这些都有一个共同的问题,就是如何让图绘制的更加美观? 复杂的图结构,已经没法人工布局了。所以计算机自动布局,就成了一个有趣而重要的话题。我们将其称为布点算法。
(x,y,dist) *N
对于稀疏图来说,存储效率很高,但读写效率低。一种简单的优化方法是对x和y 分别进行排序,排序后按二分查找,即可实现快速存取。 力导引布局的方法可以产生相当优美的网络布局,并充分展现网络的整体结构及其自同构特征。该方法最早由Eades在1984年提出。
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace GraphdotNet.ForceAtlas2Algo { internal class ForceAtlas2 { #region Constructors and Destructors public ForceAtlas2(int nodeNum) { nodes = new Node[nodeNum]; for (var i = 0; i < nodes.Length; i++) { nodes[i] = new Node(); } Degree = new int[nodeNum]; } #endregion #region Methods private double GetEdgeWeight(int edgeIdx) { return Adjacency[3*edgeIdx + 2]; } #endregion #region Constants and Fields internal double Speed; private readonly Node[] nodes; private double outboundAttCompensation = 1; private Region rootRegion; #endregion #region Properties internal bool AdjustSizes { get; set; } internal bool BarnesHutOptimize { get; set; } internal double BarnesHutTheta { get; set; } internal double EdgeWeightInfluence { get; set; } internal double Gravity { get; set; } internal double JitterTolerance { get; set; } internal bool LinLogMode { get; set; } internal bool OutboundAttractionDistribution { get; set; } internal double ScalingRatio { get; set; } internal bool StrongGravityMode { get; set; } private double[] Adjacency { get; set; } private int[] Degree { get; } private int[] EdgeAdjacency { get; set; } #endregion #region Public Methods public bool CanAlgo() { return (nodes.Length != 0); } public void EndAlgo() { } public IEnumerable<double> GetX() { return nodes.Select(node => node.X); } public IEnumerable<double> GetY() { return nodes.Select(node => node.Y); } public void GoAlgo() { if (nodes.Length == 0) { return; } ////initialize node data var nodeNum = nodes.Length; foreach (var n in nodes) { n.Olddx = n.Dx; n.Olddy = n.Dy; n.Dx = 0; n.Dy = 0; } // If Barnes Hut active, initialize root RegionImpl if (BarnesHutOptimize) { rootRegion = new Region(nodes); rootRegion.BuildSubRegions(); } // If outboundAttractionDistribution active, compensate. if (OutboundAttractionDistribution) { outboundAttCompensation = 0; foreach (var n in nodes) { outboundAttCompensation += n.Mass; } outboundAttCompensation /= nodeNum; } // Repulsion (and gravity) var repulsion = ForceFactory.Builder.BuildRepulsion(AdjustSizes, ScalingRatio); const int @from = 0; var to = nodeNum; var rgCalculator = new RepulsionGravityCalculate( nodes, from, to, BarnesHutOptimize, BarnesHutTheta, Gravity, StrongGravityMode ? (ForceFactory.Builder.GetStrongGravity(ScalingRatio)) : (repulsion), ScalingRatio, rootRegion, repulsion); rgCalculator.Run(); // Attraction var attraction = ForceFactory.Builder.BuildAttraction( LinLogMode, OutboundAttractionDistribution, AdjustSizes, 1*(OutboundAttractionDistribution ? (outboundAttCompensation) : (1))); var edgeNum = EdgeAdjacency.Length/2; const double epsilon = 1e-6; if (Math.Abs(EdgeWeightInfluence - 0) < epsilon) { for (var i = 0; i < edgeNum; i++) { attraction.Apply( nodes[EdgeAdjacency[2*i]], nodes[EdgeAdjacency[2*i + 1]], 1); } } else if (Math.Abs(EdgeWeightInfluence - 1) < epsilon) { for (var i = 0; i < edgeNum; i++) { attraction.Apply( nodes[EdgeAdjacency[2*i]], nodes[EdgeAdjacency[2*i + 1]], GetEdgeWeight(i)); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < edgeNum; i++) { attraction.Apply( nodes[EdgeAdjacency[2*i]], nodes[EdgeAdjacency[2*i + 1]], Math.Pow(GetEdgeWeight(i), EdgeWeightInfluence)); } } // Auto adjust speed var totalSwinging = 0d; // How much irregular movement var totalEffectiveTraction = 0d; // Hom much useful movement foreach (var n in nodes) { var swinging = Math.Sqrt((n.Olddx - n.Dx)*(n.Olddx - n.Dx) + (n.Olddy - n.Dy)*(n.Olddy - n.Dy)); totalSwinging += n.Mass*swinging; // If the node has a burst change of direction, then it's not converging. totalEffectiveTraction += n.Mass*0.5* Math.Sqrt( (n.Olddx + n.Dx)*(n.Olddx + n.Dx) + (n.Olddy + n.Dy)*(n.Olddy + n.Dy)); } // We want that swingingMovement < tolerance * convergenceMovement var targetSpeed = JitterTolerance*JitterTolerance*totalEffectiveTraction/totalSwinging; // But the speed shoudn't rise too much too quickly, since it would make the convergence drop dramatically. const double maxRise = 0.5; // Start rise: 50% Speed = Speed + Math.Min(targetSpeed - Speed, maxRise*Speed); // Apply forces foreach (var n in nodes) { // Adaptive auto-speed: the speed of each node is lowered // when the node swings. var swinging = Math.Sqrt((n.Olddx - n.Dx)*(n.Olddx - n.Dx) + (n.Olddy - n.Dy)*(n.Olddy - n.Dy)); //double factor = speed / (1f + Math.sqrt(speed * swinging)); var factor = Speed/(1 + Speed*Math.Sqrt(swinging)); n.X += n.Dx*factor; n.Y += n.Dy*factor; } } public void InitAlgo(double[] adjacencyInput) { foreach (var n in nodes) { n.ResetNode(); } var ran = new Random(); foreach (var n in nodes) { n.X = (0.01 + ran.NextDouble())*1000 - 500; n.Y = (0.01 + ran.NextDouble())*1000 - 500; } Speed = 1.0; Adjacency = adjacencyInput; var len = Adjacency.Length; var edgeNum = len/3; EdgeAdjacency = new int[edgeNum*2]; for (var i = 0; i < edgeNum; i++) { EdgeAdjacency[2*i] = (int) Adjacency[3*i]; EdgeAdjacency[2*i + 1] = (int) Adjacency[3*i + 1]; } for (var i = 0; i < 2*edgeNum; i++) { Degree[EdgeAdjacency[i]]++; } var nodeNum = nodes.Length; for (var i = 0; i < nodeNum; i++) { nodes[i].Mass = 1 + Degree[i]; } } public void OutlierProcess() { var maxRadius = double.NegativeInfinity; foreach (var n in nodes) { if (n.Mass >= 2) { maxRadius = Math.Max(maxRadius, Math.Sqrt(n.X*n.X + n.Y*n.Y)); } } maxRadius += 10; var maxRadiusCeil = (int) Math.Ceiling(maxRadius); var ran = new Random(); foreach (var n in nodes) { if (n.Mass <= 1) { n.X = ran.Next(-maxRadiusCeil*20, maxRadiusCeil*20)/20.0; n.Y = Math.Pow(-1.0, Math.Floor(n.X))*Math.Sqrt(maxRadius*maxRadius - n.X*n.X); } } } public void ResetPropertiesValues() { var nodeNum = nodes.Length; // Tuning ScalingRatio = nodeNum >= 100 ? 2.0 : 10.0; StrongGravityMode = false; Gravity = 1.0; // Behavior OutboundAttractionDistribution = false; LinLogMode = false; EdgeWeightInfluence = 1.0; // Performance if (nodeNum >= 50000) { JitterTolerance = 10.0; } else if (nodeNum >= 5000) { JitterTolerance = 1.0; } else { JitterTolerance = 0.1; } BarnesHutOptimize = nodeNum >= 1000; BarnesHutTheta = 1.2; } #endregion } }