:关于war包中文件的读取(原创:bruce )

转载:关于war包中文件的读取(原创:bruce )
本文引自: http://fjy26.itpub.net/

在开发J2EE Web应用时,在开发阶段通常采用目录的部署方式,而在正式运行时通常把web应用打包为单个的.war文件进行方便地部署。也就是在你的应用目录(比如WebLogic的DefaultWebApp)下,执行下面的命令:
  1. jar cf0 mywebapp.war **

[pre] |--DefaultWebApp
|-- web.xml
|-- log4j.properties
|-- classes
  1. ServletContext context = getServletContext();
  2. org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator.configure(context.getRealPath("/") +
  3. "/WEB-INF/log4j.properties");

这样,和"/ WEB-INF /log4j.properties"拼接后,就得到了log4j.properties文件的真实路径,Log4J通过文件IO读取这个配置文件,完成初始化。
现在一切正常!测试通过后,将DefaultWebApp下的所有文件打为一个.war包,进行部署时,发现系统报告找不到“D:beawlserver6.1null WEB-INF log4j.properties”文件!如果你的应用中还需要读取其它已经被打包到war包中的文件,都会报告找不到文件。并且,系统并不会到D:beawlserver6.1configmydomainapplicationsDefaultWebApp目录下寻找,而会到D:beawlserver6.1null下寻找。这是因为context.getRealPath("/")返回了null。查看ServletContext的API文档,

public String getRealPath(String path)
The real path returned will be in a form appropriate to the computer and operating system on which the servlet container is running, including the proper path separators. This method returns null if the servlet container cannot translate the virtual path to a real path for any reason (such as when the content is being made available from a .war archive).

  1. staticvoid configure(Properties properties);
  2. staticvoid configure(String configFilename);
  3. staticvoid configure(URL configURL);

既然,现在不能得到war包中的Log4J的配置文件,那么可以通过读入InputStream,构造一个Properties,通过configure(Properties properties)方法同样可以完成配置。示例代码如下:
  1. InputStream is = getServletContext().
  2. getResourceAsStream("/WEB-INF/log4j.properties");
  3. Properties props = newProperties();
  4. try {
  5. props.load(is);
  6. } catch (IOException e) {
  7. System.err.println("Load log4j configuration failed");
  8. }
  9. PropertyConfigurator.configure(props);


Returns a URL to the resource that is mapped to a specified path. The path must begin with a "/" and is interpreted as relative to the current context root.
This method allows the servlet container to make a resource available to servlets from any source. Resources can be located on a local or remote file system, in a database, or in a .war file.


结论:在开发J2EE Web应用时,如果需要读取本应用中的文件,尽量使用ServletContext.getResourceAsStream进行,而不要使用文件IO。

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