关于valuelist 的adapter(oracle)

关于valuelist 的adapter(oracle)

 * Copyright (c) 2004 RiseSoft           
 *  [email protected]
package net.risesoft.risereport.common.adapter.jdbc;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import net.mlw.vlh.ValueListInfo;
import net.risesoft.risereport.common.adapter.jdbc.OracleJdbcAdapter;
import net.mlw.vlh.adapter.jdbc.util.ResultSetMapGenerator;
import dynclass.BeanCreator;

 * @see net.mlw.vlh.adapter.jdbc.AbstractDynaJdbcAdapter
 * @see net.mlw.vlh.adapter.jdbc.AbstractJdbcAdapter
 * @author gf
 * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2005/06/21 08:18:42 $
public class DefaultDynclassOracleAdapter extends OracleJdbcAdapter
    * @see net.mlw.vlh.adapter.jdbc.AbstractJdbcAdapter#processResultSet(java.sql.ResultSet)
   public List processResultSet(String name, ResultSet result, int numberPerPage, ValueListInfo info) throws SQLException
      List list = new ArrayList();

      ResultSetMapGenerator bg = new ResultSetMapGenerator(result, useName, lowerCase);
      for (int i = 0; result.next() && i < numberPerPage; i++)
            Map properties = bg.generateMap();
         catch (Exception e)
      return list;


 * Copyright (c) 2004 RiseSoft           
 *  [email protected]
package net.risesoft.risereport.common.adapter.jdbc;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.List;

import javax.sql.DataSource;

import net.mlw.vlh.DefaultListBackedValueList;
import net.mlw.vlh.ValueList;
import net.mlw.vlh.ValueListInfo;
import net.mlw.vlh.adapter.AbstractValueListAdapter;
import net.mlw.vlh.adapter.jdbc.objectWrapper.ResultSetDecorator;
import net.mlw.vlh.adapter.jdbc.util.JdbcUtil;
import net.mlw.vlh.adapter.jdbc.util.StandardStatementBuilder;
import net.mlw.vlh.adapter.jdbc.util.StatementBuilder;
import net.mlw.vlh.adapter.util.ObjectValidator;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * @see net.mlw.vlh.adapter.jdbc.objectWrapper.ResultSetDecorator
 * @author gf
 * @version $Revision: 1.2 $ $Date: 2005/07/10 03:58:55 $
public abstract class AbstractOracleJdbcAdapter extends AbstractValueListAdapter
    /** Commons logger. */
    protected static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory

    /** The sql.DataSource. * */
    protected DataSource dataSource;

    /** The sql to execute. * */
    protected String sql;
    /** The countSql to execute. * */
    protected String countSql;

    private boolean showSql = true;

    /** The StatementBuilder to help generate a sql query. * */
    protected StatementBuilder statementBuilder = new StandardStatementBuilder();

     * The validator for ResultSet's records.
    private ObjectValidator _validator = null;

    public AbstractOracleJdbcAdapter()

     * @see net.mlw.vlh.ValueListAdapter#getValueList(java.lang.String,
     *      net.mlw.vlh.ValueListInfo)
    public ValueList getValueList(String name, ValueListInfo info)
//        System.out.println("start date:"+new Date());
        if (info.getSortingColumn() == null)

        if (info.getPagingNumberPer() == Integer.MAX_VALUE)

        ResultSet result = null;
        Connection connection = null;
        PreparedStatement statement = null;

        { StringBuffer countQuery=null;
            StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer(sql);
            connection = dataSource.getConnection();

