Eclipse JDT的一些资料

Eclipse JDT的一些资料
最近给项目组做了个代码自动生成的小插件,已经发布到了google code:



JDT Core packages give you access to the Java model objects and headless Java IDE infrastructure.  The JDT Core packages include:
  • org.eclipse.jdt.core - defines the classes that describe the Java model.
  • org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler - defines an API for the compiler infrastructure.
  • org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom - supports Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) that can be used for examining the structure of a compilation unit down to the statement level.
  • org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.rewrite - supports rewriting of Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) that can be used for manipulating the structure of a compilation unit down to the statement level.
  • org.eclipse.jdt.core.eval - supports the evaluation of code snippets in a scrapbook or inside the debugger.
  • org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter - supports the formatting of compilation units, types, statements, expressions, etc.
  • org.eclipse.jdt.core.jdom - supports a Java Document Object Model (DOM) that can be used for walking the structure of a Java compilation unit.
  • - supports searching the workspace's Java model for Java elements that match a particular description.  
  • org.eclipse.jdt.core.util - provides utility classes for manipulating .class files and Java model elements.

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