitive senses
    : to think or consider especially quietly, soberly, and deeply (深思熟虑)
    Example: I'm pondering whether or not I should join another club.

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