
一个不指定产品的典型门户网站和 Web CM 系统

典型门户网站和 Web CM 整合结构图


Web CM 的角色

Web CM

  • 编写 -- 构成内容块的正文
  • 编辑 --提炼内容以便它与站点组织和风格相符
  • 批准 -- 判断内容块是否值得发布
  • 部署 -- 发布内容块的版本






  • 聚集 -- 用户看到的是哪种内容类型
  • 表示 -- 每种内容类型是如何展示给用户的
  • 个性化 -- 用户的喜好或属性是如何影响聚集和表示的










作为 Web CM TeamSite

是一个主要作为 Web CM 使用的系统。视为属于 TeamSite的一些功能实际上是由单独的程序提供的,这些程序也是由 Interwoven 开发和销售的。要获取这里所介绍的所有功能,您可能还需要其他的许可。


对于系统中需要的每种内容类型(例如新闻、教育或广告)都定义了一个数据捕获模板(DCT。这一模板描述了为相关的内容类型收集的信息。例如,一个 DCT可能指定一个标题、简短的描述性文字、图像和相关的图像文字。

内容创建人员使用 DCT 来创建内容。也就是说,TeamSite 使用 DCT 来向内容创建人员呈现待完成的适当形式。对于创建的每一个内容块,都创建了一个数据捕获记录(DCRDCR XML 格式保存所有的输入信息(以及一些内部信息)。


DCR 被编辑人员批准和发布后,可发布的版本就从 XML 源文件中生成。要将 XML 格式转换为HTML(这通常是创建的形式),需要用到表示模板(PT。与某一 DCT 相关的 PT 可以有许多个,因此内容编辑人员可以选择合适的一个。内容编辑人员在TeamSite 中预览信息时也可以使用 PT


通常情况下,内容在允许发布之前需要由内容编辑人员批准。Workflow 是控制由谁接收内容以进行批准的函数。


OpenDeploy 程序(由 Interwoven 独立提供的)将生成的文件由 TeamSite 内部文件系统移至一个或多个生产文件系统。


DataDeploy 程序(也是由 Interwoven 独立提供的)将数据从 TeamSite内部文件系统移至一个或多个数据库系统。数据库设计是高度可配置的。






1.    源代码版本管理(很强,可以建分支、比较两个版本之间的差异等等)

2.    有一个被称为FormsPublisher的功能,很好。

Interwoven's TeamSite product includes a feature called FormsPublisher. This is useful for scenarios where an information worker needs to contribute to the web site, but lack HTML and CSS skills. This type of user can complete a form, let the system validate it, and then press a button to have the system generate the equivalent HTML page. The form can include validation, business logic, database queries or anything else you can dream up. While an HTML expert would prefer their favorite text editor and complete control to the HTML page. An information worker without HTML skills can now edit an existing page, based on an customized form. Now the challenge shifts to having the information worker select the appropriate form to build the page.

A developer configures a set of files and folders to support this process. At a high level, there are three parts in motion. The Data Capture Template (DCT) is an XML file that describes how TeamSite should present the form to the information worker. A Data Content Record (DCR) is an XML file that contains an instance of a form completed by an information worker. You launch TeamSite, click File, New Form Entry and select the form you want to complete. Next, the given form appears in the browser. The fields of the form are defined by the DCT. After you click the Save button, the field values are serialized into a DCR file. These files are organized in a collection of folders on the TeamSite server; one folder per form. Each folder has a conventional set of child folders to hold the DCR files as well as the presentation template file(s), These are the files with the .tpl file extension.

A presentation template converts a DCR into something else. Most of the time, at least for me, that something else will be an HTML page. Imagine a single DCR file that contains both public and private information for a company; perhaps the DCR contains public information about a single product as well as private information for their tech support staff. The DCR file can be send around via workflow for approval and the finally be ran through both sets of presentation templates which results in two different HTML files - one file is deployed to the public and the other file is kept on the Intranet. Both files are assured of having the appropriate content via the approval process and the presentation templates apply the correct branding and layout. This model supports a good workflow model as well as good separation of design from content. Its just one example of using the FormsPublisher in the enterprise.

Since DCR files are just XML, it's relatively painless to import legacy data into TeamSite. These imported XML files map to a given DCT, then they're translated into HTML pages via a presentation template. For example, if you have the last 15 years of press releases on the legacy system, you can import the existing information with some batch processes and stand up a new TeamSite server pretty quick.

3.     对工作流的支持

A workflow describes an automated business process. It can instruct an author to perform an edit or add a new file to the site and manage the process of approvals, taking a snapshot of the system for archival purposes and finally deployment. When a task such as "Edit Content" or "Review Content" becomes active, an e-mail can notify the appropriate party. When the work is completed, the assigned person just pushes it through the hole. Reviewers can click "Accept" or "Reject" after previewing the changes, they don't need to know the next appropriate step in the process - its automated. The system tracks the state and flow of information of the activities throughout the lifecycle according to the established business rules approved by the given company rather than based on how the given employee feels that particular day.


TeamSite has always included a workflow mechanism, but I can only imagine how difficult it was to develop them in the past. This latest version includes a Windows client application that supports drag-and-drop editing of workflow designs. You can work locally with workflows saved to your desktop in an offline mode, but you will eventually need to save the workflow up to the TeamSite server via commands in the tool. Workflows are serialized into XML files in the background, but its rare to look at the raw information. The workflow designer application helps you do the things you would expect such as setting up a series of tasks linked by arrows; some might be conditional based on human interaction or automated entirely by Perl scripts, Java classes or some other business logic.



1.    DCT DCR是一对多的关系。我们定义DCT,并生成界面供内容提供者使用。而内容提供者输入的内容,被我们用DCR保存。

2.    DCTPT也是一对多关系,针对不同的DCR内容,我们可能希望它有不同的展现形势。

3.    OpenDeploy.一个非常有用的应用,用来把生成的内容推送到各种终端,甚至可能是掌上设备

4.    DataDeploy。这个主要关注的是最开始那个图中的Content Repositroy那一块儿。




