/************************************************************************************************** * - ioCC2541.h - * * Header file with definitions for the Texas Instruments CC2541 low-power System-on-Chip: * an 8051-based MCU with 2.4 GHz Bluetooth low energy RF transceiver, and up to 256 kB FLASH. * * This file supports the IAR Embedded Workbench for 8051. * ************************************************************************************************** */ #ifndef IOCC2541_H #define IOCC2541_H /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Compiler Abstraction * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ #pragma language=extended #define SFR(name,addr) __sfr __no_init volatile unsigned char name @ addr; #define SFRBIT(name, addr, bit7, bit6, bit5, bit4, bit3, bit2, bit1, bit0) \ __sfr __no_init volatile union \ { \ unsigned char name; \ struct { \ unsigned char bit0 : 1; \ unsigned char bit1 : 1; \ unsigned char bit2 : 1; \ unsigned char bit3 : 1; \ unsigned char bit4 : 1; \ unsigned char bit5 : 1; \ unsigned char bit6 : 1; \ unsigned char bit7 : 1; \ }; \ } @ addr; #define SBIT(name,addr) /* not in use for IAR C Compiler */ #define XREG(addr) ((unsigned char volatile __xdata *) 0)[addr] #define PXREG(addr) ((unsigned char volatile __xdata *) addr) #define VECT(num,addr) addr #elif defined __IAR_SYSTEMS_ASM__ #define SFR(name,addr) name DEFINE addr SFRBITMACRO MACRO t, addr, bit7 , bit6, bit5, bit4, bit3, bit2, bit1, bit0 t DEFINE addr bit7 DEFINE addr.7 bit6 DEFINE addr.6 bit5 DEFINE addr.5 bit4 DEFINE addr.4 ;; NB: do not modify indentation of this macro bit3 DEFINE addr.3 bit2 DEFINE addr.2 bit1 DEFINE addr.1 bit0 DEFINE addr.0 ENDM #define SFRBIT(name, addr, bit7, bit6, bit5, bit4, bit3, bit2, bit1, bit0) \ SFRBITMACRO <name>, <addr>, <bit7>, <bit6>, <bit5>, <bit4>, <bit3>, <bit2>, <bit1>, <bit0> #define SBIT(name,addr) name DEFINE addr #define XREG(addr) addr #define PXREG(addr) addr #define VECT(num,addr) addr /* IAR assembler uses some predefined registers. The following prevents name collisions. */ #define SP SPx #define ACC ACCx #define B Bx #define PSW PSWx #define CY CYx #define AC ACx #define F0 F0x #define RS1 RS1x #define RS0 RS0x #define OV OVx #define P Px #else #error "Unrecognized compiler." #endif /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Interrupt Vectors * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define RFERR_VECTOR VECT( 0, 0x03 ) /* RF core error situation */ #define ADC_VECTOR VECT( 1, 0x0B ) /* ADC end of conversion */ #define URX0_VECTOR VECT( 2, 0x13 ) /* USART 0 RX complete */ #define URX1_VECTOR VECT( 3, 0x1B ) /* USART 1 RX complete */ #define ENC_VECTOR VECT( 4, 0x23 ) /* AES encryption/decryption complete */ #define ST_VECTOR VECT( 5, 0x2B ) /* Sleep Timer Compare */ #define P2INT_VECTOR VECT( 6, 0x33 ) /* Port 2 Inputs and I2C */ #define UTX0_VECTOR VECT( 7, 0x3B ) /* USART0 TX Complete */ #define DMA_VECTOR VECT( 8, 0x43 ) /* DMA Transfer Complete */ #define T1_VECTOR VECT( 9, 0x4B ) /* Timer 1 (16-bit) Capture/Compare/Overflow */ #define T2_VECTOR VECT( 10, 0x53 ) /* Timer 2 */ #define T3_VECTOR VECT( 11, 0x5B ) /* Timer 3 (8-bit) Capture/Compare/Overflow */ #define T4_VECTOR VECT( 12, 0x63 ) /* Timer 4 (8-bit) Capture/Compare/Overflow */ #define P0INT_VECTOR VECT( 13, 0x6B ) /* Port 0 Inputs */ #define UTX1_VECTOR VECT( 14, 0x73 ) /* USART1 TX Complete */ #define P1INT_VECTOR VECT( 15, 0x7B ) /* Port 1 Inputs */ #define RF_VECTOR VECT( 16, 0x83 ) /* RF General Interrupts */ #define WDT_VECTOR VECT( 17, 0x8B ) /* Watchdog Overflow in Timer Mode */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Interrupt Alias * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define I2C_VECTOR P2INT_VECTOR /* I2C Interrupt vector, alias for P2INT_VECTOR */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * SFRs * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* * SFRs with an address ending with 0 or 8 are bit accessible. * They are defined with the SFRBIT() macro that sets the name of each bit. */ /* Port 0 */ SFRBIT( P0 , 0x80, P0_7, P0_6, P0_5, P0_4, P0_3, P0_2, P0_1, P0_0 ) SFR( SP , 0x81 ) /* Stack Pointer */ SFR( DPL0 , 0x82 ) /* Data Pointer 0 Low Byte */ SFR( DPH0 , 0x83 ) /* Data Pointer 0 High Byte */ SFR( DPL1 , 0x84 ) /* Data Pointer 1 Low Byte */ SFR( DPH1 , 0x85 ) /* Data Pointer 1 High Byte */ SFR( U0CSR , 0x86 ) /* USART 0 Control and Status */ SFR( PCON , 0x87 ) /* Power Mode Control */ /* Interrupt Flags */ SFRBIT( TCON , 0x88, URX1IF, _TCON6, ADCIF, _TCON4, URX0IF, IT1, RFERRIF, IT0 ) SFR( P0IFG , 0x89 ) /* Port 0 Interrupt Status Flag */ SFR( P1IFG , 0x8A ) /* Port 1 Interrupt Status Flag */ SFR( P2IFG , 0x8B ) /* Port 2 Interrupt Status Flag */ SFR( PICTL , 0x8C ) /* Port Interrupt Control */ SFR( P1IEN , 0x8D ) /* Port 1 Interrupt Mask */ SFR( _SFR8E , 0x8E ) /* not used */ SFR( P0INP , 0x8F ) /* Port 0 Input Mode */ /* Port 1 */ SFRBIT( P1 , 0x90, P1_7, P1_6, P1_5, P1_4, P1_3, P1_2, P1_1, P1_0 ) SFR( RFIRQF1 , 0x91 ) /* RF Interrupt Flags MSB */ SFR( DPS , 0x92 ) /* Data Pointer Select */ SFR( MPAGE , 0x93 ) /* Memory Page Select */ SFR( T2CTRL , 0x94 ) /* Timer2 Control Register */ SFR( ST0 , 0x95 ) /* Sleep Timer 0 */ SFR( ST1 , 0x96 ) /* Sleep Timer 1 */ SFR( ST2 , 0x97 ) /* Sleep Timer 2 */ /* Interrupt Flags 2 */ SFRBIT( S0CON , 0x98, _S0CON7, _S0CON6, _S0CON5, _S0CON4, _S0CON3, _S0CON2, ENCIF_1, ENCIF_0 ) SFR( _SFR99 , 0x99 ) /* reserved */ SFR( IEN2 , 0x9A ) /* Interrupt Enable 2 */ SFR( S1CON , 0x9B ) /* Interrupt Flags 3 */ SFR( T2CSPCFG , 0x9C ) /* Timer2 CSP Interface Configuration (legacy name) */ SFR( T2EVTCFG , 0x9C ) /* Timer2 Event Output Configuration */ SFR( SLEEPSTA , 0x9D ) /* Sleep Status */ SFR( CLKCONSTA , 0x9E ) /* Clock Control Status */ SFR( FMAP , 0x9F ) /* Flash Bank Map */ /* Port 2 */ SFRBIT( P2 , 0xA0, _P2_7, _P2_6, _P2_5, P2_4, P2_3, P2_2, P2_1, P2_0 ) SFR( T2IRQF , 0xA1 ) /* Timer2 Interrupt Flags */ SFR( T2M0 , 0xA2 ) /* Timer2 Multiplexed Register 0 */ SFR( T2M1 , 0xA3 ) /* Timer2 Multiplexed Register 1 */ SFR( T2MOVF0 , 0xA4 ) /* Timer2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 0 */ SFR( T2MOVF1 , 0xA5 ) /* Timer2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 1 */ SFR( T2MOVF2 , 0xA6 ) /* Timer2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 2 */ SFR( T2IRQM , 0xA7 ) /* Timer2 Interrupt Masks */ /* Interrupt Enable 0 */ SFRBIT( IEN0 , 0xA8, EA, _IEN06, STIE, ENCIE, URX1IE, URX0IE, ADCIE, RFERRIE ) SFR( IP0 , 0xA9 ) /* Interrupt Priority 0 */ SFR( _SFRAA , 0xAA ) /* not used */ SFR( P0IEN , 0xAB ) /* Port 0 Interrupt Mask */ SFR( P2IEN , 0xAC ) /* Port 2 Interrupt Mask */ SFR( STLOAD , 0xAD ) /* Sleep Timer Load Status */ SFR( PMUX , 0xAE ) /* Power Down Signal MUX */ SFR( T1STAT , 0xAF ) /* Timer 1 Status */ SFR( _SFRB0 , 0xB0 ) /* not used */ SFR( ENCDI , 0xB1 ) /* Encryption/Decryption Input Data */ SFR( ENCDO , 0xB2 ) /* Encryption/Decryption Output Data */ SFR( ENCCS , 0xB3 ) /* Encryption/Decryption Control and Status */ SFR( ADCCON1 , 0xB4 ) /* ADC Control 1 */ SFR( ADCCON2 , 0xB5 ) /* ADC Control 2 */ SFR( ADCCON3 , 0xB6 ) /* ADC Control 3 */ SFR( _SFRB7 , 0xB7 ) /* reserved */ /* Interrupt Enable 1 */ SFRBIT( IEN1 , 0xB8, _IEN17, _IEN16, P0IE, T4IE, T3IE, T2IE, T1IE, DMAIE ) SFR( IP1 , 0xB9 ) /* Interrupt Priority 1 */ SFR( ADCL , 0xBA ) /* ADC Data Low */ SFR( ADCH , 0xBB ) /* ADC Data High */ SFR( RNDL , 0xBC ) /* Random Number Generator Low Byte */ SFR( RNDH , 0xBD ) /* Random Number Generator High Byte */ SFR( SLEEPCMD , 0xBE ) /* Sleep Mode Control Command */ SFR( RFERRF , 0xBF ) /* RF Error Interrupt Flags */ /* Interrupt Flags 4 */ SFRBIT( IRCON , 0xC0, STIF, _IRCON6, P0IF, T4IF, T3IF, T2IF, T1IF, DMAIF ) SFR( U0DBUF , 0xC1 ) /* USART 0 Receive/Transmit Data Buffer */ SFR( U0BAUD , 0xC2 ) /* USART 0 Baud Rate Control */ SFR( T2MSEL , 0xC3 ) /* Timer2 Multiplex Select */ SFR( U0UCR , 0xC4 ) /* USART 0 UART Control */ SFR( U0GCR , 0xC5 ) /* USART 0 Generic Control */ SFR( CLKCONCMD , 0xC6 ) /* Clock Control Command */ SFR( MEMCTR , 0xC7 ) /* Memory System Control */ SFR( _SFRC8 , 0xC8 ) /* not used */ SFR( WDCTL , 0xC9 ) /* Watchdog Timer Control */ SFR( T3CNT , 0xCA ) /* Timer 3 Counter */ SFR( T3CTL , 0xCB ) /* Timer 3 Control */ SFR( T3CCTL0 , 0xCC ) /* Timer 3 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control */ SFR( T3CC0 , 0xCD ) /* Timer 3 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value */ SFR( T3CCTL1 , 0xCE ) /* Timer 3 