DDM dispatch reg wait timeout , Can't dispatch DDM chunk 解决方法


DDM dispatch reg wait timeout

Can't dispatch DDM chunk 52454151: no handler defined
Can't dispatch DDM chunk 48454c4f: no handler defined
Can't dispatch DDM chunk 46454154: no handler defined
Can't dispatch DDM chunk 4d505251: no handler defined


上面这四个错误讯息在我使用了adb install -r xxx.apk 后偶而会发生, 却一直不知道详细原因,

拜Google大神....发现一堆人都有相同的问题提问着, 不过却都是模拟两可的答案, 有人说是
AVD跟模拟器的版本问题, 也有​​人说是在安装时候原来的APK都还在跑....等等.....


This is slightly different, but yes it is benign.

When installing/launching app, the tools use java based tools on the
device to perform these operation (shell command 'am' and 'pm' which
stand for activityManager and packageManager).
Because these apps run in VM, they show up on DDMS which then tries to
connect to them like any other apps. But because those apps are very
short lived they usually don't answer to some request, which ends up
with a timeout and these error messages.

This output is so benign in fact that we removed it from newer version
of the VM.
