当控制文件的备份丢失时,怎么restore database?
How to restore database when controlfile backup missing (文档 ID 1438776.1)
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 9.2 to 11.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 23-Sep-2013***
本文对如下的情况有帮助:除了控制文件备份不存在,其他的备份都存在,该情况下的database restore.
1. 查看当前数据库结构:
RMAN> report schema; using target database control file instead of recovery catalog Report of database schema List of Permanent Datafiles =========================== File Size(MB) Tablespace RB segs Datafile Name ---- -------- -------------------- ------- ------------------------ 1 510 SYSTEM *** +DATA/ora102/datafile/system.257.775126603 2 595 UNDOTBS1 *** +DATA/ora102/datafile/undotbs1.256.775126561 3 250 SYSAUX *** +DATA/ora102/datafile/sysaux.258.775126637 4 28 USERS *** +DATA/ora102/datafile/users.259.775126653 5 50 USERS *** +DATA/ora102/datafile/users.262.776000421 List of Temporary Files ======================= File Size(MB) Tablespace Maxsize(MB) Tempfile Name ---- -------- -------------------- ----------- -------------------- 1 29 TEMP 32767 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/ora102/ORA102/datafile/o1_mf_temp_7lqq1qko_.tmp RMAN> exit Recovery Manager complete
2.Create a dummy instance/ can use existing database to extract datafile 1 from backup piece and restore datafile 1 from backup piece
SQL> DECLARE devtype varchar2(256); done boolean; BEGIN devtype := dbms_backup_restore.DeviceAllocate(type=>null, ident=>'d1'); dbms_backup_restore.RestoreSetDatafile; dbms_backup_restore.RestoreDatafileTo(dfnumber => 1,toname => '/u03/datafile1.dbf'); dbms_backup_restore.RestoreBackupPiece(done => done,handle =>'/u03/backup/2cn5blrn_1_1', params => null); dbms_backup_restore.DeviceDeallocate; END; /
3.在包括datafile 1的情况下建立控制文件:
SQL>!cat /u03/1.ctl CREATE CONTROLFILE REUSE DATABASE "ORA102" NORESETLOGS ARCHIVELOG MAXLOGFILES 16 MAXLOGMEMBERS 3 MAXDATAFILES 100 MAXINSTANCES 8 MAXLOGHISTORY 292 LOGFILE GROUP 1 '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ora102/ORA102/onlinelog/o1_mf_1_7lqq1m62_.log' SIZE 50M, GROUP 2 '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ora102/ORA102/onlinelog/o1_mf_2_7lqq1myr_.log' SIZE 50M, GROUP 3 '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ora102/ORA102/onlinelog/o1_mf_3_7lqq1nr0_.log' SIZE 50M DATAFILE '/u03/datafile1.dbf' CHARACTER SET WE8ISO8859P1 ; SQL> @/u03/1.ctl Control file created. SQL> select name from v$datafile; NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /u03/datafile1.dbf SQL> exit Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
4.catalog 所有的backuppiece
[oracle@oel57 ~]$ rman target / Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Thu Mar 8 11:55:58 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. connected to target database: ORA102 (DBID=396070408, not open) RMAN> catalog start with '/u03/backup/' noprompt; using target database control file instead of recovery catalog searching for all files that match the pattern /u03/backup/ List of Files Unknown to the Database ===================================== File Name: /u03/backup/28n5bki6_1_1 File Name: /u03/backup/ORA1122-backup-080312.log File Name: /u03/backup/2dn5blsq_1_1 File Name: /u03/backup/2cn5blrn_1_1 File Name: /u03/backup/ora102-080312.log File Name: /u03/backup/27n5bkd0_1_1 cataloging files... cataloging done List of Cataloged Files ======================= File Name: /u03/backup/2dn5blsq_1_1 File Name: /u03/backup/2cn5blrn_1_1 List of Files Which Where Not Cataloged ======================================= File Name: /u03/backup/28n5bki6_1_1 RMAN-07518: Reason: Foreign database file DBID: 2353175563 Database Name: ORA1122 File Name: /u03/backup/ORA1122-backup-080312.log RMAN-07517: Reason: The file header is corrupted File Name: /u03/backup/ora102-080312.log RMAN-07517: Reason: The file header is corrupted File Name: /u03/backup/27n5bkd0_1_1 RMAN-07518: Reason: Foreign database file DBID: 2353175563 Database Name: ORA1122 RMAN> list backup; using target database control file instead of recovery catalog List of Backup Sets =================== BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time ------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ --------------- 1 Full 1.05M DISK 00:00:00 08-MAR-12 BP Key: 1 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20120308T101415 Piece Name: /u03/backup/2dn5blsq_1_1 Control File Included: Ckp SCN: 1320981 Ckp time: 08-MAR-12 SPFILE Included: Modification time: 08-MAR-12 BS Key Type LV Size Device Type Elapsed Time Completion Time ------- ---- -- ---------- ----------- ------------ --------------- 2 Full 107.40M DISK 00:00:00 08-MAR-12 BP Key: 2 Status: AVAILABLE Compressed: YES Tag: TAG20120308T101415 Piece Name: /u03/backup/2cn5blrn_1_1 List of Datafiles in backup set 2 File LV Type Ckp SCN Ckp Time Name ---- -- ---- ---------- --------- ---- 1 Full 1320981 08-MAR-12 +DATA/ora102/datafile/system.257.775126603 2 Full 1320981 08-MAR-12 3 Full 1320981 08-MAR-12 4 Full 1320981 08-MAR-12 5 Full 1320981 08-MAR-12 RMAN>
5. 使用dbms_backup_restore package 来restore datafile。请注意:datafile的名字不重要,只要对于要恢复的datafile,是唯一的名字即可。
SQL> -- use script DECLARE devtype varchar2(256); done boolean; BEGIN devtype := dbms_backup_restore.DeviceAllocate(type=>null, ident=>'d1'); dbms_backup_restore.RestoreSetDatafile; dbms_backup_restore.RestoreDatafileTo(dfnumber => 4,toname => '/u03/datafile4.dbf'); dbms_backup_restore.RestoreDatafileTo(dfnumber => 2,toname => '/u03/datafile2.dbf'); dbms_backup_restore.RestoreDatafileTo(dfnumber => 3,toname => '/u03/datafile3.dbf'); dbms_backup_restore.RestoreDatafileTo(dfnumber => 5,toname => '/u03/datafile5.dbf'); dbms_backup_restore.RestoreDatafileTo(dfnumber => 1,toname => '/u03/datafile1.dbf'); dbms_backup_restore.RestoreBackupPiece(done => done,handle =>'/u03/backup/2cn5blrn_1_1', params => null); dbms_backup_restore.DeviceDeallocate; END; / PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
元数据显示只有datafile 1,我么需要重建控制文件以便带上所有需要恢复的datafiles
SQL> select name from v$datafile; NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +DATA/ora102/datafile/system.257.775126603 SQL> shutdown immediate; <ORA-01109: database not open Database dismounted. ORACLE instance shut down. SQL> startup nomount; ORACLE instance started. Total System Global Area 209715200 bytes Fixed Size 1272864 bytes Variable Size 142607328 bytes Database Buffers 58720256 bytes Redo Buffers 7114752 bytes SQL>!cat /u03/1.ctl CREATE CONTROLFILE REUSE DATABASE "ORA102" NORESETLOGS ARCHIVELOG MAXLOGFILES 16 MAXLOGMEMBERS 3 MAXDATAFILES 100 MAXINSTANCES 8 MAXLOGHISTORY 292 LOGFILE GROUP 1 '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ora102/ORA102/onlinelog/o1_mf_1_7lqq1m62_.log' SIZE 50M, GROUP 2 '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ora102/ORA102/onlinelog/o1_mf_2_7lqq1myr_.log' SIZE 50M, GROUP 3 '/u01/app/oracle/oradata/ora102/ORA102/onlinelog/o1_mf_3_7lqq1nr0_.log' SIZE 50M DATAFILE '/u03/datafile1.dbf', '/u03/datafile4.dbf', '/u03/datafile2.dbf', '/u03/datafile3.dbf', '/u03/datafile5.dbf' CHARACTER SET WE8ISO8859P1 ; SQL> @/u03/1.ctl Control file created. SQL> select name from v$datafile; NAME -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /u03/datafile1.dbf /u03/datafile2.dbf /u03/datafile3.dbf /u03/datafile4.dbf /u03/datafile5.dbf
6.若是该备份不是冷备份,那么我们需要recover database,我们需要catalog 包括archivelog的backuppiece,然后restore archivelog,然后在recover
SQL> recover database until cancel; Media recovery complete. SQL> alter database open resetlogs; Database altered. SQL>
7. 一旦数据库处于一致性状态,我们可以用resetlogs的方式 open database
SQL>alter database open resetlogs; Database altered. SQL>
在multisection backup 的情况下,我们需要考虑所有的backuppiece(也就是所有的section),使用initmsr函数来restore datafile
DECLARE devtype varchar2(256); done boolean; BEGIN devtype := dbms_backup_restore.DeviceAllocate(type=>null, ident=>'d1'); dbms_backup_restore.RestoreSetDatafile; dbms_backup_restore.initmsr(1,'/ud1001/PROD/oradata/system01-test.dbf'); dbms_backup_restore.RestoreDatafileTo(dfnumber => 1,toname => '/ud1001/PROD/oradata/system01-test.dbf'); dbms_backup_restore.RestoreBackupPiece(done => done,handle =>'/backup/Oracle-DB-8-7-2014/db_L0_PROD_e6pf7too_1_1.rman', params => null); dbms_backup_restore.RestoreBackupPiece(done => done,handle =>'/backup/Oracle-DB-8-7-2014/db_L0_PROD_e6pf7too_2_1.rman', params => null); END; /