注:左括号为 { [
左括号为 } ]
代码组织: stack.c 和stack.h -------栈的操作
main.c ---------使用栈解决问题
程序的功能实现括号的平衡。符号数据输入为大括号{ }或者中括号 [ ]
[root@lumotuwe] gcc main.c stack.c -o main
[root@lumotuwe] ./main [ { } ] { [ ] }
/************************************************************************ * File Name :symbol blance * Copyright :scut,All Rights Reserved. * Create Data :2012/11/22 * Author :lumotuwe * Abstruct Description :[root@localhost] ./main * [ ] ( ) * ************************************************************************/ #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include "stack.h" #include "stdlib.h" int main(int argc, char ** argv) { int i; Stack S; if( (argc-1) % 2 != 0 ) { printf( "Balance no\n" ); return 2; } S = CreateStack( ); for( i=1; i<argc; i++ ) { switch ( argv[i][0] ) { case 91 : Push( 91, S );break; //[ case 123 : Push( 123, S );break; //( case 125 : if( Pop( S ) != 123 ) goto erro1;break; case 93 : if( Pop( S ) != 91 ) goto erro1;break; default : goto erro2; } } if( IsEmpty( S ) ) { printf( "Balance yes\n" ); return 0; } erro1: printf( "Balance no\n" ); return 3; erro2: printf( "input erro,please input only""["" or"" }""\n" ); return 2; }
#ifndef _Satack_h struct Node { int Element; struct Node *Next; }; typedef struct Node *PtrToNode; typedef PtrToNode Stack; int IsEmpty( Stack S ); Stack CreateStack( void ); void DisposeStack( Stack S ); void MakeEmpty( Stack S ); void Push( int X, Stack S ); int Top( Stack S ); int Pop(Stack S); #endif
#include "stack.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> /* Return true if S is empty*/ int IsEmpty( Stack S ) { return S->Next == NULL; } /*Return the head of Stack*/ /*Retrun NULL if no memory*/ Stack CreateStack( void ) { Stack Head; Head=( Stack )malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) ); if (Head == NULL) { printf( "Out of space" ); return Head; } Head->Next = NULL; return Head; } void DisposeStack( Stack S ) { } void MakeEmpty( Stack S ) { } void Push( int X, Stack S ) { PtrToNode Tmp; Tmp = ( PtrToNode ) malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) ); if( Tmp == NULL ) printf( "Out of space" ); Tmp->Next = S->Next; S->Next = Tmp; Tmp->Element = X; } int Top( Stack S ) { } int Pop(Stack S) { int data; if( IsEmpty( S ) ) return 0; PtrToNode Tmp = S->Next; data = S->Next->Element; S->Next = S->Next->Next; free(Tmp); return data; }