

kdtree.h和kdtree.c这两个文件中实现了k-d树的建立以及用BBF(Best Bin First)算法搜索匹配点的函数。




Functions and structures for maintaining a k-d tree database of image

For more information, refer to:

Beis, J. S. and Lowe, D. G.  Shape indexing using approximate
nearest-neighbor search in high-dimensional spaces.  In <EM>Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)</EM> (2003),
pp. 1000--1006.

Copyright (C) 2006-2010  Rob Hess <[email protected]>

@version 1.1.2-20100521


#ifndef KDTREE_H
#define KDTREE_H

#include "cxcore.h"

/********************************* Structures ********************************/

struct feature;

/** a node in a k-d tree */
struct kd_node
    int ki;                      /**< partition key index */ //分割位置(枢轴)的维数索引(哪一维是分割位置),取值为1-128
    double kv;                   /**< partition key value */  //枢轴的值(所有特征向量在枢轴索引维数上的分量的中值)
    int leaf;                    /**< 1 if node is a leaf, 0 otherwise */ //是否叶子结点的标志
    struct feature* features;    /**< features at this node */  //此结点对应的特征点集合(数组)
    int n;                       /**< number of features */ //特征点的个数
    struct kd_node* kd_left;     /**< left child */  //左子树
    struct kd_node* kd_right;    /**< right child */  //右子树

/*************************** Function Prototypes *****************************/
A function to build a k-d tree database from keypoints in an array.

@param features an array of features; <EM>this function rearranges the order
	of the features in this array, so you should take appropriate measures
	if you are relying on the order of the features (e.g. call this function
	before order is important)</EM>
@param n the number of features in \a features
@return Returns the root of a kd tree built from \a features.
extern struct kd_node* kdtree_build( struct feature* features, int n );

Finds an image feature's approximate k nearest neighbors in a kd tree using
Best Bin First search.

@param kd_root root of an image feature kd tree
@param feat image feature for whose neighbors to search
@param k number of neighbors to find
@param nbrs pointer to an array in which to store pointers to neighbors
	in order of increasing descriptor distance; memory for this array is
	allocated by this function and must be freed by the caller using
@param max_nn_chks search is cut off after examining this many tree entries

@return Returns the number of neighbors found and stored in \a nbrs, or
	-1 on error.
extern int kdtree_bbf_knn( struct kd_node* kd_root, struct feature* feat,
						  int k, struct feature*** nbrs, int max_nn_chks );

Finds an image feature's approximate k nearest neighbors within a specified
spatial region in a kd tree using Best Bin First search.

@param kd_root root of an image feature kd tree
@param feat image feature for whose neighbors to search
@param k number of neighbors to find
@param nbrs pointer to an array in which to store pointers to neighbors
	in order of increasing descriptor distance; memory for this array is
	allocated by this function and must be freed by the caller using
@param max_nn_chks search is cut off after examining this many tree entries
@param rect rectangular region in which to search for neighbors
@param model if true, spatial search is based on kdtree features' model
	locations; otherwise it is based on their image locations

@return Returns the number of neighbors found and stored in \a nbrs
	(in case \a k neighbors could not be found before examining
	\a max_nn_checks keypoint entries).
extern int kdtree_bbf_spatial_knn( struct kd_node* kd_root,
								struct feature* feat, int k,
								struct feature*** nbrs, int max_nn_chks,
								CvRect rect, int model );

De-allocates memory held by a kd tree

@param kd_root pointer to the root of a kd tree
extern void kdtree_release( struct kd_node* kd_root );



Functions and structures for maintaining a k-d tree database of image

For more information, refer to:

Beis, J. S. and Lowe, D. G.  Shape indexing using approximate
nearest-neighbor search in high-dimensional spaces.  In <EM>Conference
on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)</EM> (2003),
pp. 1000--1006.

