
About The Lion:






< p>原文地址: http://www.animalintelligence.org/2007/08/16/video-christian-the-lion-reunited-with-humans-who-raised-him/


Christian was separated from his parents at an early age and put up for sale in a London department store. Christian’s parents were zoo lions, the father came from the Rotterdam zoo and the mother from Jerusalem, and they lived at the Ilfracombe zoo. When they had cubs, the zoo sold them, and two cubs went to the department store.

Two men, Anthony Bourke and John Rendall, found him there and immediately fell in love with him and determined to buy him. They scraped together the money and brought the little lion home when he was only a few weeks old. They named him Christian.

Tony and John dedicated themselves to giving Christian the best life they could, and the bond that developed between them is a joy to behold. Christian was a remarkable lion, obviously very intelligent and loving, and gentle to everyone, both human and animal.

As he grew, Christian began to need bigger facilities than Tony and John could provide. Thanks to a chance meeting with Bill Travers (who had starred in the movie Born Free), they hit upon the idea of sending Christian to Africa to live as a wild lion.

Bill Travers contacted George Adamson to set up the project, and came up with the idea of making a documentary movie of it all, to fund the project. Christian is an absolute joy to watch in this movie. The love he shows, his intelligence, his joie de vie, are beautiful.


< p> Christian脱离他的父母在早期的年龄和推出发售在伦敦一家百货公司。Christian的父母动物园的狮子,父亲 来自鹿特丹动物园和母亲来自耶路撒冷,和他们住在ilfracombe动物园。当他们小熊,动物园出售,以及两个小熊到百货公司。
    两名男子,安东尼伯克和约翰rendall ,发现他有,并立即深深爱上了与他决心要购买他。他们一起抄袭的金钱和所带来的小狮子回家时,他只是数星期岁。他们命名他的Christian。< br />     托尼和约翰专责自己,让Christian最好的生活,他们可以和债券,发达国家它们之间是一种喜悦看哪。Christian是一个了不起的狮子,显然是 很聪明和爱好,和温和的每一个人,无论是人类和动物。
    因为他长大,Christian开始需要更大的设施比托尼和约翰可以提供。感谢有机会会见条例草案Travers的(谁曾主演的电影人生而自由) ,击中后的想法派遣Christian对非洲的生活,作为一个野生狮子。
    条例草案Travers的接触,乔治亚当森设立该项目,并想出制作一部纪录片,电影的这一切,基金项目。Christian是一项绝对的喜悦在观赏这部影 片。爱他表明,他的情报,他joie德争夺,是美丽的。