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control */ SFR( T3CC1 , 0xCF ) /* Timer 3 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value */ /* Program Status Word */ SFRBIT( PSW , 0xD0, CY, AC, F0, RS1, RS0, OV, F1, P ) SFR( DMAIRQ , 0xD1 ) /* DMA Interrupt Flag */ SFR( DMA1CFGL , 0xD2 ) /* DMA Channel 1-4 Configuration Address Low Byte */ SFR( DMA1CFGH , 0xD3 ) /* DMA Channel 1-4 Configuration Address High Byte */ SFR( DMA0CFGL , 0xD4 ) /* DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address Low Byte */ SFR( DMA0CFGH , 0xD5 ) /* DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address High Byte */ SFR( DMAARM , 0xD6 ) /* DMA Channel Arm */ SFR( DMAREQ , 0xD7 ) /* DMA Channel Start Request and Status */ /* Timers 1/3/4 Interrupt Mask/Flag */ SFRBIT( TIMIF , 0xD8 , _TIMIF7, T1OVFIM, T4CH1IF, T4CH0IF, T4OVFIF, T3CH1IF, T3CH0IF, T3OVFIF ) SFR( RFD , 0xD9 ) /* RF Data */ SFR( T1CC0L , 0xDA ) /* Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value Low Byte */ SFR( T1CC0H , 0xDB ) /* Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value High Byte */ SFR( T1CC1L , 0xDC ) /* Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value Low Byte */ SFR( T1CC1H , 0xDD ) /* Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value High Byte */ SFR( T1CC2L , 0xDE ) /* Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value Low Byte */ SFR( T1CC2H , 0xDF ) /* Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value High Byte */ SFR( ACC , 0xE0 ) /* Accumulator */ SFR( RFST , 0xE1 ) /* RF Command Strobe */ SFR( T1CNTL , 0xE2 ) /* Timer 1 Counter Low */ SFR( T1CNTH , 0xE3 ) /* Timer 1 Counter High */ SFR( T1CTL , 0xE4 ) /* Timer 1 Control And Status */ SFR( T1CCTL0 , 0xE5 ) /* Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control */ SFR( T1CCTL1 , 0xE6 ) /* Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control */ SFR( T1CCTL2 , 0xE7 ) /* Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Control */ /* Interrupt Flags 5 */ SFRBIT( IRCON2 , 0xE8, _IRCON27, _IRCON26, _IRCON25, WDTIF, P1IF, UTX1IF, UTX0IF, P2IF ) SFR( RFIRQF0 , 0xE9 ) /* RF Interrupt Flags LSB */ SFR( T4CNT , 0xEA ) /* Timer 4 Counter */ SFR( T4CTL , 0xEB ) /* Timer 4 Control */ SFR( T4CCTL0 , 0xEC ) /* Timer 4 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control */ SFR( T4CC0 , 0xED ) /* Timer 4 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value */ SFR( T4CCTL1 , 0xEE ) /* Timer 4 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control */ SFR( T4CC1 , 0xEF ) /* Timer 4 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value */ SFR( B , 0xF0 ) /* B Register */ SFR( PERCFG , 0xF1 ) /* Peripheral I/O Control */ SFR( ADCCFG , 0xF2 ) /* ADC Input Configuration (legacy name) */ SFR( APCFG , 0xF2 ) /* Analog Periferal I/O Configuration */ SFR( P0SEL , 0xF3 ) /* Port 0 Function Select */ SFR( P1SEL , 0xF4 ) /* Port 1 Function Select */ SFR( P2SEL , 0xF5 ) /* Port 2 Function Select */ SFR( P1INP , 0xF6 ) /* Port 1 Input Mode */ SFR( P2INP , 0xF7 ) /* Port 2 Input Mode */ /* USART 1 Control and Status */ SFRBIT( U1CSR , 0xF8, U1MODE, U1RE, U1SLAVE, U1FE, U1ERR, U1RX_BYTE, U1TX_BYTE, U1ACTIVE ) SFR( U1DBUF , 0xF9 ) /* USART 1 Receive/Transmit Data Buffer */ SFR( U1BAUD , 0xFA ) /* USART 1 Baud Rate Control */ SFR( U1UCR , 0xFB ) /* USART 1 UART Control */ SFR( U1GCR , 0xFC ) /* USART 1 Generic Control */ SFR( P0DIR , 0xFD ) /* Port 0 Direction */ SFR( P1DIR , 0xFE ) /* Port 1 Direction */ SFR( P2DIR , 0xFF ) /* Port 2 Direction */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Xdata Radio Registers * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* RF core ram */ #define RFCORE_RAM PXREG( 0x6000 ) #define RFCORE_RAM_SZ 1024 /* RF core ram register/general memory page */ #define RFCORE_RAM_PAGE PXREG( 0x6000 ) #define RFCORE_RAM_PAGE_SZ 128 /* FIFO direct access */ #define RXFIFO PXREG( 0x6080 ) #define RXFIFO_SZ 128 #define TXFIFO PXREG( 0x6100 ) #define TXFIFO_SZ 128 /* Radio Control Registers */ #define FRMCTRL0 XREG(0x6180) #define RFIRQM0 XREG(0x6181) #define RFIRQM1 XREG(0x6182) #define RFERRM XREG(0x6183) #define FREQCTRL XREG(0x6184) #define FREQTUNE XREG(0x6185) #define TXPOWER XREG(0x6186) #define TXCTRL XREG(0x6187) #define LLESTAT XREG(0x6188) #define _XREG6189 XREG(0x6189) #define SEMAPHORE0 XREG(0x618A) #define SEMAPHORE1 XREG(0x618B) #define SEMAPHORE2 XREG(0x618C) #define RFSTAT XREG(0x618D) #define RSSI XREG(0x618E) #define RFPSRND XREG(0x618F) #define MDMCTRL0 XREG(0x6190) #define MDMCTRL1 XREG(0x6191) #define MDMCTRL2 XREG(0x6192) #define MDMCTRL3 XREG(0x6193) #define SW_CONF XREG(0x6194) #define SW0 XREG(0x6195) #define SW1 XREG(0x6196) #define SW2 XREG(0x6197) #define SW3 XREG(0x6198) #define SW4 XREG(0x61F8) #define SW5 XREG(0x61F9) #define SW6 XREG(0x61FA) #define SW7 XREG(0x61FB) #define FREQEST XREG(0x6199) #define RXCTRL XREG(0x619A) #define FSCTRL XREG(0x619B) #define _XREG619C XREG(0x619C) #define _XREG619D XREG(0x619D) #define _XREG619E XREG(0x619E) #define _XREG619F XREG(0x619F) #define LNAGAIN XREG(0x61A0) #define AAFGAIN XREG(0x61A1) #define ADCTEST0 XREG(0x61A2) #define MDMTEST0 XREG(0x61A5) #define MDMTEST1 XREG(0x61A6) #define _XREG61A7 XREG(0x61A7) #define _XREG61A8 XREG(0x61A8) #define ATEST XREG(0x61A9) #define RFC_OBS_CTRL0 XREG(0x61AE) #define RFC_OBS_CTRL1 XREG(0x61AF) #define RFC_OBS_CTRL2 XREG(0x61B0) #define LLECTRL XREG(0x61B1) #define TXFILTCFG XREG(0x61BC) #define RFRND XREG(0x61BF) #define RFRAMCFG XREG(0x61C0) #define RFFDMA0 XREG(0x61C3) #define RFFDMA1 XREG(0x61C4) #define RFFSTATUS XREG(0x61C5) #define RFFCFG XREG(0x61C6) #define RFRXFLEN XREG(0x61C8) #define RFRXFTHRS XREG(0x61C9) #define RFRXFWR XREG(0x61CA) #define RFRXFRD XREG(0x61CB) #define RFRXFWP XREG(0x61CC) #define RFRXFRP XREG(0x61CD) #define RFRXFSWP XREG(0x61CE) #define RFRXFSRP XREG(0x61CF) #define RFTXFLEN XREG(0x61D0) #define RFTXFTHRS XREG(0x61D1) #define RFTXFWR XREG(0x61D2) #define RFTXFRD XREG(0x61D3) #define RFTXFWP XREG(0x61D4) #define RFTXFRP XREG(0x61D5) #define RFTXFSWP XREG(0x61D6) #define RFTXFSRP XREG(0x61D7) #define BSP_P0 XREG(0x61E0) #define BSP_P1 XREG(0x61E1) #define BSP_P2 XREG(0x61E2) #define BSP_P3 XREG(0x61E3) #define BSP_D0 XREG(0x61E4) #define BSP_D1 XREG(0x61E5) #define BSP_D2 XREG(0x61E6) #define BSP_D3 XREG(0x61E7) #define BSP_W XREG(0x61E8) #define BSP_MODE XREG(0x61E9) #define BSP_DATA XREG(0x61EA) #define DC_I_L XREG(0x61FC) #define DC_I_H XREG(0x61FD) #define DC_Q_L XREG(0x61FE) #define DC_Q_H XREG(0x61FF) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Xdata Registers * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Power-Management Registers */ #define SRCRC XREG( 0x6262 ) /* Observability Control */ #define OBSSEL0 XREG( 0x6243 ) #define OBSSEL1 XREG( 0x6244 ) #define OBSSEL2 XREG( 0x6245 ) #define OBSSEL3 XREG( 0x6246 ) #define OBSSEL4 XREG( 0x6247 ) #define OBSSEL5 XREG( 0x6248 ) #define TR0 XREG( 0x624B ) /* Chip Identification */ #define CHVER XREG( 0x6249 ) #define CHIPID XREG( 0x624A ) /* Debug Interface DMA Write to Flash */ #define DBGDATA XREG( 0x6260 ) /* Flash Controller */ #define FCTL XREG( 0x6270 ) #define FADDRL XREG( 0x6271 ) #define FADDRH XREG( 0x6272 ) #define FWDATA XREG( 0x6273 ) #define FWT_HSOSC XREG( 0x6274 ) #define FWT_XOSC XREG( 0x6275 ) /* Chip Information */ #define CHIPINFO0 XREG( 0x6276 ) #define CHIPINFO1 XREG( 0x6277 ) /* IR Generation Control */ #define IRCTL XREG( 0x6281 ) /* Clock Loss Detector */ #define CLD XREG( 0x6290 ) /* Timer 1 Channels (only mapped as XREG) */ #define T1CCTL3 XREG( 0x62A3 ) #define T1CCTL4 XREG( 0x62A4 ) #define T1CC3L XREG( 0x62AC ) #define T1CC3H XREG( 0x62AD ) #define T1CC4L XREG( 0x62AE ) #define T1CC4H XREG( 0x62AF ) /* Definition which includes channels represented in SFR (additional XREG mapping of SFR) */ #define XX_T1CCTL0 XREG( 0x62A0 ) #define XX_T1CCTL1 XREG( 0x62A1 ) #define XX_T1CCTL2 XREG( 0x62A2 ) #define XX_T1CCTL3 XREG( 0x62A3 ) #define XX_T1CCTL4 XREG( 0x62A4 ) #define XX_T1CC0L XREG( 0x62A6 ) #define XX_T1CC0H XREG( 0x62A7 ) #define XX_T1CC1L XREG( 0x62A8 ) #define XX_T1CC1H XREG( 0x62A9 ) #define XX_T1CC2L XREG( 0x62AA ) #define XX_T1CC2H XREG( 0x62AB ) #define XX_T1CC3L XREG( 0x62AC ) #define XX_T1CC3H XREG( 0x62AD ) #define XX_T1CC4L XREG( 0x62AE ) #define XX_T1CC4H XREG( 0x62AF ) /* Pointers for array access */ #define P_T1CCTL PXREG( 0x62A0 ) #define P_T1CC PXREG( 0x62A6 ) /* Sleep Timer Capture Control */ #define STCC XREG( 0x62B0 ) #define STCS XREG( 0x62B1 ) #define STCV0 XREG( 0x62B2 ) #define