1.ant hibernate:由class xdoclet 得到映射.
2.hbm2ddl action
2.2.建立hbm2ddl标签并建create table sql 文件
2.3.执行sql文件 basicData.sql ; test.sql
3.junit 集成测试
lib 需要
- commons-collections-2.0.jar
- commons-logging.jar
- dom4j-1.6.1.jar
- hibernate3.jar
- hibernate-tools.jar
- junit.jar
- mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar
- xdoclet-1.2.3.jar
- xdoclet-hibernate-module-1.2.3.jar
- xdoclet-xdoclet-module-1.2.3.jar
- xjavadoc-1.1.jar
+-- basicData.sql 系统数据库建表
|-- build-dist.properties 项目配置
|--test.sql 插入测试数据
xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"
< project name ="XDoclet Examples" basedir ="." >
< property name ="xdoclet.root.dir" value ="${basedir}/.." />
< property file ="${xdoclet.root.dir}/build.properties" />
< property file ="./ant/build-dist.properties" />
< path id ="hibernatedoclet.class.path" >
< fileset dir ="${xdoclet2.lib.dir}" >
< include name ="*.jar" />
</ fileset >
</ path >
< path id ="tproject.class.path" >
< fileset dir ="${tproject.lib}" >
< include name ="**/*.jar" />
</ fileset >
< fileset dir ="${tproject.classpath}" >
< include name ="**/*.*" />
</ fileset >
< fileset dir ="${xdoclet2.lib.dir}" >
< include name ="*.jar" />
</ fileset >
</ path >
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Initialise -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
< target name ="init" >
< tstamp >
< format property ="Ttstamp" pattern ="yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss" />
</ tstamp >
< taskdef name ="hibernatedoclet" classname ="xdoclet.modules.hibernate.HibernateDocletTask" classpathref ="hibernatedoclet.class.path" />
</ target >
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Invoke XDoclet's hibernate -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
< target name ="hibernate" depends ="init" description ="Generate mapping documents (run jar first)" >
< echo > +---------------------------------------------------+ </ echo >
< echo > | | </ echo >
< echo > | R U N N I N G H I B E R N A T E D O C L E T | </ echo >
< echo > | | </ echo >
< echo > +---------------------------------------------------+ </ echo >
< hibernatedoclet destdir ="${tproject.conf}" excludedtags ="@version,@author,@todo,@see" addedtags ="@xdoclet-generated at ${TODAY},@copyright The XDoclet Team,@author XDoclet,@version ${version}" force ="${samples.xdoclet.force}" verbose ="true" >
<!-- hibernate 需要维护的 fileset -->
< fileset dir ="demo" >
< include name ="**/*Bean.java" />
</ fileset >
< hibernate version ="3.0" />
</ hibernatedoclet >
</ target >
<!-- ===================================================================
hbm2ddl action
2.建立hbm2ddl标签并建create table sql 文件
=================================================================== -->
< target name ="hbm2ddl" depends ="init" >
< echo > this->create table ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 </ echo >
< echo > --c:\\my.ini-- </ echo >
< echo >
</ echo >
< property name ="this.sql.path" value ="${tproject.conf.sql}/${Ttstamp}" />
< mkdir dir ="${this.sql.path}" />
< echo message ="for ${hibernate.cfg.xml.dir} -> ${hibernate.cfg.xml.file}" />
< property name ="sql.file" value ="hbm2ddl.sql" />
< echo message =" dump mysql database - > ${use.database}" />
< property name ="hibernate.cfg.jdbc.url" value ="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/${use.database}?characterEncoding=${characterEncoding}" />
< property name ="dbAction.jdbc.url" value ="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql?characterEncoding=${characterEncoding}" />
<!-- 1.备份数据库,并重建数据库 -->
< sql driver ="${hibernate.cfg.driver}" url ="${dbAction.jdbc.url}" userid ="${hibernate.cfg.username}" password ="${hibernate.cfg.password}" print ="yes" >