Copyright (C) 2006-2010  Rob Hess <[email protected]>

@version 1.1.2-20100521


#include "kdtree.h"
#include "minpq.h"
#include "imgfeatures.h"
#include "utils.h"

#include <cxcore.h>

#include <stdio.h>

struct bbf_data
    double d;  //此特征点到目标点的欧式距离值
    void* old_data; //保存此特征点的feature_data域的以前的值

/************************ 未暴露接口的一些本地函数的声明 **************************/
/************************* Local Function Prototypes *************************/

static struct kd_node* kd_node_init( struct feature*, int );
static void expand_kd_node_subtree( struct kd_node* );
static void assign_part_key( struct kd_node* );
static double median_select( double*, int );
static double rank_select( double*, int, int );
static void insertion_sort( double*, int );
static int partition_array( double*, int, double );
static void partition_features( struct kd_node* );
static struct kd_node* explore_to_leaf( struct kd_node*, struct feature*,struct min_pq* );
static int insert_into_nbr_array( struct feature*, struct feature**, int, int );
static int within_rect( CvPoint2D64f, CvRect );

/******************** 已在kdtree.h中声明的函数 **********************/
/******************** Functions prototyped in kdtree.h **********************/

A function to build a k-d tree database from keypoints in an array.

@param features an array of features
@param n the number of features in features

@return Returns the root of a kd tree built from features or NULL on error.
struct kd_node* kdtree_build( struct feature* features, int n )
	struct kd_node* kd_root;

	if( ! features  ||  n <= 0 )
		fprintf( stderr, "Warning: kdtree_build(): no features, %s, line %d\n",
				__FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return NULL;

	kd_root = kd_node_init( features, n );
	expand_kd_node_subtree( kd_root );

	return kd_root;

Finds an image feature's approximate k nearest neighbors in a kd tree using
Best Bin First search.
@param kd_root root of an image feature kd tree
@param feat image feature for whose neighbors to search
@param k number of neighbors to find
@param nbrs pointer to an array in which to store pointers to neighbors
	in order of increasing descriptor distance
@param max_nn_chks search is cut off after examining this many tree entries
@return Returns the number of neighbors found and stored in nbrs, or -1 on error.
int kdtree_bbf_knn( struct kd_node* kd_root, struct feature* feat, int k,
					struct feature*** nbrs, int max_nn_chks )
    struct kd_node* expl; //expl是当前搜索节点
    struct min_pq* min_pq; //优先级队列
    struct feature* tree_feat, ** _nbrs; //tree_feat是单个SIFT特征,_nbrs中存放着查找出来的近邻特征节点
    struct bbf_data* bbf_data; //bbf_data是一个用来存放临时特征数据和特征间距离的缓存结构
    int i, t = 0, n = 0; //t是搜索的最大次数,n是当前最近邻数组中的元素个数

	if( ! nbrs  ||  ! feat  ||  ! kd_root )
        fprintf( stderr, "Warning: NULL pointer error, %s, line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		return -1;

    _nbrs = calloc( k, sizeof( struct feature* ) ); //给查找结果分配相应大小的内存
    min_pq = minpq_init(); //min_pq队列初始化,分配默认大小的空间
    minpq_insert( min_pq, kd_root, 0 ); //将根节点先插入到min_pq优先级队列中

	while( min_pq->n > 0  &&  t < max_nn_chks )
		expl = (struct kd_node*)minpq_extract_min( min_pq );
		if( ! expl )
        {   //出错处理
			fprintf( stderr, "Warning: PQ unexpectedly empty, %s line %d\n",__FILE__, __LINE__ );
			goto fail;
		expl = explore_to_leaf( expl, feat, min_pq );
		if( ! expl )
        {   //出错处理
			fprintf( stderr, "Warning: PQ unexpectedly empty, %s line %d\n",__FILE__, __LINE__ );
			goto fail;