STCV1 XREG( 0x62B3 ) #define STCV2 XREG( 0x62B4 ) /* Op.Amp. Control */ #define OPAMPMC XREG( 0x61AD ) #define OPAMPC XREG( 0x62C0 ) #define OPAMPS XREG( 0x62C1 ) /* Analog Comparator Control */ #define CMPCTL XREG( 0x62D0 ) /* I2C */ #define I2CCFG XREG( 0x6230 ) #define I2CSTAT XREG( 0x6231 ) #define I2CDATA XREG( 0x6232 ) #define I2CADDR XREG( 0x6233 ) #define I2CWC XREG( 0x6234 ) #define I2CIO XREG( 0x6235 ) /* Other */ #define IVCTRL XREG( 0x6265 ) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Xdata Mapped SFRs * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* * Most SFRs are also accessible through XDATA address space. The register definitions for * this type of access are listed below. The register names are identical to the SFR names * but with the prefix X_ to denote an XDATA register. * * Some SFRs are not accessible through XDATA space. For clarity, entries are included for these * registers. They have a prefix of _NA to denote "not available." * * For register descriptions, refer to the actual SFR declartions elsewhere in this file. */ #define X_P0 XREG( 0x7080 ) /* Port 0. NOTE! Read-only access from XREG. */ #define _NA_SP XREG( 0x7081 ) #define _NA_DPL0 XREG( 0x7082 ) #define _NA_DPH0 XREG( 0x7083 ) #define _NA_DPL1 XREG( 0x7084 ) #define _NA_DPH1 XREG( 0x7085 ) #define X_U0CSR XREG( 0x7086 ) /* USART 0 Control and Status */ #define _NA_PCON XREG( 0x7087 ) #define _NA_TCON XREG( 0x7088 ) #define X_P0IFG XREG( 0x7089 ) /* Port 0 Interrupt Status Flag */ #define X_P1IFG XREG( 0x708A ) /* Port 1 Interrupt Status Flag */ #define X_P2IFG XREG( 0x708B ) /* Port 2 Interrupt Status Flag */ #define X_PICTL XREG( 0x708C ) /* Port Interrupt Control */ #define X_P1IEN XREG( 0x708D ) /* Port 1 Interrupt Mask */ #define _NA_SFR8E XREG( 0x708E ) #define X_P0INP XREG( 0x708F ) /* Port 0 Input Mode */ #define X_P1 XREG( 0x7090 ) /* Port 1. NOTE! Read-only access from XREG. */ #define X_RFIRQF1 XREG( 0x7091 ) /* RF Interrupt Flags MSB */ #define _NA_DPS XREG( 0x7092 ) #define X_MPAGE XREG( 0x7093 ) /* Memory Page Select */ #define X_T2CTRL XREG( 0x7094 ) /* Timer2 Control Register */ #define X_ST0 XREG( 0x7095 ) /* Sleep Timer 0 */ #define X_ST1 XREG( 0x7096 ) /* Sleep Timer 1 */ #define X_ST2 XREG( 0x7097 ) /* Sleep Timer 2 */ #define _NA_S0CON XREG( 0x7098 ) #define _NA_SFR99 XREG( 0x7099 ) #define _NA_IEN2 XREG( 0x709A ) #define _NA_S1CON XREG( 0x709B ) #define X_T2CSPCFG XREG( 0x709C ) /* Timer2 CSP Interface Configuration (legacy name) */ #define X_T2EVTCFG XREG( 0x709C ) /* Timer2 Event Output Configuration */ #define X_SLEEPSTA XREG( 0x709D ) /* Sleep Status */ #define X_CLKCONSTA XREG( 0x709E ) /* Clock Control Status */ #define X_FMAP XREG( 0x709F ) /* Flash Bank Map */ #define X_P2 XREG( 0x70A0 ) /* Port 2. NOTE! Read-only access from XREG. */ #define X_T2IRQF XREG( 0x70A1 ) /* Timer2 Interrupt Flags */ #define X_T2M0 XREG( 0x70A2 ) /* Timer2 Multiplexed Register 0 */ #define X_T2M1 XREG( 0x70A3 ) /* Timer2 Multiplexed Register 1 */ #define X_T2MOVF0 XREG( 0x70A4 ) /* Timer2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 0 */ #define X_T2MOVF1 XREG( 0x70A5 ) /* Timer2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 1 */ #define X_T2MOVF2 XREG( 0x70A6 ) /* Timer2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 2 */ #define X_T2IRQM XREG( 0x70A7 ) /* Timer2 Interrupt Mask */ #define _NA_IEN0 XREG( 0x70A8 ) #define _NA_IP0 XREG( 0x70A9 ) #define _NA_SFRAA XREG( 0x70AA ) #define X_P0IEN XREG( 0x70AB ) /* */ #define X_P2IEN XREG( 0x70AC ) /* */ #define X_STLOAD XREG( 0x70AD ) /* Sleep Timer Load Status */ #define X_PMUX XREG( 0x70AE ) /* */ #define X_T1STAT XREG( 0x70AF ) /* */ #define _NA_SFRB0 XREG( 0x70A8 ) #define X_ENCDI XREG( 0x70B1 ) /* Encryption Input Data */ #define X_ENCDO XREG( 0x70B2 ) /* Encryption Output Data */ #define X_ENCCS XREG( 0x70B3 ) /* Encryption Control and Status */ #define X_ADCCON1 XREG( 0x70B4 ) /* ADC Control 1 */ #define X_ADCCON2 XREG( 0x70B5 ) /* ADC Control 2 */ #define X_ADCCON3 XREG( 0x70B6 ) /* ADC Control 3 */ #define _NA_SFRB7 XREG( 0x70B7 ) #define _NA_IEN1 XREG( 0x70B8 ) #define _NA_IP1 XREG( 0x70B9 ) #define X_ADCL XREG( 0x70BA ) /* ADC Data Low */ #define X_ADCH XREG( 0x70BB ) /* ADC Data High */ #define X_RNDL XREG( 0x70BC ) /* Random Register Low Byte */ #define X_RNDH XREG( 0x70BD ) /* Random Register High Byte */ #define X_SLEEPCMD XREG( 0x70BE ) /* Sleep Mode Command */ #define X_RFERRF XREG( 0x70BF ) /* RF Error Interrupt Flags */ #define _NA_IRCON XREG( 0x70C0 ) #define X_U0DBUF XREG( 0x70C1 ) /* USART 0 Receive/Transmit Data Buffer */ #define X_U0BAUD XREG( 0x70C2 ) /* USART 0 Baud Rate Control */ #define X_T2MSEL XREG( 0x70C3 ) /* Timer2 Multiplex Select */ #define X_U0UCR XREG( 0x70C4 ) /* USART 0 UART Control */ #define X_U0GCR XREG( 0x70C5 ) /* USART 0 Generic Control */ #define X_CLKCONCMD XREG( 0x70C6 ) /* Clock Control Command */ #define X_MEMCTR XREG( 0x70C7 ) /* Memory Arbiter Control */ #define _NA_SFRC8 XREG( 0x70C8 ) #define X_WDCTL XREG( 0x70C9 ) /* Watchdog Timer Control */ #define X_T3CNT XREG( 0x70CA ) /* Timer 3 Counter */ #define X_T3CTL XREG( 0x70CB ) /* Timer 3 Control */ #define X_T3CCTL0 XREG( 0x70CC ) /* Timer 3 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control */ #define X_T3CC0 XREG( 0x70CD ) /* Timer 3 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value */ #define X_T3CCTL1 XREG( 0x70CE ) /* Timer 3 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control */ #define X_T3CC1 XREG( 0x70CF ) /* Timer 3 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value */ #define _NA_PSW XREG( 0x70D0 ) #define X_DMAIRQ XREG( 0x70D1 ) /* DMA Interrupt Flag */ #define X_DMA1CFGL XREG( 0x70D2 ) /* DMA Channel 1-4 Configuration Address Low Byte */ #define X_DMA1CFGH XREG( 0x70D3 ) /* DMA Channel 1-4 Configuration Address High Byte */ #define X_DMA0CFGL XREG( 0x70D4 ) /* DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address Low Byte */ #define X_DMA0CFGH XREG( 0x70D5 ) /* DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address High Byte */ #define X_DMAARM XREG( 0x70D6 ) /* DMA Channel Arm */ #define X_DMAREQ XREG( 0x70D7 ) /* DMA Channel Start Request and Status */ #define X_TIMIF XREG( 0x70D8 ) /* Timers 1/3/4 Interrupt Mask/Flag */ #define X_RFD XREG( 0x70D9 ) /* RF Data */ #define X_T1CC0L XREG( 0x70DA ) /* Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value Low Byte */ #define X_T1CC0H XREG( 0x70DB ) /* Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value High Byte */ #define X_T1CC1L XREG( 0x70DC ) /* Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value Low Byte */ #define X_T1CC1H XREG( 0x70DD ) /* Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value High Byte */ #define X_T1CC2L XREG( 0x70DE ) /* Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value Low Byte */ #define X_T1CC2H XREG( 0x70DF ) /* Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value High Byte */ #define _NA_ACC XREG( 0x70E0 ) #define X_RFST XREG( 0x70E1 ) /* RF Command Strobe */ #define X_T1CNTL XREG( 0x70E2 ) /* Timer 1 Counter Low */ #define X_T1CNTH XREG( 0x70E3 ) /* Timer 1 Counter High */ #define X_T1CTL XREG( 0x70E4 ) /* Timer 1 Control and Status */ #define X_T1CCTL0 XREG( 0x70E5 ) /* Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control */ #define X_T1CCTL1 XREG( 0x70E6 ) /* Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control */ #define X_T1CCTL2 XREG( 0x70E7 ) /* Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Control */ #define _NA_IRCON2 XREG( 0x70E8 ) #define X_RFIRQF0 XREG( 0x70E9 ) /* RF Interrupt Flags MSB */ #define X_T4CNT XREG( 0x70EA ) /* Timer 4 Counter */ #define X_T4CTL XREG( 0x70EB ) /* Timer 4 Control */ #define X_T4CCTL0 XREG( 0x70EC ) /* Timer 4 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Control */ #define X_T4CC0 XREG( 0x70ED ) /* Timer 4 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value */ #define X_T4CCTL1 XREG( 0x70EE ) /* Timer 4 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control */ #define X_T4CC1 XREG( 0x70EF ) /* Timer 4 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value */ #define _NA_B XREG( 0x70F0 ) #define X_PERCFG XREG( 0x70F1 ) /* Peripheral Control */ #define X_ADCCFG XREG( 0x70F2 ) /* ADC Input Configuration (legacy name) */ #define X_APCFG XREG( 0x70F2 ) /* Analog Periferal I/O Configuration */ #define X_P0SEL XREG( 0x70F3 ) /* Port 0 Function Select */ #define X_P1SEL XREG( 0x70F4 ) /* Port 1 Function Select */ #define X_P2SEL XREG( 0x70F5 ) /* Port 2 Function Select */ #define X_P1INP XREG( 0x70F6 ) /* Port 1 Input Mode */ #define X_P2INP XREG( 0x70F7 ) /* Port 2 Input Mode */ #define X_U1CSR XREG( 0x70F8 ) /* USART 1 Control and Status */ #define X_U1DBUF XREG( 0x70F9 ) /* USART 1 Receive/Transmit Data Buffer */ #define X_U1BAUD XREG( 0x70FA ) /* USART 1 Baud Rate Control */ #define X_U1UCR XREG( 0x70FB ) /* USART 1 UART Control */ #define X_U1GCR XREG( 0x70FC ) /* USART 1 Generic Control */ #define X_P0DIR XREG( 0x70FD ) /* Port 0 Direction */ #define X_P1DIR XREG( 0x70FE ) /* Port 1 Direction */ #define X_P2DIR XREG( 0x70FF ) /* Port 2 Direction */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Flash * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define P_INFOPAGE PXREG( 0x7800 ) /* Pointer to Start of Flash Information Page */ #define P_XBANK PXREG( 0x8000 ) /* Pointer to Start of Selectable Flash Bank (XBANK) */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #ifdef __IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__ #pragma language=default #endif /************************************************************************************************** */ #endif