< classpath refid ="tproject.class.path" />
create database if not exists ${use.database} ;
</ sql >
< exec executable ="cmd" >
< arg line ="/c ${mysql.home}/bin/mysqldump --opt ${use.database} -u${hibernate.cfg.username} > ${this.sql.path}/dump.sql" />
</ exec >
< sql driver ="${hibernate.cfg.driver}" url ="${dbAction.jdbc.url}" userid ="${hibernate.cfg.username}" password ="${hibernate.cfg.password}" print ="yes" >
< classpath refid ="tproject.class.path" />
drop database if exists ${use.database} ;
create database ${use.database} ;
</ sql >
<!-- 建立hbm2ddl标签并建create table sql 文件 -->
< taskdef name ="hbm2ddl" classname ="org.hibernate.tool.ant.HibernateToolTask" classpathref ="hibernatedoclet.class.path" >
< classpath location ="${tproject.conf}" >
</ classpath >
< classpath >
< path >
< fileset dir ="${tproject.conf}" >
< include name ="**/*.hbm.xml" />
</ fileset >
</ path >
</ classpath >
</ taskdef >
< echo message =" hbm2ddl database by - > ${use.database} ${hibernate.cfg.xml.file} " />
< echo message =" hbm2ddl path = ${this.sql.path} " />
< echo message =" hbm2ddl file = ${sql.file} " />
< hbm2ddl destdir ="${this.sql.path}" >
< configuration configurationfile ="${hibernate.cfg.xml.file}" />
< hbm2ddl export ="false" console ="false" create ="true" update ="false" drop ="true" outputfilename ="${sql.file}" />
</ hbm2ddl >
<!-- 执行sql文件 -->
< sql driver ="${hibernate.cfg.driver}" url ="${hibernate.cfg.jdbc.url}" userid ="${hibernate.cfg.username}" password ="${hibernate.cfg.password}" onerror ="continue" print ="yes" src ="${this.sql.path}/${sql.file}" classpathref ="hibernatedoclet.class.path" />
< sql driver ="${hibernate.cfg.driver}" url ="${hibernate.cfg.jdbc.url}" userid ="${hibernate.cfg.username}" password ="${hibernate.cfg.password}" onerror ="continue" print ="yes" src ="./ant/basicData.sql" classpathref ="hibernatedoclet.class.path" />
< sql driver ="${hibernate.cfg.driver}" url ="${hibernate.cfg.jdbc.url}" userid ="${hibernate.cfg.username}" password ="${hibernate.cfg.password}" onerror ="continue" print ="yes" src ="./ant/test.sql" classpathref ="hibernatedoclet.class.path" />
</ target >
< target name ="make resource" >
< delete file ="${tproject.conf}/globalMessages_zh_CN.properties" >
</ delete >
< exec dir ="${tproject.conf}" executable ="native2ascii" >
< arg line ="
globalMessages_zh_CN.properties" />
</ exec >
</ target >
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- junit -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
< target name ="test" >
< mkdir dir ="${tproject.conf}/htmlreport" />
< mkdir dir ="${tproject.conf}/report" />
< junit >
< classpath refid ="tproject.class.path" />
< classpath path ="${tproject.classpath}" >
</ classpath >
< formatter type ="xml" />
< batchtest haltonfailure ="no" todir ="${tproject.conf}/report" >
<!-- junit 需要维护的 fileset -->
< fileset dir ="./demo" >
< include name ="**/Test*.java" />
</ fileset >
</ batchtest >
</ junit >
< junitreport todir ="${tproject.conf}/htmlreport" >
< fileset dir ="${tproject.conf}/report" >
< include name ="TEST-*.xml" />
</ fileset >
< report format ="noframes" todir ="${tproject.conf}/htmlreport" />
</ junitreport >
< echo message ="end test -> print->${tproject.conf}/htmlreport/junit-noframes.html " />
</ target >
</ project >
< project name ="XDoclet Examples" basedir ="." >
< property name ="xdoclet.root.dir" value ="${basedir}/.." />
< property file ="${xdoclet.root.dir}/build.properties" />
< property file ="./ant/build-dist.properties" />
< path id ="hibernatedoclet.class.path" >
< fileset dir ="${xdoclet2.lib.dir}" >
< include name ="*.jar" />
</ fileset >
