android wifi网络时间更新-android2.3

       在 “设置” ——> “日期和时间” ——> “自动” 选项实习网络时间更新

       1、SNTP.java文件是一个wifi时间更新Service(代码在后面) ,该Service如果没有成功获取网络时间则会每隔一段时间去程序获取网络时间,直到成功获取网络时间为止。


public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences preferences, String key) {
           if (key.equals(KEY_DATE_FORMAT)) {
                String format = preferences.getString(key,
                Settings.System.DATE_FORMAT, format);
          } else if (key.equals(KEY_AUTO_TIME)) {
                boolean autoEnabled = preferences.getBoolean(key, true);

                /* add at 2011.6.21 */
                if( autoEnabled ){
      Log.d("---------->"," startService !! " );      

      Intent intent = new Intent(DateTimeSettings.this,SNTP.class);
      Log.d("---------->"," endService !! " );
      Intent intent = new Intent(DateTimeSettings.this,SNTP.class);

      stopService(intent) ;

                    autoEnabled ? 1 : 0);


<service android:name=".sntp.SNTP"




package ;

import java.util.Calendar;

import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.format.DateFormat;
import android.util.Log;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;

 * {@hide}
 * Simple SNTP client class for retrieving network time.
 * Sample usage:
 * <pre>
 * SntpClient client = new SntpClient();
 * if (client.requestTime("")) {
 *     long now = client.getNtpTime() + SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - client.getNtpTimeReference();
 * }
 * </pre>

public class SNTP extends Service {
	  private static final String TAG = "SNTP--->";
	  private static final boolean DBUG = true; 
	  private static Context mContext ;
		/*public static void SNTP( Context context ) {
			mContext = context ;		
	  public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
		 // TODO Auto-generated method stub
		  return null;
		public void onDestroy()
			if(DBUG) Log.d(TAG," SNTP Service end !! " );
		public void onStart(Intent intent, int startId){
			super.onStart(intent, startId);
			if(DBUG) Log.d(TAG," start SNTP Service !! " );
		public void startSyncSNTP() {
			mSntpHandler.postDelayed(mSntpTask, 10);
	  private Handler mSntpHandler = new Handler();
    private Runnable mSntpTask = new Runnable(){
    	public void run(){
    		if( ! syncSNTP() ) {
    			mSntpHandler.postDelayed(mSntpTask, 3000);
    public boolean syncSNTP( ) {          
      SntpClient client = new SntpClient();
      if(client.requestTime("",3000)) {
        	long now = client.getNtpTime() + SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - client.getNtpTimeReference();       	
        	CharSequence ch=DateFormat.format("hh:mm:ss", now );
        	if(DBUG) Log.d(TAG,"ch="+ch);
        	CharSequence date=DateFormat.format("yyyy MM dd", now);
        	if(DBUG) Log.d(TAG,"date="+date);
        	if( SystemClock.setCurrentTimeMillis(now) ){
            if(DBUG) Log.d(TAG,"set Current Time ="+System.currentTimeMillis());
        		if(DBUG) Log.d(TAG," set Current Time  false !" );
        	if(DBUG) Log.d(TAG,"sntp request time false !!" );
        	return false ;
        return true ;
    public class SntpClient
        private static final int NTP_PACKET_SIZE = 48 ;
        private static final int NTP_PORT = 123;
        private static final int NTP_MODE_CLIENT = 3;
        private static final int NTP_VERSION = 3;
         *  Number of seconds between Jan 1, 1900 and Jan 1, 1970
         *  70 years plus 17 leap days
        private static final long OFFSET_1900_TO_1970 = ((365L * 70L) + 17L) * 24L * 60L * 60L;
        private static final int TRANSMIT_TIME_OFFSET = 40;
        private static final int ORIGINATE_TIME_OFFSET = 24;
        private static final int RECEIVE_TIME_OFFSET = 32;
        // system time computed from NTP server response
        private long mNtpTime;
        // value of SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() corresponding to mNtpTime
        private long mNtpTimeReference;
        // round trip time in milliseconds
        private long mRoundTripTime;
        public boolean requestTime(String host, int timeout) {
        	try {    
        		DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket();
        		InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(host);    		
        		byte[] buffer = new byte[NTP_PACKET_SIZE];
        		DatagramPacket request = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length, address, NTP_PORT);
        		 * set mode = 3 (client) and version = 3                        
                 * mode is in low 3 bits of first byte
                 * version is in bits 3-5 of first byte
                buffer[0] = NTP_MODE_CLIENT | (NTP_VERSION << 3);
                //get current time and write it to the request packet
                long requestTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if(DBUG) Log.d(TAG, "System.currentTimeMillis(): " + requestTime + " ms");
                long requestTicks = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
                writeTimeStamp(buffer, TRANSMIT_TIME_OFFSET, requestTime);
                // read the response
                DatagramPacket response = new DatagramPacket(buffer, buffer.length);
                long responseTicks = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
                long responseTime = requestTime + (responseTicks - requestTicks);
                // extract the results
                long originateTime = readTimeStamp(buffer, ORIGINATE_TIME_OFFSET);
                long receiveTime = readTimeStamp(buffer, RECEIVE_TIME_OFFSET);
                long transmitTime = readTimeStamp(buffer, TRANSMIT_TIME_OFFSET);
                long roundTripTime = responseTicks - requestTicks - (transmitTime - receiveTime);
                long clockOffset = (receiveTime - originateTime) + (transmitTime - responseTime);
                if(DBUG) Log.d(TAG, "round trip: " + roundTripTime + " ms");
                if(DBUG) Log.d(TAG, "clock offset: " + clockOffset + " ms");
             // save our results
                mNtpTime = receiveTime;//requestTime + clockOffset;
                mNtpTimeReference = requestTicks;
                mRoundTripTime = roundTripTime;
        	}catch (Exception e) {
    			// TODO: handle exception
        		if(DBUG) Log.d(TAG, "error: " + e);
        		return false;
        	return true ;
         * Returns the time computed from the NTP transaction.
         * @return time value computed from NTP server response.
        public long getNtpTime() {
            return mNtpTime;
         * Returns the reference clock value (value of SystemClock.elapsedRealtime())
         * corresponding to the NTP time.
         * @return reference clock corresponding to the NTP time.
        public long getNtpTimeReference() {