		for( i = 0; i < expl->n; i++ )
            tree_feat = &expl->features[i];//第i个特征点的指针
            bbf_data = malloc( sizeof( struct bbf_data ) );//新建bbf结构
			if( ! bbf_data )
            {   //出错处理
                fprintf( stderr, "Warning: unable to allocate memory," " %s line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
				goto fail;
            bbf_data->old_data = tree_feat->feature_data;//保存第i个特征点的feature_data域以前的值
            bbf_data->d = descr_dist_sq(feat, tree_feat);//当前搜索点和目标点之间的欧氏距离
            tree_feat->feature_data = bbf_data;//将bbf结构赋给此特征点的feature_data域
			n += insert_into_nbr_array( tree_feat, _nbrs, n, k );

    minpq_release( &min_pq );//释放优先队列

	for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
		bbf_data = _nbrs[i]->feature_data;
        _nbrs[i]->feature_data = bbf_data->old_data;//将之前的数据赋值给feature_data域
		free( bbf_data );
	*nbrs = _nbrs;
	return n;

	minpq_release( &min_pq );
	for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
		bbf_data = _nbrs[i]->feature_data;
		_nbrs[i]->feature_data = bbf_data->old_data;
		free( bbf_data );
	free( _nbrs );
	*nbrs = NULL;
	return -1;

Finds an image feature's approximate k nearest neighbors within a specified
spatial region in a kd tree using Best Bin First search.

@param kd_root root of an image feature kd tree
@param feat image feature for whose neighbors to search
@param k number of neighbors to find
@param nbrs pointer to an array in which to store pointers to neighbors
	in order of increasing descriptor distance
@param max_nn_chks search is cut off after examining this many tree entries
@param rect rectangular region in which to search for neighbors
@param model if true, spatial search is based on kdtree features' model
	locations; otherwise it is based on their image locations

@return Returns the number of neighbors found and stored in \a nbrs
	(in case \a k neighbors could not be found before examining
	\a max_nn_checks keypoint entries).
int kdtree_bbf_spatial_knn( struct kd_node* kd_root, struct feature* feat,
						   int k, struct feature*** nbrs, int max_nn_chks,
						   CvRect rect, int model )
	struct feature** all_nbrs, ** sp_nbrs;
	CvPoint2D64f pt;
	int i, n, t = 0;

	n = kdtree_bbf_knn( kd_root, feat, max_nn_chks, &all_nbrs, max_nn_chks );
	sp_nbrs = calloc( k, sizeof( struct feature* ) );
	for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
		if( model )
			pt = all_nbrs[i]->mdl_pt;
			pt = all_nbrs[i]->img_pt;

		if( within_rect( pt, rect ) )
			sp_nbrs[t++] = all_nbrs[i];
			if( t == k )
				goto end;
	free( all_nbrs );
	*nbrs = sp_nbrs;
	return t;

De-allocates memory held by a kd tree

@param kd_root pointer to the root of a kd tree
void kdtree_release( struct kd_node* kd_root )
	if( ! kd_root )
	kdtree_release( kd_root->kd_left );
	kdtree_release( kd_root->kd_right );
	free( kd_root );

/************************ 未暴露接口的一些本地函数 **************************/
/************************ Functions prototyped here **************************/

Initializes a kd tree node with a set of features.  The node is not
expanded, and no ordering is imposed on the features.

@param features an array of image features
@param n number of features

@return Returns an unexpanded kd-tree node.
static struct kd_node* kd_node_init( struct feature* features, int n )
	struct kd_node* kd_node;

    kd_node = malloc( sizeof( struct kd_node ) );//分配内存
	memset( kd_node, 0, sizeof( struct kd_node ) );
    kd_node->ki = -1;//枢轴索引
    kd_node->features = features;//节点对应的特征点集
    kd_node->n = n;//特征点的个数

	return kd_node;

Recursively expands a specified kd tree node into a tree whose leaves
contain one entry each.

@param kd_node an unexpanded node in a kd tree
static void expand_kd_node_subtree( struct kd_node* kd_node )
	/* base case: leaf node */
	if( kd_node->n == 1  ||  kd_node->n == 0 )
        kd_node->leaf = 1;//叶节点标志位设为1

	assign_part_key( kd_node );
	partition_features( kd_node );

	if( kd_node->kd_left )
		expand_kd_node_subtree( kd_node->kd_left );
	if( kd_node->kd_right )
		expand_kd_node_subtree( kd_node->kd_right );

Determines the descriptor index at which and the value with which to
partition a kd tree node's features.

