【LeetCode】Fraction to Recurring Decimal【Solution】


Given two integers representing the numerator and denominator of a fraction, return the fraction in string format.

If the fractional part is repeating, enclose the repeating part in parentheses.

For example,

  • Given numerator = 1, denominator = 2, return "0.5".
  • Given numerator = 2, denominator = 1, return "2".
  • Given numerator = 2, denominator = 3, return "0.(6)".



6 ) 1.00
    1 0       <-- Remainder=1, mark 1 as seen at position=0.
    - 6 
      40      <-- Remainder=4, mark 4 as seen at position=1.
    - 36 
       4      <-- Remainder=4 was seen before at position=1, so the fractional part which is 16 starts repeating at position=1 => 1(6).

The key insight here is to notice that once the remainder starts repeating, so does the divided result.

You will need a hash table that maps from the remainder to its position of the fractional part. Once you found a repeating remainder, you may enclose the reoccurring fractional part with parentheses by consulting the position from the table.

The remainder could be zero while doing the division. That means there is no repeating fractional part and you should stop right away.

Just like the question Divide Two Integers, be wary of edge case such as negative fractions and nasty extreme case such as -2147483648 / -1.





涉及技巧:1)在不断相除的过程中,把余数乘以10再进行下一次相除,保证一直是整数相除;2)HashMap的key和value分别是<当前余数, 对应结果下标>,这样获取076923时就可根据value值来找。




public class Solution {
    public String fractionToDecimal(int numerator, int denominator) {
        if (numerator == 0) return "0";
        if (denominator == 0) return "";
        String ans = "";
        if ((numerator < 0) ^ (denominator < 0)) {
            ans += "-";
        long num = numerator, den = denominator;
        num = Math.abs(num);
        den = Math.abs(den);
        long res = num / den;
        ans += String.valueOf(res);
        long rem = (num % den) * 10;
        if (rem == 0) return ans;
        HashMap<Long, Integer> map = new HashMap<Long, Integer>();
        ans += ".";
        while (rem != 0) {
            if (map.containsKey(rem)) {
                int beg = map.get(rem); //循环体开始的位置
                String part1 = ans.substring(0, beg);
                String part2 = ans.substring(beg, ans.length());
                ans = part1 + "(" + part2 + ")";
                return ans;
            map.put(rem, ans.length());
            res = rem / den;
            ans += String.valueOf(res);
            rem = (rem % den) * 10;
        return ans;

Java编程误区:一定要先把 int 转为 long,然后再取绝对值。如果写成 long num = Math.abs(numerator) 就会有问题,因为这句代码在 numerator=Integer.MIN_VALUE 时相当于 long num = Math.abs(-2147483648),这样得到的 num还是 -2147483648。