            boolean doSqlPaging = !((getAdapterType() & DO_PAGE) == 2);
            if(countSql!=null && countSql.trim().length()>0){
             countQuery=new StringBuffer(countSql);
             countQuery=new StringBuffer("select count(*) from(").append(sql).append(")");
            int pageNumber = info.getPagingPage();
            int numberPerPage = (info.getPagingNumberPer() > 0) ? info
                    .getPagingNumberPer() : getDefaultNumberPerPage();
            if (doSqlPaging)
                 int firstRecord = (pageNumber - 1) * numberPerPage;
           StringBuffer pagingSelect=new StringBuffer("");
           pagingSelect.append("select * from ( select row_.*,rownum rownum_ from ( ");
           pagingSelect.append(" ) row_ where rownum < ").append(firstRecord+numberPerPage+1)
         .append(" ) where rownum_ > ").append(firstRecord);
            statement = statementBuilder.generate(connection, query, info
                    .getFilters(), doSqlPaging);
            if (showSql)
                System.out.println("sql: " + query.toString());
//            System.out.println("1:"+new Date());
            result = getResultSet(statement, info);
//            System.out.println("2"+new Date());
            List list = processResultSet(name, result,
                    (doSqlPaging) ? numberPerPage : Integer.MAX_VALUE, info);
//            System.out.println("3"+new Date()+"countQuery="+countQuery);
            statement = statementBuilder.generate(connection, countQuery, info
                    .getFilters(), doSqlPaging);
//            System.out.println("4:"+new Date()+"countQuery="+countQuery);
//            System.out.println("5"+new Date());
            if (result.next()){
//            System.out.println("end date:"+new Date());
            return new DefaultListBackedValueList(list, info);
        } catch (Exception e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } finally
            JdbcUtil.close(result, statement, connection);

     * @param statement
     * @param ValueListInfo This info will be set to validator.
     * @return ResultSet (validator is null) or ResultSetDecorator (validator is
     *         not null)
     * @throws SQLException
     * @see net.mlw.vlh.adapter.util.ObjectValidator
     * @see net.mlw.vlh.adapter.jdbc.objectWrapper.ResultSetDecorator
    private ResultSet getResultSet(PreparedStatement statement,
            ValueListInfo info) throws SQLException
        if (_validator == null)
            return statement.executeQuery();
            return new ResultSetDecorator(statement.executeQuery(), _validator);

     * This method takes the result and puts the VOs in the List.
     * @param result The ResultSet to interate through.
     * @param info is ussually constant during this process, you can use it for
     *            passing additional parameters from controler. (Like in
     *            DefaultWrapperAdapter)
     * @return The List of VOs.
    public abstract List processResultSet(String name, ResultSet result,
            int numberPerPage, ValueListInfo info) throws SQLException;

     * @param dataSource The dataSource to set.
    public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource)
        this.dataSource = dataSource;

     * @param sql The sql to set.
    public void setSql(String sql)
        this.sql = sql;
     * @param countSql The sql to set.
    public void setCountSql(String countSql)
        this.countSql = countSql;

     * @param statementBuilder The statementBuilder to set.
    public void setStatementBuilder(StatementBuilder statementBuilder)
        this.statementBuilder = statementBuilder;

     * @param showSql The showSql to set.
    public void setShowSql(boolean showSql)
        this.showSql = showSql;

     * <p>
     * If is set to not null value, it uses a special
     * <code>ResultsSetDecorator<code>, that enable or
     * disable filtering objects in the final valuelist.
     * </p>
     * <h4>NOTE:</h4>
     * <p>
     * It respects the total count of entries that overlap your paged
     * list. Simply spoken it supports features such as paging.
     * </p>
     * @param objectValidator The objectValidator to set.
     * The null value means that validator is disabled.
     * @see net.mlw.vlh.adapter.util.ObjectValidator
     * @see net.mlw.vlh.adapter.jdbc.objectWrapper.ResultSetDecorator
    public void setValidator(ObjectValidator objectValidator)
        this._validator = objectValidator;


 * Copyright (c) 2004 RiseSoft           
 *  [email protected]
package net.risesoft.risereport.common.adapter.jdbc;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

 * This adapter handles the standard functionality of creating a query and
 * execution it...
 * net.mlw.vlh.adapter.jdbc.AbstractJdbcAdapter
 * @author Matthew L. Wilson, Andrej Zachar
 * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2005/06/21 08:18:42 $
public abstract class OracleJdbcAdapter extends AbstractOracleJdbcAdapter
    /** Commons logger. */
    protected static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory

    /** Sets weather the name of the column, or the alias of the column is used. * */
    protected boolean useName = false;

    protected boolean lowerCase = false;

    public OracleJdbcAdapter()

     * Sets weather the name of the column, or the alias of the column is used.
     * For example:
     * <p>
     * SELECT X as Y from dual; X = name Y = alias
     * </p>
     * @param useName
     *            true: use the name of the column false: use the name of the
     *            alias
    public void setUseName(boolean useName)

        this.useName = useName;

     * Sets weather the name of the column should be lowecase;
     * @param useName
    public void setLowerCase(boolean lowerCase)
        this.lowerCase = lowerCase;


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