@param kd_node a kd tree node
static void assign_part_key( struct kd_node* kd_node )
	struct feature* features;
	double kv, x, mean, var, var_max = 0;
	double* tmp;
    int d, n, i, j, ki = 0; //枢轴索引ki

	features = kd_node->features;
    n = kd_node->n;//结点个数
    d = features[0].d;//特征向量的维数

	/* partition key index is that along which descriptors have most variance */
	for( j = 0; j < d; j++ )
		mean = var = 0;
		for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
			mean += features[i].descr[j];
		mean /= n;
		for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
			x = features[i].descr[j] - mean;
			var += x * x;
		var /= n;
		if( var > var_max )
            ki = j;//最大方差的维数就是枢轴
			var_max = var;

	/* partition key value is median of descriptor values at ki */
	tmp = calloc( n, sizeof( double ) );
	for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
		tmp[i] = features[i].descr[ki];
	kv = median_select( tmp, n );
	free( tmp );

    kd_node->ki = ki;//枢轴的维数索引
    kd_node->kv = kv;//枢轴的值

Finds the median value of an array.  The array's elements are re-ordered
by this function.

@param array an array; the order of its elelemts is reordered
@param n number of elements in array

@return Returns the median value of array.
static double median_select( double* array, int n )
	return rank_select( array, n, (n - 1) / 2 );

Finds the element of a specified rank in an array using the linear time
median-of-medians algorithm by Blum, Floyd, Pratt, Rivest, and Tarjan.
The elements of the array are re-ordered by this function.
@param array an array; the order of its elelemts is reordered
@param n number of elements in array
@param r the zero-based rank of the element to be selected
@return Returns the element from array with zero-based rank r.
static double rank_select( double* array, int n, int r )
	double* tmp, med;
	int gr_5, gr_tot, rem_elts, i, j;

	/* base case */
	if( n == 1 )
		return array[0];

	/* divide array into groups of 5 and sort them */
    gr_5 = n / 5; //组的个数-1,n/5向下取整
    gr_tot = cvCeil( n / 5.0 ); //组的个数,n/5向上取整
    rem_elts = n % 5;//最后一组中的元素个数
	tmp = array;
	for( i = 0; i < gr_5; i++ )
		insertion_sort( tmp, 5 );
		tmp += 5;
	insertion_sort( tmp, rem_elts );

	/* recursively find the median of the medians of the groups of 5 */
	tmp = calloc( gr_tot, sizeof( double ) );
	for( i = 0, j = 2; i < gr_5; i++, j += 5 )
		tmp[i] = array[j];
	if( rem_elts )
		tmp[i++] = array[n - 1 - rem_elts/2];
	med = rank_select( tmp, i, ( i - 1 ) / 2 );
	free( tmp );

	/* partition around median of medians and recursively select if necessary */
    j = partition_array( array, n, med );//划分数组,返回med在新数组中的索引
    if( r == j )//结果是第r小的数
		return med;
    else if( r < j )//第r小的数在前半部分
		return rank_select( array, j, r );
		array += j+1;
		return rank_select( array, ( n - j - 1 ), ( r - j - 1 ) );

Sorts an array in place into increasing order using insertion sort.