</ path >
< path id ="tproject.class.path" >
< fileset dir ="${tproject.lib}" >
< include name ="**/*.jar" />
</ fileset >
< fileset dir ="${tproject.classpath}" >
< include name ="**/*.*" />
</ fileset >
< fileset dir ="${xdoclet2.lib.dir}" >
< include name ="*.jar" />
</ fileset >
</ path >
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Initialise -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
< target name ="init" >
< tstamp >
< format property ="Ttstamp" pattern ="yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss" />
</ tstamp >
< taskdef name ="hibernatedoclet" classname ="xdoclet.modules.hibernate.HibernateDocletTask" classpathref ="hibernatedoclet.class.path" />
</ target >
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Invoke XDoclet's hibernate -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
< target name ="hibernate" depends ="init" description ="Generate mapping documents (run jar first)" >
< echo > +---------------------------------------------------+ </ echo >
< echo > | | </ echo >
< echo > | R U N N I N G H I B E R N A T E D O C L E T | </ echo >
< echo > | | </ echo >
< echo > +---------------------------------------------------+ </ echo >
< hibernatedoclet destdir ="${tproject.conf}" excludedtags ="@version,@author,@todo,@see" addedtags ="@xdoclet-generated at ${TODAY},@copyright The XDoclet Team,@author XDoclet,@version ${version}" force ="${samples.xdoclet.force}" verbose ="true" >
<!-- hibernate 需要维护的 fileset -->
< fileset dir ="demo" >
< include name ="**/*Bean.java" />
</ fileset >
< hibernate version ="3.0" />
</ hibernatedoclet >
</ target >
<!-- ===================================================================
hbm2ddl action
2.建立hbm2ddl标签并建create table sql 文件
=================================================================== -->
< target name ="hbm2ddl" depends ="init" >
< echo > this->create table ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 </ echo >
< echo > --c:\\my.ini-- </ echo >
< echo >
</ echo >
< property name ="this.sql.path" value ="${tproject.conf.sql}/${Ttstamp}" />
< mkdir dir ="${this.sql.path}" />
< echo message ="for ${hibernate.cfg.xml.dir} -> ${hibernate.cfg.xml.file}" />
< property name ="sql.file" value ="hbm2ddl.sql" />
< echo message =" dump mysql database - > ${use.database}" />
< property name ="hibernate.cfg.jdbc.url" value ="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/${use.database}?characterEncoding=${characterEncoding}" />
< property name ="dbAction.jdbc.url" value ="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysql?characterEncoding=${characterEncoding}" />
<!-- 1.备份数据库,并重建数据库 -->
< sql driver ="${hibernate.cfg.driver}" url ="${dbAction.jdbc.url}" userid ="${hibernate.cfg.username}" password ="${hibernate.cfg.password}" print ="yes" >
< classpath refid ="tproject.class.path" />
create database if not exists ${use.database} ;
</ sql >
< exec executable ="cmd" >
< arg line ="/c ${mysql.home}/bin/mysqldump --opt ${use.database} -u${hibernate.cfg.username} > ${this.sql.path}/dump.sql" />
</ exec >
< sql driver ="${hibernate.cfg.driver}" url ="${dbAction.jdbc.url}" userid ="${hibernate.cfg.username}" password ="${hibernate.cfg.password}" print ="yes" >
< classpath refid ="tproject.class.path" />
drop database if exists ${use.database} ;
create database ${use.database} ;
</ sql >
<!-- 建立hbm2ddl标签并建create table sql 文件 -->
< taskdef name ="hbm2ddl" classname ="org.hibernate.tool.ant.HibernateToolTask" classpathref ="hibernatedoclet.class.path" >
< classpath location ="${tproject.conf}" >
</ classpath >
< classpath >
< path >
< fileset dir ="${tproject.conf}" >
< include name ="**/*.hbm.xml" />
</ fileset >