/****************************************************************************** Filename: ioCC254x_bitdef.h This file contains the bit definitions of registers in CC254x. Note: The USB and Radio bit defintions are in seperate headers. Copyright 2012 Texas Instruments, Inc. ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef _IOCC254X_BITDEF_H #define _IOCC254X_BITDEF_H // BIT definitions. #define BIT7 0x80 #define BIT6 0x40 #define BIT5 0x20 #define BIT4 0x10 #define BIT3 0x08 #define BIT2 0x04 #define BIT1 0x02 #define BIT0 0x01 /******************************************************************************* * Memory Control Registers */ // MPAGE (0x93) - Memory Page Select // MEMCTR (0xC7) - Memory Arbiter Control #define MEMCTR_XMAP 0x08 // Maps SRAM into the CODE Memory Space, enables code execution from RAM. // DPH0 (0x83) ?Data Pointer-0 High Byte // DPL0 (0x82) ?Data Pointer-0 Low Byte // DPH1 (0x85) ?Data Pointer-1 High Byte // DPL1 (0x84) ?Data Pointer-1 Low Byte // DPS (0x92) ?Data-Pointer Select #define DPS_DPS 0x01 // Data pointer selection, DPTR1 when set, DPTR0 when cleared. // PSW (0xD0) ?Program Status Word // ACC (0xE0) ?Accumulator // B (0xF0) ?B Register // SP (0x81) ?Stack Pointer /******************************************************************************* * Interrupt Control Registers */ // IEN0 (0xA8) - Interrupt Enable 0 Register - bit accessible SFR register // IEN1 (0xB8) - Interrupt Enable 1 Register - bit accessible SFR register #define IEN1_P0IE 0x20 // Port 0 interrupt enable #define IEN1_T4IE 0x10 // Timer 4 interrupt enable #define IEN1_T3IE 0x08 // Timer 3 interrupt enable #define IEN1_T2IE 0x04 // Timer 2 interrupt enable #define IEN1_T1IE 0x02 // Timer 1 interrupt enable #define IEN1_DMAIE 0x01 // DMA transfer interrupt enable // IEN2 (0x9A) - Interrupt Enable 2 Register #define IEN2_WDTIE 0x20 #define IEN2_P1IE 0x10 #if (chip == 2541) #define IEN2_UTX1IE 0x08 // USART 1 TX interrupt enable #elif (chip == 2543 || chip == 2545) // The chip is defined in the project options. #define IEN2_I2CIE 0x08 // (not applicable on CC2544) #endif #define IEN2_UTX0IE 0x04 #define IEN2_P2IE 0x02 #define IEN2_USBIE 0x02 #define IEN2_RFIE 0x01 // TCON (0x88) - CPU Interrupt Flag 1 - bit accessible SFR register // S0CON (0x98) - CPU Interrupt Flag 2 - bit accessible SFR register // S1CON (0x9B) - CPU Interrupt Flag 3 #define S1CON_RFIF_1 0x02 #define S1CON_RFIF_0 0x01 // IRCON (0xC0) - CPU Interrupt Flag 4 - bit accessible SFR register // IRCON2 (0xE8) - CPU Interrupt Flag 5 - bit accessible SFR register // IP1 (0xB9) - Interrupt Priority 1 #define IP1_IPG5 0x20 #define IP1_IPG4 0x10 #define IP1_IPG3 0x08 #define IP1_IPG2 0x04 #define IP1_IPG1 0x02 #define IP1_IPG0 0x01 // IP0 (0xA9) - Interrupt Priority 0 #define IP0_IPG5 0x20 #define IP0_IPG4 0x10 #define IP0_IPG3 0x08 #define IP0_IPG2 0x04 #define IP0_IPG1 0x02 #define IP0_IPG0 0x01 /******************************************************************************* * Power Management and Clocks */ // SRCRC (0x6262) ?Sleep Reset CRC (not available on the CC2544) #define SRCRC_FORCE_RESET 0x20 // Force watchdog reset #define SRCRC_CRC_RESULT (0x03 << 2) // CRC value, bit mask #define SRCRC_CRC_RESULT_PASS (0x00 << 2) // CRC of retained registers passed #define SRCRC_CRC_RESULT_LOW (0x01 << 2) // Low CRC value failed #define SRCRC_CRC_RESULT_HIGH (0x02 << 2) // High CRC value failed #define SRCRC_CRC_RESULT_BOTH (0x03 << 2) // Both CRC values failed #define SRCRC_CRC_RESET_EN 0x01 // CRC != 00 reset enable, after wakeup from PM2/PM3. // PCON (0x87) - Power Mode Control #define PCON_IDLE 0x01 // SLEEPCMD (0xBE) - Sleep Mode Control #define OSC32K_CALDIS 0x80 #define SLEEPCMD_MODE (0x03) // Power mode bit mask #define SLEEPCMD_MODE_IDLE (0x00) #define SLEEPCMD_MODE_PM1 (0x01) #if (chip == 2541 || chip == 2543 || chip == 2545) // (not applicable on CC2544) #define SLEEPCMD_MODE_PM2 (0x02) #define SLEEPCMD_MODE_PM3 (0x03) #endif // SLEEPSTA (0x9D) ?Sleep-Mode Control Status #define SLEEPSTA_CLK32K_CALDIS 0x80 // Calibration disable status #define SLEEPSTA_RST (0x03 << 3) // Cause of last reset, bit mask #define SLEEPSTA_RST_POR_BOD (0x00 << 3) // Power-on reset, or brownout detection #define SLEEPSTA_RST_EXT (0x01 << 3) // External reset #define SLEEPSTA_RST_WDT (0x02 << 3) // Watchdog Timer reset #define SLEEPSTA_RST_CLK_LOSS (0x03 << 3) // Clock loss reset #define SLEEPSTA_CLK32K 0x01 // 32 kHz clock signal // STLOAD (0xAD) ?Sleep Timer Load Status #define STLOAD_LDRDY 0x01 // CLKCONCMD (0xC6) ?Clock Control Command // and CLKCONSTA (0x9E) ?Clock Control Status #define CLKCON_OSC32K 0x80 // 32 kHz clock source select/status #define CLKCON_OSC 0x40 // system clock source select/status #define CLKCON_TICKSPD (0x07 << 3) // bit mask, global timer tick speed divider #define CLKCON_TICKSPD_32M (0x00 << 3) #define CLKCON_TICKSPD_16M (0x01 << 3) #define CLKCON_TICKSPD_8M (0x02 << 3) #define CLKCON_TICKSPD_4M (0x03 << 3) #define CLKCON_TICKSPD_2M (0x04 << 3) #define CLKCON_TICKSPD_1M (0x05 << 3) #define CLKCON_TICKSPD_500K (0x06 << 3) #define CLKCON_TICKSPD_250K (0x07 << 3) #define CLKCON_CLKSPD (0x07) // bit mask for the clock speed division #define CLKCON_CLKSPD_32M (0x00) #define CLKCON_CLKSPD_16M (0x01) #define CLKCON_CLKSPD_8M (0x02) #define CLKCON_CLKSPD_4M (0x03) #define CLKCON_CLKSPD_2M (0x04) #define CLKCON_CLKSPD_1M (0x05) #define CLKCON_CLKSPD_500K (0x06) #define CLKCON_CLKSPD_250K (0x07) // CLD (0x6290) ?Clock-Loss Detection #define CLD_EN 0x01 // Clock-loss detector enable /******************************************************************************* * Flash Controller */ // FCTL (0x6270) - Flash Control #define FCTL_BUSY 0x80 #define FCTL_FULL 0x40 #define FCTL_ABORT 0x20 #define FCTL_CM (0x03 << 2) // cache mode bit mask #define FCTL_CM_DIS (0x00 << 2) // cache mode disabled #define FCTL_CM_EN (0x01 << 2) // cache mode enabled #define FCTL_CM_PREFETCH (0x02 << 2) // cache mode enabled, prefetch mode #define FCTL_CM_REALTIME (0x03 << 2) // cache mode enabled, real-time mode #define FCTL_WRITE 0x02 #define FCTL_ERASE 0x01 // FWDATA (0xAF) - Flash Write Data // FADDRH (0xAD) - Flash Address High Byte // FADDRL (0xAC) - Flash Address Low Byte /******************************************************************************* * I/O Ports */ // *************************** CC2541 ******************************** #if (chip == 2541) // P0 (0x80) - Port 0 - bit accessible SFR register // P1 (0x90) - Port 1 - bit accessible SFR register // P2 (0xA0) - Port 2 - bit accessible SFR register // PERCFG (0xF1) - Peripheral Control #define PERCFG_T1CFG 0x40 // Timer 1 I/O location #define PERCFG_T3CFG 0x20 // Timer 3 I/O location #define PERCFG_T4CFG 0x10 // Timer 4 I/O location #define PERCFG_U1CFG 0x02 // USART 1 I/O location #define PERCFG_U0CFG 0x01 // USART 0 I/O location #define PERCFG_U0CFG_ALT1 0x00 // Alternative 1 location #define PERCFG_U0CFG_ALT2 0x01 // Alternative 2 location // APCFG (0xF2) - Analog Peripheral I/O Configuration #define APCFG_APCFG7 0x80 // When set, analog I/O on P0_7 is enabled #define APCFG_APCFG6 0x40 #define APCFG_APCFG5 0x20 #define APCFG_APCFG4 0x10 #define APCFG_APCFG3 0x08 #define APCFG_APCFG2 0x04 #define APCFG_APCFG1 0x02 #define APCFG_APCFG0 0x01 // P0SEL (0xF3) ?P0 Function