            return mNtpTimeReference;
         * Returns the round trip time of the NTP transaction
         * @return round trip time in milliseconds.
        public long getRoundTripTime() {
            return mRoundTripTime;
         * Reads an unsigned 32 bit big endian number from the given offset in the buffer.
        private long read32(byte[] buffer, int offset) {
            byte b0 = buffer[offset];
            byte b1 = buffer[offset+1];
            byte b2 = buffer[offset+2];
            byte b3 = buffer[offset+3];

            // convert signed bytes to unsigned values
            int i0 = ((b0 & 0x80) == 0x80 ? (b0 & 0x7F) + 0x80 : b0);
            int i1 = ((b1 & 0x80) == 0x80 ? (b1 & 0x7F) + 0x80 : b1);
            int i2 = ((b2 & 0x80) == 0x80 ? (b2 & 0x7F) + 0x80 : b2);
            int i3 = ((b3 & 0x80) == 0x80 ? (b3 & 0x7F) + 0x80 : b3);
            return ((long)i0 << 24) + ((long)i1 << 16) + ((long)i2 << 8) + (long)i3;
         * Reads the NTP time stamp at the given offset in the buffer and returns 
         * it as a system time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970).
        private long readTimeStamp(byte[] buffer, int offset) {
            long seconds = read32(buffer, offset);
            long fraction = read32(buffer, offset + 4);
            return ((seconds - OFFSET_1900_TO_1970) * 1000) + ((fraction * 1000L) / 0x100000000L);        
         * Writes system time (milliseconds since January 1, 1970) as an NTP time stamp 
         * at the given offset in the buffer.
        private void writeTimeStamp(byte[] buffer, int offset, long time) {
            long seconds = time / 1000L;
            long milliseconds = time - seconds * 1000L;
            seconds += OFFSET_1900_TO_1970;

            // write seconds in big endian format
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)(seconds >> 24);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)(seconds >> 16);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)(seconds >> 8);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)(seconds >> 0);
            long fraction = milliseconds * 0x100000000L / 1000L;

            // write fraction in big endian format
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)(fraction >> 24);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)(fraction >> 16);
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)(fraction >> 8);

            // low order bits should be random data
            buffer[offset++] = (byte)(Math.random() * 255.0);

    }//class SntpClient