</ path >
</ classpath >
</ taskdef >
< echo message =" hbm2ddl database by - > ${use.database} ${hibernate.cfg.xml.file} " />
< echo message =" hbm2ddl path = ${this.sql.path} " />
< echo message =" hbm2ddl file = ${sql.file} " />
< hbm2ddl destdir ="${this.sql.path}" >
< configuration configurationfile ="${hibernate.cfg.xml.file}" />
< hbm2ddl export ="false" console ="false" create ="true" update ="false" drop ="true" outputfilename ="${sql.file}" />
</ hbm2ddl >
<!-- 执行sql文件 -->
< sql driver ="${hibernate.cfg.driver}" url ="${hibernate.cfg.jdbc.url}" userid ="${hibernate.cfg.username}" password ="${hibernate.cfg.password}" onerror ="continue" print ="yes" src ="${this.sql.path}/${sql.file}" classpathref ="hibernatedoclet.class.path" />
< sql driver ="${hibernate.cfg.driver}" url ="${hibernate.cfg.jdbc.url}" userid ="${hibernate.cfg.username}" password ="${hibernate.cfg.password}" onerror ="continue" print ="yes" src ="./ant/basicData.sql" classpathref ="hibernatedoclet.class.path" />
< sql driver ="${hibernate.cfg.driver}" url ="${hibernate.cfg.jdbc.url}" userid ="${hibernate.cfg.username}" password ="${hibernate.cfg.password}" onerror ="continue" print ="yes" src ="./ant/test.sql" classpathref ="hibernatedoclet.class.path" />
</ target >
< target name ="make resource" >
< delete file ="${tproject.conf}/globalMessages_zh_CN.properties" >
</ delete >
< exec dir ="${tproject.conf}" executable ="native2ascii" >
< arg line ="
globalMessages_zh_CN.properties" />
</ exec >
</ target >
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- junit -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
< target name ="test" >
< mkdir dir ="${tproject.conf}/htmlreport" />
< mkdir dir ="${tproject.conf}/report" />
< junit >
< classpath refid ="tproject.class.path" />
< classpath path ="${tproject.classpath}" >
</ classpath >
< formatter type ="xml" />
< batchtest haltonfailure ="no" todir ="${tproject.conf}/report" >
<!-- junit 需要维护的 fileset -->
< fileset dir ="./demo" >
< include name ="**/Test*.java" />
</ fileset >
</ batchtest >
</ junit >
< junitreport todir ="${tproject.conf}/htmlreport" >
< fileset dir ="${tproject.conf}/report" >
< include name ="TEST-*.xml" />
</ fileset >
< report format ="noframes" todir ="${tproject.conf}/htmlreport" />
</ junitreport >
< echo message ="end test -> print->${tproject.conf}/htmlreport/junit-noframes.html " />
</ target >
</ project >
# These properties are only used when building the samples expanded from the distribution.
xdoclet2.lib.dir = . / xdoclet2 / lib
tproject.classpath = . / WebContent / WEB - INF / classes
tproject.conf = . / conf
tproject.lib = . / WebContent / WEB - INF / lib
tproject.conf.sql = $ {tproject.conf} / sql
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
hibernate.cfg.xml.file = $ {tproject.classpath} / hibernate.cfg.xml
mysql.home = D: / mysql - noinstall - 5.0 . 27 - win32 / mysql - 5.0 . 27 - win32
hibernate.cfg.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
characterEncoding = utf8
hibernate.cfg.username = root
hibernate.cfg.password =
use.database = aop
xdoclet2.lib.dir = . / xdoclet2 / lib
tproject.classpath = . / WebContent / WEB - INF / classes
tproject.conf = . / conf
tproject.lib = . / WebContent / WEB - INF / lib
tproject.conf.sql = $ {tproject.conf} / sql
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
hibernate.cfg.xml.file = $ {tproject.classpath} / hibernate.cfg.xml
mysql.home = D: / mysql - noinstall - 5.0 . 27 - win32 / mysql - 5.0 . 27 - win32
hibernate.cfg.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
characterEncoding = utf8
hibernate.cfg.username = root
hibernate.cfg.password =
use.database = aop