Select #define P0SEL_SELP0_7 0x80 // Pin function as peripheral I/O when set #define P0SEL_SELP0_6 0x40 #define P0SEL_SELP0_5 0x20 #define P0SEL_SELP0_4 0x10 #define P0SEL_SELP0_3 0x08 #define P0SEL_SELP0_2 0x04 #define P0SEL_SELP0_1 0x02 #define P0SEL_SELP0_0 0x01 // P1SEL (0xF4) ?P1 Function Select #define P1SEL_SELP1_7 0x80 // Pin function as peripheral I/O when set #define P1SEL_SELP1_6 0x40 #define P1SEL_SELP1_5 0x20 #define P1SEL_SELP1_4 0x10 #define P1SEL_SELP1_3 0x08 #define P1SEL_SELP1_2 0x04 #define P1SEL_SELP1_1 0x02 #define P1SEL_SELP1_0 0x01 // P2SEL (0xF5) ?Port 2 Function Select and Port 1 Peripheral Priority Control #define P2SEL_PRI3P1 0x40 // When set USART 1 has priotity over USART 0. #define P2SEL_PRI2P1 0x20 // When set Timer 3 has priotity over USART 1. #define P2SEL_PRI1P1 0x10 // When set Timer 4 has priotity over Timer 1. #define P2SEL_PRI0P1 0x08 // When set Timer 1 has priotity over USART 0. #define P2SEL_SELP2_4 0x04 // P2.4 function select #define P2SEL_SELP2_3 0x02 // P2.3 function select #define P2SEL_SELP2_0 0x01 // P2.0 function select // P1INP (0xF6) ?Port 1 Input Mode #define P1INP_MDP1 0xFC // P1.7 to P1.2 I/O input mode bit mask #define P1INP_MDP1_P1_7 0x80 // When set P1.7 is 3-state, when not set pullup or pulldown (set in P2INP) #define P1INP_MDP1_P1_6 0x40 // When set P1.6 is 3-state, when not set pullup or pulldown (set in P2INP) #define P1INP_MDP1_P1_5 0x20 // When set P1.5 is 3-state, when not set pullup or pulldown (set in P2INP) #define P1INP_MDP1_P1_4 0x10 // When set P1.4 is 3-state, when not set pullup or pulldown (set in P2INP) #define P1INP_MDP1_P1_3 0x08 // When set P1.3 is 3-state, when not set pullup or pulldown (set in P2INP) #define P1INP_MDP1_P1_2 0x04 // When set P1.2 is 3-state, when not set pullup or pulldown (set in P2INP) // P2INP (0xF7) ?Port 1 Input Mode #define P2INP_PDUP2 0x80 // Port 2 pullup/pulldown select. 1 - pulldown, 0- pullup. #define P2INP_PDUP1 0x40 // Port 1 pullup/pulldown select. 1 - pulldown, 0- pullup. #define P2INP_PDUP0 0x20 // Port 0 pullup/pulldown select. 1 - pulldown, 0- pullup. #define P2INP_MDP2 0x1F // P2.4 to P2.0 I/O input mode bit mask. #define P2INP_MDP2_P2_4 0x10 // P2.4 pullup/pulldown select. 1 - pulldown, 0- pullup. #define P2INP_MDP2_P2_3 0x10 // P2.3 pullup/pulldown select. 1 - pulldown, 0- pullup. #define P2INP_MDP2_P2_2 0x10 // P2.2 pullup/pulldown select. 1 - pulldown, 0- pullup. #define P2INP_MDP2_P2_1 0x10 // P2.1 pullup/pulldown select. 1 - pulldown, 0- pullup. #define P2INP_MDP2_P2_0 0x10 // P2.0 pullup/pulldown select. 1 - pulldown, 0- pullup. // P0IFG (0x89) ?Port 0 Interrupt Status Flag // P1IFG (0x8A) ?Port 1 Interrupt Status Flag // P0DIR (0xFD) ?Port 0 Direction Control ( P0.7 to P0.0 ). // P1DIR (0xFE) ?Port 1 Direction Control ( P1.7 to P1.0 ). // P2DIR (0xFF) ?Port 2 Direction and Port 0 Peripheral Priority Control #define P2DIR_PRIP0 0xC0 // Port 0 peripheral priority control. #define P2DIR_PRIP0_USART0 (0x00 << 6) // USART 0 has priority, then USART 1, then Timer 1 #define P2DIR_PRIP0_USART1 (0x01 << 6) // USART 1 has priority, then USART 0, then Timer 1 #define P2DIR_PRIP0_T1_0_1 (0x02 << 6) // Timer 1 channels 0-1 has priority, then USART 1, then USART 0, then Timer 1 channels 2-3 #define P2DIR_PRIP0_T1_2_3 (0x03 << 6) // Timer 1 channels 2-3 has priority, then USART 0, then USART 1, then Timer 1 channels 0-1 #define P2DIR_DIRP2 0x1F // P2.4 to P2.0 I/O direction // P0INP (0x8F) ?Port 0 Input Mode // P2INP (0xF7) ?Port 2 Input Mode #define P2INP_PDUP2 0x80 // Port 2 pullup/pulldown select. When set high -> Pullup. #define P2INP_PDUP1 0x40 // Port 1 pullup/pulldown select. When set high -> Pullup. #define P2INP_PDUP0 0x20 // Port 0 pullup/pulldown select. When set high -> Pullup. #define P2INP_MDP2 0x1F // P2.4 to P2.0 I/O input mode. When set high -> 3-state. // P0IFG (0x89) ?Port 0 Interrupt Status Flag // P1IFG (0x8A) ?Port 1 Interrupt Status Flag // P2IFG (0x8B) ?Port 2 Interrupt Status Flag // PICTL (0x8C) - Port Interrupt Control #define PICTL_PADSC 0x80 // Drive strength control for I/O pins in output mode. #define PICTL_P2ICON 0x08 // Port 2, inputs 4 to 0 interrupt configuration. Interrupt on falling edge when set, rising edge when cleared. #define PICTL_P1ICONH 0x04 // Port 1, inputs 7 to 4 interrupt configuration. Interrupt configuration. Interrupt on falling edge when set, rising edge when cleared. #define PICTL_P1ICONL 0x02 // Port 1, inputs 3 to 0 interrupt configuration. Interrupt on falling edge when set, rising edge when cleared. #define PICTL_P0ICON 0x01 // Port 0, inputs 7 to 0 interrupt configuration. Interrupt on falling edge when set, rising edge when cleared. // P0IEN (0xAB) ?Port 0 Interrupt Mask // P1IEN (0x8D) ?Port 1 Interrupt Mask // P2IEN (0xAC) ?Port 2 Interrupt Mask // PMUX (0xAE) ?Power-Down Signal Mux #define PMUX_CKOEN 0x80 // Clock out enable, the 32 kHz clock. #define PMUX_CKOPIN (0x07 << 4) // Selects which pin on Port 0, bit mask. #define PMUX_DREGSTA 0x04 // Digital Regulator Status output enable. #define PMUX_DREGSTAPIN (0x07) // Selects which pin on Port 1, bit mask. // OBSSEL0 (0x6243) ?Observation output control register 0 // OBSSEL1 (0x6244) ?Observation output control register 1 // OBSSEL2 (0x6245) ?Observation output control register 2 // OBSSEL3 (0x6246) ?Observation output control register 3 // OBSSEL4 (0x6247) ?Observation output control register 4 // OBSSEL5 (0x6248) ?Observation output control register 5 // *************************** CC2543 ******************************** #elif (chip == 2543) // P0 (0x80) - Port 0 - bit accessible SFR register // P1 (0x90) - Port 1 - bit accessible SFR register // P2 (0xA0) - Port 2 - bit accessible SFR register // PERCFG (0xF1) - Peripheral Control #define PERCFG_PRI0P2 (0x03 << 6) // Port 2 peripheral priority control bit mask #define PERCFG_PRI0P2_USART0 (0x00 << 6) // USART0 has priority, then Timer 1, then Timer 4 #define PERCFG_PRI0P2_T1 (0x01 << 6) // Timer 1 has priority, then Timer 4, then USART0 #define PERCFG_PRI0P2_T4 (0x02 << 6) // Timer 4 has priority, then Timer 1, then USART0 #define PERCFG_T1CFG 0x20 #define PERCFG_T3CFG 0x10 #define PERCFG_T4CFG 0x08 #define PERCFG_I2CCFG 0x04 #define PERCFG_U0CFG (0x03) // USART0 I/O location bit mask #define PERCFG_U0CFG_ALT1 (0x00) // Alternative 1 location #define PERCFG_U0CFG_ALT2 (0x01) // Alternative 2 location #define PERCFG_U0CFG_ALT3 (0x02) // Alternative 3 location // APCFG (0xF2) - Analog Peripheral I/O Configuration #define APCFG_APCFG7 0x80 // When set, analog I/O on P0_7 is enabled #define APCFG_APCFG6 0x40 #define APCFG_APCFG5 0x20 #define APCFG_APCFG4 0x10 #define APCFG_APCFG3 0x08 #define APCFG_APCFG2 0x04 #define APCFG_APCFG1 0x02 #define APCFG_APCFG0 0x01 // P0SEL (0xF3) ?P0 Function Select #define P0SEL_SELP0_7 0x80 // Pin function as peripheral I/O when set #define P0SEL_SELP0_6 0x40 #define P0SEL_SELP0_5 0x20 #define P0SEL_SELP0_4 0x10 #define P0SEL_SELP0_3 0x08 #define P0SEL_SELP0_2 0x04 #define P0SEL_SELP0_1 0x02 #define P0SEL_SELP0_0 0x01 // P1SEL (0xF4) ?P1 Function Select #define P1SEL_SELP1_4 0x10 // Pin function as peripheral I/O when set #define P1SEL_SELP1_3 0x08 #define P1SEL_SELP1_2 0x04 #define P1SEL_SELP1_1 0x02 #define P1SEL_SELP1_0 0x01 // P2SEL (0xF5) ?P2 Function Select #define P2SEL_SELP2_2 0x04 // Pin function as peripheral I/O when set #define P2SEL_SELP2_1 0x02 #define P2SEL_SELP2_0 0x01 // PPRI (0xFB) - Peripheral Priority Setup #define PPRI_PRI_P1_2 0x80 // Port 1 pin 2. When set Timer 3 has priotity over Timer 1 #define PPRI_PRI_P1_1 (0x03 << 5) // Port 1 pin 1. Peripheral priority bit mask #define PPRI_PRI_P1_1_T1 (0x00 << 5) // Timer 1 has priority, then Timer 3, then Timer 4 #define PPRI_PRI_P1_1_T3 (0x01 << 5) // Timer 3 has priority, then Timer 1, then Timer 4 #define PPRI_PRI_P1_1_T4 (0x02 << 5) // Timer 4 has priority, then Timer 1, then Timer 3 #define PPRI_PRI_P1_0 (0x03 << 3) // Port 1 pin 0. Peripheral priority bit mask #define PPRI_PRI_P1_0_T1 (0x00 << 3) // Timer 1 has priority, then Timer 3, then Timer 4 #define PPRI_PRI_P1_0_T3 (0x01 << 3) // Timer 3 has priority, then Timer 1, then Timer 4 #define PPRI_PRI_P1_0_T4 (0x02 << 3) // Timer 4 has priority, then Timer 1, then Timer 3 #define PPRI_PRI0P1 0x04 // Port 1. When set Timer 1 has priority over USART0 #define PPRI_PRI1P0 0x02 // Port 0. When set Timer 1 has priority over I2C #define PPRI_PRI0P0 0x01 // Port 0. When set Timer 1 has priority over USART0 // P0DIR (0xFD) ?Port 0 Direction Control // P1DIR (0xFE) ?Port 1 Direction Control // P2DIR (0xFF) ?Port 2 Direction Control // P0INP (0x8F) ?Port 0 Input Mode // P1INP (0xF6) ?Port 1 Input Mode // P2INP (0xF7) ?Port 2 Input Mode // PPULL (0xF8) ?Port Pullup/Pulldown Control #define PPULL_PDUP2L 0x10 // P2_[2:0] pull direction, when set pulls down #define PPULL_PDUP1H 0x08 // P1_4 pull direction #define PPULL_PDUP1L 0x04 // P1_[3:0] pull direction #define PPULL_PDUP0H 0x02 // P0_[7:4] pull direction #define PPULL_PDUP0L 0x01 // P0_[3:0] pull direction // P0IFG (0x89) ?Port 0 Interrupt Status Flag // P1IFG (0x8A) ?Port 1 Interrupt Status Flag // P2IFG (0x8B) ?Port 2 Interrupt Status Flag // PICTL (0x8C) - Port Interrupt Control #define PICTL_PADSC 0x40 // Drive strength #define PICTL_P2ICONL 0x10 // P2_[2:0] interrupt on falling edge when set, rising edge when cleared. #define PICTL_P1ICONH 0x08 // P1_4 #define PICTL_P1ICONL 0x04 // P1_[3:0] #define PICTL_P0ICONH 0x02 // P0_[7:4] #define PICTL_P0ICONL 0x01 // P0_[3:0] // P0IEN (0xAB) ?Port 0 Interrupt Mask // P1IEN (0x8D) ?Port 1 Interrupt Mask // P2IEN (0xAC) ?Port 2 Interrupt Mask // PMUX (0xAE) ?Power-Down Signal Mux #define PMUX_CKOEN 0x80 // Clock out enable, the 32 kHz clock #define PMUX_CKOPIN (0x07 << 4) // Selects which pin on Port 0, bit mask #define PMUX_DREGSTA 0x04 // Digital Regulator Status output enable #define PMUX_DREGSTAPIN (0x07) // Selects which pin on Port 1, bit mask // OBSSEL0 (0x6243) ?Observation output control register 0 // OBSSEL1 (0x6244) ?Observation output control register 1 // OBSSEL2 (0x6245) ?Observation output control register 2 // OBSSEL3 (0x6246) ?Observation output control register 3 // OBSSEL4 (0x6247) ?Observation output control register 4 // OBSSEL5 (0x6248) ?Observation output control register 5 // *************************** CC2544 ******************************** #elif (chip == 2544) // P0 (0x80) ?Port 0 // P1 (0x90) ?Port 1 // P0SEL0 (0xF3) ?P0 Function Select #define P0SEL0_SELP0_1 0xF0 #define P0SEL0_SELP0_0 0x0F // P0SEL1 (0xF4) ?P0 Function Select #define P0SEL1_SELP0_3 0xF0 #define P0SEL1_SELP0_2 0x0F // P1SEL0 (0xF5) ?P1 Function Select #define P1SEL0_SELP1_1 0xF0 #define P1SEL0_SELP1_0 0x0F // P1SEL1 (0xF6) ?P1 Function Select #define P1SEL1_SELP1_3 0xF0 #define P1SEL1_SELP1_2 0x0F // PDIR (0xFD) ?Port Direction Control #define PDIR_DIRP1_3 0x80 #define PDIR_DIRP1_2 0x40 #define PDIR_DIRP1_1 0x20 #define PDIR_DIRP1_0 0x10 #define PDIR_DIRP0_3 0x08 #define PDIR_DIRP0_2 0x04 #define PDIR_DIRP0_1 0x02 #define PDIR_DIRP0_0 0x01 // PINP (0x8F) ?Port Input Mode #define PINP_MDP1_3 0x80 #define PINP_MDP1_2 0x40 #define PINP_MDP0_3 0x08 #define PINP_MDP0_2 0x04 #define PINP_MDP0_1 0x02 #define PINP_MDP0_0 0x01 // PPULL (0xF7) ?Port Pullup/Pulldown Control #define PPULL_PDUP1_3 0x80 #define PPULL_PDUP1_2 0x40 #define PPULL_PADSC 0x20 #define PPULL_PDUP0_3 0x08 #define PPULL_PDUP0_2 0x04 #define PPULL_PDUP0_1 0x02 #define PPULL_PDUP0_0 0x01 // P0IFG (0x89) ?Port 0 Interrupt Status Flag // P1IFG (0x8A) ?Port 1 Interrupt Status Flag // P2IFG (0x8B) ?USB D+ Interrupt Status Flag // PICTL (0x8C) - Port Interrupt Control #define PICTL_P1ICON_3 0x80 #define PICTL_P1ICON_2 0x40 #define PICTL_P1ICON_1 0x20 #define PICTL_P1ICON_0 0x10 #define PICTL_P0ICON_3 0x08 #define PICTL_P0ICON_2 0x04 #define PICTL_P0ICON_1 0x02 #define PICTL_P0ICON_0 0x01 // P0IEN (0xAB) ?Port 0 Interrupt mask // P1IEN (0x8D) ?Port 1 Interrupt mask // P2IEN (0xAC) ?USB D+ Interrupt mask // OBSSEL0 (0x6243) ?Observation output control register // OBSSEL1 (0x6244) ?Observation output control register 1 // OBSSEL2 (0x6245) ?Observation output control register 2 // OBSSEL3 (0x6246) ?Observation output control register // OBSSEL4 (0x6247) ?Observation output control register // OBSSEL5 (0x6248) ?Observation output control register 5 // *************************** CC2545 ******************************** #elif (chip == 2545) // P0 (0x80) - Port 0 - bit accessible SFR register // P1 (0x90) - Port 1 - bit accessible SFR register // P2 (0xA0) - Port 2 - bit accessible SFR register // P3 (0xB0) ?Port 3 - bit accessible SFR register // PERCFG (0xF1) - Peripheral Control #define PERCFG_T1CFG 0x20 #define PERCFG_T3CFG 0x10 #define PERCFG_T4CFG 0x08 #define PERCFG_I2CCFG 0x04 #define PERCFG_U0CFG (0x03) // USART0 I/O location bit mask #define PERCFG_U0CFG_ALT1 (0x00) // Alternative 1 location #define PERCFG_U0CFG_ALT2 (0x01) // Alternative 2 location #define PERCFG_U0CFG_ALT3 (0x02) // Alternative 3 location // APCFG (0xF2) - Analog Peripheral I/O Configuration #define APCFG_APCFG7 0x80 // When set, analog I/O on P0_7 is enabled #define APCFG_APCFG6 0x40 #define APCFG_APCFG5 0x20 #define APCFG_APCFG4 0x10 #define APCFG_APCFG3 0x08 #define APCFG_APCFG2 0x04 #define APCFG_APCFG1 0x02 #define APCFG_APCFG0 0x01 // P0SEL (0xF3) ?P0 Function Select #define P0SEL_SELP0_7 0x80 // Pin function as peripheral I/O when set #define P0SEL_SELP0_6 0x40 #define P0SEL_SELP0_5 0x20 #define P0SEL_SELP0_4 0x10 #define P0SEL_SELP0_3 0x08 #define P0SEL_SELP0_2 0x04 #define P0SEL_SELP0_1 0x02 #define P0SEL_SELP0_0 0x01 // P1SEL (0xF4) ?P1 Function Select #define P1SEL_SELP1_6 0x40 // Pin function as peripheral I/O when set #define P1SEL_SELP1_5 0x20 #define P1SEL_SELP1_4 0x10 #define P1SEL_SELP1_3 0x08 #define P1SEL_SELP1_2 0x04 #define P1SEL_SELP1_1 0x02 #define P1SEL_SELP1_0 0x01 // P2SEL (0xF3) ?P0 Function Select #define P2SEL_SELP2_7 0x80 // Pin function as peripheral I/O when set #define P2SEL_SELP2_6 0x40 #define P2SEL_SELP2_5 0x20 #define P2SEL_SELP2_4 0x10 #define P2SEL_SELP2_3 0x08 #define P2SEL_SELP2_2 0x04 #define P2SEL_SELP2_1 0x02 #define P2SEL_SELP2_0 0x01 // PPRI (0xFB) - Peripheral Priority Setup #define PPRI_OBSLOC 0x40 // When set OBSSEL at P3[5:0] has priority OBSSEL at P1[5:0]. #define PPRI_PRI0P2 0x20 // Port 2 peripheral priority control. When set Timer4 has priority over Timer1. #define PPRI_PRI1P1 0x18 // Port 1 peripheral priority control. #define PPRI_PRI1P1_USART (0x00 << 3) // USART0 has priority, then Timer3, then I2C. #define PPRI_PRI1P1_T3 (0x01 << 3) // Timer3 has priority, then USART0, then I2C. #define PPRI_PRI1P1_I2C (0x10 << 3) // I2C has priority, then USART0, then Timer3. #define PPRI_PRI0P1 0x04 // Port 1 peripheral priority control. When set Timer4 has priority over Timer1. #define PPRI_PRI0P0 0x01 // Port 0. When set Timer 1 has priority over USART0 // P0DIR (0xFD) ?Port 0 Direction Control // P1DIR (0xFE) ?Port 1 Direction Control // P2DIR (0xFF) ?Port 2 Direction Control // P3DIR (0xF9) ?Port 3 Direction Control // P0INP (0x8F) ?Port 0 Input Mode // P1INP (0xF6) ?Port 1 Input Mode // P2INP (0xF7) ?Port 2 Input Mode // P3INP (0xFA) ?Port 3 Input Mode // PPULL (0xF8) ?Port Pullup/Pulldown Control #define PPULL_PDUP3H 0x80 #define PPULL_PDUP3L 0x40 #define PPULL_PDUP2H 0x20 #define PPULL_PDUP2L 0x10 #define PPULL_PDUP1H 0x08 #define PPULL_PDUP1L 0x04 #define PPULL_PDUP0H 0x02 // P0_[7:4] pull direction #define PPULL_PDUP0L 0x01 // P0_[3:0] pull direction // P0IFG (0x89) ?Port 0 Interrupt Status Flag // P1IFG (0x8A) ?Port 1 Interrupt Status Flag // P2IFG (0x8B) ?Port 2 Interrupt Status Flag // PICTL (0x8C) - Port Interrupt Control #define PICTL_PADSC 0x40 // Drive strength #define PICTL_P2ICONH 0x20 #define PICTL_P2ICONL 0x10 // interrupt on falling edge when set, rising edge when cleared. #define PICTL_P1ICONH 0x08 #define PICTL_P1ICONL 0x04 #define PICTL_P0ICONH 0x02 // P0_[7:4] #define PICTL_P0ICONL 0x01 // P0_[3:0] // P0IEN (0xAB) ?Port 0 Interrupt Mask // P1IEN (0x8D) ?Port 1 Interrupt Mask // P2IEN (0xAC) ?Port 2 Interrupt Mask // PMUX (0xAE) ?Power-Down Signal Mux #define PMUX_CKOEN 0x80 // Clock out enable, the 32 kHz clock #define PMUX_CKOPIN (0x07 << 4) // Selects which pin on Port 0, bit mask #define PMUX_DREGSTA 0x04 // Digital Regulator Status output enable #define PMUX_DREGSTAPIN (0x07) // Selects which pin on Port 1, bit mask // OBSSEL0 (0x6243) ?Observation output control register 0 // OBSSEL1 (0x6244) ?Observation output control register 1 // OBSSEL2 (0x6245) ?Observation output control register 2 // OBSSEL3 (0x6246) ?Observation output control register 3 // OBSSEL4 (0x6247) ?Observation output control register 4 // OBSSEL5 (0x6248) ?Observation output control register 5 #endif /******************************************************************************* * DMA Controller */ // DMAARM (0xD6) - DMA Channel Arm #define DMAARM_ABORT 0x80 #define DMAARM_DMAARM1 0x02 #define DMAARM_DMAARM0 0x01 // DMAREQ (0xD7) - DMA Channel Start Request and Status #define DMAREQ_DMAREQ1 0x02 #define DMAREQ_DMAREQ0 0x01 // DMA0CFGH (0xD5) - DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address High Byte // DMA0CFGL (0xD4) - DMA Channel 0 Configuration Address Low Byte // DMA1CFGH (0xD3) - DMA Channel 1 - 4 Configuration Address High Byte // DMA1CFGL (0xD2) - DMA Channel 1 - 4 Configuration Address Low Byte // DMAIRQ (0xD1) - DMA Interrupt Flag #define DMAIRQ_DMAIF1 0x02 #define DMAIRQ_DMAIF0 0x01 /******************************************************************************* * Timers */ // ************************* TIMER 1 ************************* // T1CNTH (0xE3) ?Timer 1 Counter High // T1CNTL (0xE2) ?Timer 1 Counter Low // T1CTL (0xE4) - Timer 1 Control and Status #define T1CTL_DIV (0x0C) // Bit mask, Timer 1 tick speed divider #define T1CTL_DIV_1 (0x00 << 2) // Divide tick frequency by 1 #define T1CTL_DIV_8 (0x01 << 2) // Divide tick frequency by 8 #define T1CTL_DIV_32 (0x02 << 2) // Divide tick frequency by 32 #define T1CTL_DIV_128 (0x03 << 2) // Divide tick frequency by 128 #define T1CTL_MODE (0x03) // Timer 1 mode select. The timer operating mode is selected as follows: #define T1CTL_MODE_SUSPEND (0x00) // Operation is suspended. #define T1CTL_MODE_FREERUN (0x01) // Free-running, repeatedly count from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF. #define T1CTL_MODE_MODULO (0x02) // Modulo, repeatedly count from 0x0000 to T1CC0. #define T1CTL_MODE_UPDOWN (0x03) // Up/down, repeatedly count from 0x0000 to T1CC0 and from T1CC0 down to 0x0000. // T1STAT (0xAF) - Timer 1 Status #define T1STAT_OVFIF 0x20 // Overflow interrupt flag #define T1STAT_CH4IF 0x10 // Overflow interrupt flag #define T1STAT_CH3IF 0x08 // Overflow interrupt flag #define T1STAT_CH2IF 0x04 // Overflow interrupt flag #define T1STAT_CH1IF 0x02 // Overflow interrupt flag #define T1STAT_CH0IF 0x01 // Overflow interrupt flag // T1CCTL0 (0xE5) - Timer 1 Channel n Capture/Compare Control #define T1CCTLn_RFIRQ 0x80 // When set, use RF interrupt for capture instead of regular capture input. #define T1CCTLn_IM 0x40 // Interrupt mask. Enables interrupt request when set. #define T1CCTLn_CMP (0x07 << 3) // Compare-mode bit mask. #define T1CCTLn_CMP_SET_ON_CMP (0x00 << 3) // Set output on compare. #define T1CCTLn_CMP_CLR_ON_CMP (0x01 << 3) // Clear output on compare. #define T1CCTLn_CMP_TOG_ON_CMP (0x02 << 3) // Toggle output on compare. #define T1CCTLn_CMP_SET_CMP_UP_CLR_0 (0x03 << 3) // Set output on compare-up, clear on 0. #define T1CCTLn_CMP_CLR_CMP_UP_SET_0 (0x04 << 3) // Clear output on compare-up, set on 0. #define T1CCTLn_CMP_CLR_T1CC0_SET_T1CC1 (0x05 << 3) // Clear when equal T1CC0, set when equal T1CC1. Not applicable for ch0. #define T1CCTLn_CMP_SET_T1CC0_CLR_T1CC1 (0x06 << 3) // Set when equal T1CC0, clear when equal T1CC1. Not applicable for ch0. #define T1CCTLn_CMP_INIT_PIN (0x07 << 3) // Initialize output pin, CMP mode is not changed. #define T1CCTLn_MODE 0x04 // Compare mode when set, capture mode when cleared #define T1CCTLn_CAP (0x03) // Capture mode bit mask #define T1CCTLn_CAP_NO_CAP (0x00) // No capture #define T1CCTLn_CAP_RISE_EDGE (0x01) // Capture on rising edge #define T1CCTLn_CAP_FALL_EDGE (0x02) // Capture on falling edge #define T1CCTLn_CAP_BOTH_EDGE (0x03) // Capture on both edges // T1CC0H (0xDB) ?Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value, High // T1CC0L (0xDA) ?Timer 1 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value, Low // T1CCTL1 (0xE6) - Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Control // See T1CCTL0 // T1CC1H (0xDD) ?Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value, High // T1CC1L (0xDC) ?Timer 1 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value, Low // T1CCTL2 (0xE7) - Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Control // See T1CCTL0 // T1CC2H (0xDF) ?Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value, High // T1CC2L (0xDE) ?Timer 1 Channel 2 Capture/Compare Value, Low // T1CCTL3 (0x62A3) - Timer 1 Channel 3 Capture/Compare Control // See T1CCTL0 // T1CC3H (0x62AD) ?Timer 1 Channel 3 Capture/Compare Value, High // T1CC3L (0x62AC) ?Timer 1 Channel 3 Capture/Compare Value, Low // T1CCTL4 (0x62A4) - Timer 1 Channel 4 Capture/Compare Control // See T1CCTL0 // T1CC4H (0x62AF) ?Timer 1 Channel 4 Capture/Compare Value, High // T1CC4L (0x62AE) ?Timer 1 Channel 4 Capture/Compare Value, Low // IRCTL (0x6281) ?Timer 1 IR Generation Control #define IRCTL_IRGEN 0x01 // Used in conjuction with Timer 3 to generate modulated IR codes, see the User's Guide. // ************************* TIMER 2 ************************* // T2MSEL (0xC3) ?Timer 2 Multiplex Select // T2M0 (0xA2) ?Timer 2 Multiplexed Register 0 // T2M1 (0xA3) ?Timer 2 Multiplexed Register 1 // T2MOVF0 (0xA4) ?Timer 2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 0 // T2MOVF1 (0xA5 ?Timer 2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 2 // T2MOVF2 (0xA6) ?Timer 2 Multiplexed Overflow Register 2 // T2IRQF (0xA1) ?Timer 2 Interrupt Flags #define T2IRQF_LONG_COMPARE2F 0x80 #define T2IRQF_LONG_COMPARE1F 0x40 #define T2IRQF_OVF_COMPARE2F 0x20 #define T2IRQF_OVF_COMPARE1F 0x10 #define T2IRQF_OVF_PERF 0x08 #define T2IRQF_COMPARE2F 0x04 #define T2IRQF_COMPARE1F 0x02 #define T2IRQF_PERF 0x01 // T2IRQM (0xA7) ?Timer 2 Interrupt Mask #define T2IRQM_LONG_COMARE2M 0x80 #define T2IRQM_LONG_COMARE1M 0x40 #define T2IRQM_OVF_COMPARE2M 0x20 #define T2IRQM_OVF_COMPARE1M 0x10 #define T2IRQM_OVF_PERM 0x08 #define T2IRQM_COMPARE2M 0x04 #define T2IRQM_COMPARE1M 0x02 #define T2IRQM_PERM 0x01 // T2CTRL (0x94) ?Timer 2 Control Register #define T2CTRL_LATCH_MODE 0x08 #define T2CTRL_STATE 0x04 // State of Timer 2 #if (chip == 2545) #define T2CTRL_SYNC 0x02 // Syncronized start/stop with LS RCOSC when set. #endif #define T2CTRL_RUN 0x01 // Start/stop timer, starts when set, stops when cleared. // T2EVTCFG (0x9C) ?Timer 2 Event Configuration // ************************* TIMER 3 ************************* // T3CNT (0xCA) - Timer 3 Counter // T3CTL (0xCB) - Timer 3 Control #define T3CTL_DIV (0xE0) #define T3CTL_DIV_1 (0x00 << 5) #define T3CTL_DIV_2 (0x01 << 5) #define T3CTL_DIV_4 (0x02 << 5) #define T3CTL_DIV_8 (0x03 << 5) #define T3CTL_DIV_16 (0x04 << 5) #define T3CTL_DIV_32 (0x05 << 5) #define T3CTL_DIV_64 (0x06 << 5) #define T3CTL_DIV_128 (0x07 << 5) #define T3CTL_START 0x10 #define T3CTL_OVFIM 0x08 #define T3CTL_CLR 0x04 #define T3CTL_MODE (0x03) #define T3CTL_MODE_FREERUN (0x00) #define T3CTL_MODE_DOWN (0x01) #define T3CTL_MODE_MODULO (0x02) #define T3CTL_MODE_UPDOWN (0x03) // T3CCTL0 (0xCC) - Timer 3 Channel 0 Compare Control #define T3CCTLn_IM 0x40 #define T3CCTLn_CMP (0x07 << 3) // Compare mode bit mask. #define T3CCTLn_CMP_SET_ON_CMP (0x00 << 3) // Set output on compare. #define T3CCTLn_CMP_CLR_ON_CMP (0x01 << 3) // Clear output on compare. #define T3CCTLn_CMP_TOG_ON_CMP (0x02 << 3) // Toggle output on compare. #define T3CCTLn_CMP_SET_CMP_UP_CLR_0 (0x03 << 3) // Set output on compare-up, clear on 0. #define T3CCTLn_CMP_CLR_CMP_UP_SET_0 (0x04 << 3) // Clear output on compare-up, set on 0. #define T3CCTLn_CMP_SET_CMP_CLR_0xFF (0x05 << 3) // Set output on compare, clear on 0xFF #define T3CCTLn_CMP_CLR_CMP_SET_0x00 (0x06 << 3) // Clear output on compare, set on 0x00 #define T3CCTLn_CMP_INIT_PIN (0x07 << 3) // Initialize output pin, CMP mode is not changed. #define T3CCTLn_MODE 0x04 #define T3CCTLn_CAP (0x03) // Capture mode bit mask #define T3CCTLn_CAP_NO_CAP (0x00) // No capture #define T3CCTLn_CAP_RISE_EDGE (0x01) // Capture on rising edge #define T3CCTLn_CAP_FALL_EDGE (0x02) // Capture on falling edge #define T3CCTLn_CAP_BOTH_EDGE (0x03) // Capture on both edges // T3CC0 (0xCD) - Timer 3 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value // T3CCTL1 (0xCE) - Timer 3 Channel 1 Compare Control // See T3CCTL0 // T3CC1 (0xCF) - Timer 3 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value // ************************* TIMER 4 ************************* // T4CNT (0xEA) - Timer 4 Counter // T4CTL (0xEB) - Timer 4 Control #define T4CTL_DIV (0xE0) #define T4CTL_DIV_1 (0x00 << 5) #define T4CTL_DIV_2 (0x01 << 5) #define T4CTL_DIV_4 (0x02 << 5) #define T4CTL_DIV_8 (0x03 << 5) #define T4CTL_DIV_16 (0x04 << 5) #define T4CTL_DIV_32 (0x05 << 5) #define T4CTL_DIV_64 (0x06 << 5) #define T4CTL_DIV_128 (0x07 << 5) #define T4CTL_START 0x10 #define T4CTL_OVFIM 0x08 #define T4CTL_CLR 0x04 #define T4CTL_MODE (0x03) #define T4CTL_MODE_FREERUN (0x00) #define T4CTL_MODE_DOWN (0x01) #define T4CTL_MODE_MODULO (0x02) #define T4CTL_MODE_UPDOWN (0x03) // T4CCTL0 (0xEC) - Timer 4 Channel 0 Compare Control #define T4CCTLn_IM 0x40 #define T4CCTLn_CMP (0x07 << 3) // Compare mode bit mask. #define T4CCTLn_CMP_SET_ON_CMP (0x00 << 3) // Set output on compare. #define T4CCTLn_CMP_CLR_ON_CMP (0x01 << 3) // Clear output on compare. #define T4CCTLn_CMP_TOG_ON_CMP (0x02 << 3) // Toggle output on compare. #define T4CCTLn_CMP_SET_CMP_UP_CLR_0 (0x03 << 3) // Set output on compare-up, clear on 0. #define T4CCTLn_CMP_CLR_CMP_UP_SET_0 (0x04 << 3) // Clear output on compare-up, set on 0. #define T4CCTLn_CMP_SET_CMP_CLR_0xFF (0x05 << 3) // Set output on compare, clear on 0xFF #define T4CCTLn_CMP_CLR_CMP_SET_0x00 (0x06 << 3) // Clear output on compare, set on 0x00 #define T4CCTLn_CMP_INIT_PIN (0x07 << 3) // Initialize output pin, CMP mode is not changed. #define T4CCTLn_MODE 0x04 #define T4CCTLn_CAP (0x03) // Capture mode bit mask #define T4CCTLn_CAP_NO_CAP (0x00) // No capture #define T4CCTLn_CAP_RISE_EDGE (0x01) // Capture on rising edge #define T4CCTLn_CAP_FALL_EDGE (0x02) // Capture on falling edge #define T4CCTLn_CAP_BOTH_EDGE (0x03) // Capture on both edges // T4CC0 (0xED) - Timer 4 Channel 0 Capture/Compare Value // T4CCTL1 (0xEE) - Timer 4 Channel 1 Compare Control // See T4CCTL0 // T4CC1 (0xEF) - Timer 4 Channel 1 Capture/Compare Value // TIMIF (0xD8) - Timers 1/3/4 Interrupt Mask/Flag - bit accessible SFR register /******************************************************************************* * ADC */ #if (chip == 2541 || chip == 2543 || chip == 2545) // (not applicable on CC2544) // ADCL (0xBA) - ADC Data Low (only bit 7-4 used) // ADCH (0xBB) - ADC Data High // ADCCON1 (0xB4) - ADC Control 1 #define ADCCON1_EOC 0x80 #define ADCCON1_ST 0x40 #define ADCCON1_STSEL (0x03 << 4) // bit mask, ADC start select #define ADCCON1_STSEL_P2_0 (0x00 << 4) // External trigger on P2.0 #define ADCCON1_STSEL_FULL_SPEED (0x01 << 4) // Do not wait for triggers #define ADCCON1_STSEL_T1C0_CMP_EVT (0x02 << 4) // Timer 1 ch0 compare event #define ADCCON1_STSEL_ST (0x03 << 4) // ADCCON1.ST = 1 // ADCCON2 (0xB5) - ADC Control 2 #define ADCCON2_SREF (0x03 << 6) // bit mask, select reference voltage #define ADCCON2_SREF_1_15V (0x00 << 6) // Internal reference 1.15 V #define ADCCON2_SREF_P0_7 (0x01 << 6) // External reference on AIN7 pin #define ADCCON2_SREF_AVDD (0x02 << 6) // AVDD5 pin #define ADCCON2_SREF_P0_6_P0_7 (0x03 << 6) // External reference on AIN6-AIN7 differential input #define ADCCON2_SDIV (0x03 << 4) // bit mask, decimation rate #define ADCCON2_SDIV_64 (0x00 << 4) // 7 bits ENOB #define ADCCON2_SDIV_128 (0x01 << 4) // 9 bits ENOB #define ADCCON2_SDIV_256 (0x02 << 4) // 10 bits ENOB #define ADCCON2_SDIV_512 (0x03 << 4) // 12 bits ENOB #define ADCCON2_SCH (0x0F) // bit mask, sequence channel select #define ADCCON2_SCH_AIN0 (0x00) // selects the end of a single input sequence (starts at AIN0) #define ADCCON2_SCH_AIN1 (0x01) #define ADCCON2_SCH_AIN2 (0x02) #define ADCCON2_SCH_AIN3 (0x03) #define ADCCON2_SCH_AIN4 (0x04) #define ADCCON2_SCH_AIN5 (0x05) #define ADCCON2_SCH_AIN6 (0x06) #define ADCCON2_SCH_AIN7 (0x07) #define ADCCON2_SCH_AIN0_1 (0x08) // selects the end of a differential input sequence (starts at AIN0-AIN1) #define ADCCON2_SCH_AIN2_3 (0x09) #define ADCCON2_SCH_AIN4_5 (0x0A) #define ADCCON2_SCH_AIN6_7 (0x0B) #define ADCCON2_SCH_GND (0x0C) // only one conversion is performed #define ADCCON2_SCH_TEMPR (0x0E) // only one conversion is performed #define ADCCON2_SCH_VDD_3 (0x0F) // only one conversion is performed // ADCCON3 (0xB6) - ADC Control 3 #define ADCCON3_EREF 0xC0 #define ADCCON3_EREF_1_25V (0x00 << 6) #define ADCCON3_EREF_P0_7 (0x01 << 6) #define ADCCON3_EREF_AVDD (0x02 << 6) #define ADCCON3_EREF_P0_6_P0_7 (0x03 << 6) #define ADCCON3_EDIV 0x30 #define ADCCON3_EDIV_64 (0x00 << 4) #define ADCCON3_EDIV_128 (0x01 << 4) #define ADCCON3_EDIV_256 (0x02 << 4) #define ADCCON3_EDIV_512 (0x03 << 4) #define ADCCON3_ECH 0x0F #define ADCCON3_ECH_AIN0 (0x00) #define ADCCON3_ECH_AIN1 (0x01) #define ADCCON3_ECH_AIN2 (0x02) #define ADCCON3_ECH_AIN3 (0x03) #define ADCCON3_ECH_AIN4 (0x04) #define ADCCON3_ECH_AIN5 (0x05) #define ADCCON3_ECH_AIN6 (0x06) #define ADCCON3_ECH_AIN7 (0x07) #define ADCCON3_ECH_AIN0_1 (0x08) #define ADCCON3_ECH_AIN2_3 (0x09) #define ADCCON3_ECH_AIN4_5 (0x0A) #define ADCCON3_ECH_AIN6_7 (0x0B) #define ADCCON3_ECH_GND (0x0C) #define ADCCON3_ECH_TEMPR (0x0E) #define ADCCON3_ECH_VDD_3 (0x0F) // TR0 (0x624B) ?Test Register 0 #define TR0_ADCTM 0x01 // Enable temperatur sensor, see datasheet. // *********************** Analog Comparator ************************* // CMPCTL (0x62D0) ?Analog Comparator Control and Status #define CMPCTL_EN 0x02 // Comparator enable #define CMPCTL_OUTPUT 0x01 // The comparator output #endif // ADCCON1 (0xB4) - ADC Control 1, also applicable on the CC2544 #define ADCCON1_RCTRL (0x03 << 2) // Random-number generator control, bit mask #define ADCCON1_RCTRL_COMPLETE (0x00 << 2) // Normal operation (13x unrolling) #define ADCCON1_RCTRL_LFSR13 (0x01 << 2) // Clock the LFSR once (13x unrolling) #define ADCCON1_RCTRL_STOP (0x03 << 2) // Random-number generator turned off // RNDL (0xBC) ?Random-Number-Generator Data, Low Byte // RNDH (0xBD) ?Random-Number-Generator Data, High Byte /******************************************************************************* * Watchdog Timer */ // WDCTL (0xC9) - Watchdog Timer Control #define WDCTL_CLR 0xF0 #define WDCTL_CLR0 0x10 #define WDCTL_CLR1 0x20 #define WDCTL_CLR2 0x40 #define WDCTL_CLR3 0x80 #define WDCTL_MODE (0x03 << 2) // Selects mode, bit mask #define WDCTL_MODE_IDLE (0x00 << 2) // Idle, when in Timer mode #define WDCTL_MODE_WD (0x02 << 2) // Watchdog mode (when in watchdog mode writing to these bits have no effect.) #define WDCTL_MODE_TIMER (0x03 << 2) // Timer mode #define WDCTL_INT (0x03) // Interval select #define WDCTL_INT_1_SEC (0x00) #define WDCTL_INT_250_MSEC (0x01) #define WDCTL_INT_15_MSEC (0x02) #define WDCTL_INT_2_MSEC (0x03) /******************************************************************************* * USART */ // U0CSR (0x86) - USART 0 Control and Status #define U0CSR_MODE 0x80 #define U0CSR_RE 0x40 #define U0CSR_SLAVE 0x20 #define U0CSR_FE 0x10 #define U0CSR_ERR 0x08 #define U0CSR_RX_BYTE 0x04 #define U0CSR_TX_BYTE 0x02 #define U0CSR_ACTIVE 0x01 // U0UCR (0xC4) - USART 0 UART Control #define U0UCR_FLUSH 0x80 #define U0UCR_FLOW 0x40 #define U0UCR_D9 0x20 #define U0UCR_BIT9 0x10 #define U0UCR_PARITY 0x08 #define U0UCR_SPB 0x04 #define U0UCR_STOP 0x02 #define U0UCR_START 0x01 // U0GCR (0xC5) - USART 0 Generic Control #define U0GCR_CPOL 0x80 #define U0GCR_CPHA 0x40 #define U0GCR_ORDER 0x20 #define U0GCR_BAUD_E 0x1F #define U0GCR_BAUD_E0 0x01 #define U0GCR_BAUD_E1 0x02 #define U0GCR_BAUD_E2 0x04 #define U0GCR_BAUD_E3 0x08 #define U0GCR_BAUD_E4 0x10 // U0DBUF (0xC1) - USART 0 Receive/Transmit Data Buffer // U0BAUD (0xC2) - USART 0 Baud Rate Control /******************************************************************************* * I2C */ #if (chip == 2541 || chip == 2543 || chip == 2545) // (not applicable on CC2544) // I2CCFG (0x6230) ?I2C Control #define I2CCFG_CR2 0x80 // Clock rate bit 2 #define I2CCFG_ENS1 0x40 // Enable I2C #define I2CCFG_STA 0x20 // Start condition flag #define I2CCFG_STO 0x10 // Stop flag #define I2CCFG_SI 0x08 // Interrupt flag #define I2CCFG_AA 0x04 // Assert acknowledge flag #define I2CCFG_CR1 0x02 // Clock rate bit 1 #define I2CCFG_CR0 0x01 // Clock rate bit 0 #define I2CCFG_CR (0x83) // Clock rate bit mask #define I2CCFG_CR_DIV_256 (0x00) // 123 kHz at 32MHz system clock #define I2CCFG_CR_DIV_244 (0x01) // 144 kHz at 32MHz system clock #define I2CCFG_CR_DIV_192 (0x02) // 165 kHz at 32MHz system clock #define I2CCFG_CR_DIV_160 (0x03) // 197 kHz at 32MHz system clock #define I2CCFG_CR_DIV_960 (0x80) // 33 kHz at 32MHz system clock #define I2CCFG_CR_DIV_120 (0x81) // 267 kHz at 32MHz system clock #define I2CCFG_CR_DIV_60 (0x82) // 533 kHz at 32MHz system clock // I2CSTAT (0x6231) ?I2C Status // I2CDATA (0x6232) ?I2C Data // I2CADDR (0x6233) ?I2C Own Slave Address #define I2CADDR_GC 0x01 // General-call address acknowledge #endif /***********************************************************************/ #endif /*********************************************************************************** Copyright 2012 Texas Instruments Incorporated. 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