@param array an array
@param n number of elements
static void insertion_sort( double* array, int n )
	double k;
	int i, j;

	for( i = 1; i < n; i++ )
		k = array[i];
		j = i-1;
		while( j >= 0  &&  array[j] > k )
			array[j+1] = array[j];
			j -= 1;
		array[j+1] = k;

Partitions an array around a specified value.
@param array an array
@param n number of elements
@param pivot value around which to partition
@return Returns index of the pivot after partitioning
static int partition_array( double* array, int n, double pivot )
	double tmp;
	int p, i, j;

	i = -1;
	for( j = 0; j < n; j++ )
		if( array[j] <= pivot )
			tmp = array[++i];
			array[i] = array[j];
			array[j] = tmp;
			if( array[i] == pivot )
                p = i;//p保存枢轴的下标
	array[p] = array[i];
	array[i] = pivot;

	return i;

Partitions the features at a specified kd tree node to create its two

@param kd_node a kd tree node whose partition key is set
static void partition_features( struct kd_node* kd_node )
	struct feature* features, tmp;
	double kv;
	int n, ki, p, i, j = -1;

    features = kd_node->features;//特征点数组
    n = kd_node->n;//特征点个数
    ki = kd_node->ki;//枢轴的维数索引(哪一维是枢轴)
    kv = kd_node->kv;//枢轴的值
	for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
		if( features[i].descr[ki] <= kv )
			tmp = features[++j];
			features[j] = features[i];
			features[i] = tmp;
			if( features[j].descr[ki] == kv )
                p = j;//p保存枢轴所在的位置
	tmp = features[p];
	features[p] = features[j];
	features[j] = tmp;

	/* if all records fall on same side of partition, make node a leaf */
	if( j == n - 1 )
		kd_node->leaf = 1;

	kd_node->kd_left = kd_node_init( features, j + 1 );
	kd_node->kd_right = kd_node_init( features + ( j + 1 ), ( n - j - 1 ) );

序就是根据目标特征与分割超平面的距离ABS(kv - feat->descr[ki])
Explores a kd tree from a given node to a leaf.  Branching decisions are
made at each node based on the descriptor of a given feature.  Each node
examined but not explored is put into a priority queue to be explored
later, keyed based on the distance from its partition key value to the
given feature's desctiptor.
@param kd_node root of the subtree to be explored
@param feat feature upon which branching decisions are based
@param min_pq a minimizing priority queue into which tree nodes are placed as described above
@return Returns a pointer to the leaf node at which exploration ends or
	NULL on error.
static struct kd_node* explore_to_leaf( struct kd_node* kd_node, struct feature* feat,
										struct min_pq* min_pq )
	struct kd_node* unexpl, * expl = kd_node;
    double kv;//分割枢轴的值
    int ki;//分割枢轴的维数索引

	while( expl  &&  ! expl->leaf )
		ki = expl->ki;
		kv = expl->kv;

		if( ki >= feat->d )
            fprintf( stderr, "Warning: comparing imcompatible descriptors, %s" " line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
			return NULL;
		if( feat->descr[ki] <= kv )
            unexpl = expl->kd_right;//候选搜索节点是expl的右子树的根
            expl = expl->kd_left;//当前搜索节点是expl的左子树的根
            unexpl = expl->kd_left;//候选搜索节点是expl的左子树
            expl = expl->kd_right;//当前搜索节点是expl的右子树

		if( minpq_insert( min_pq, unexpl, ABS( kv - feat->descr[ki] ) ) )
			fprintf( stderr, "Warning: unable to insert into PQ, %s, line %d\n",__FILE__, __LINE__ );
			return NULL;

    return expl;//返回叶子节点的指针

Inserts a feature into the nearest-neighbor array so that the array remains
in order of increasing descriptor distance from the search feature.

@param feat feature to be inderted into the array; it's feature_data field
	should be a pointer to a bbf_data with d equal to the squared descriptor
	distance between feat and the search feature
@param nbrs array of nearest neighbors neighbors
@param n number of elements already in nbrs and
@param k maximum number of elements in nbrs

@return If feat was successfully inserted into nbrs, returns 1; otherwise
	returns 0.
static int insert_into_nbr_array( struct feature* feat, struct feature** nbrs, int n, int k )
    struct bbf_data* fdata, * ndata;//fdata是要插入的点的bbf结构,ndata是最近邻数组中的点的bbf结构
    double dn, df; //dn是最近邻数组中特征点的bbf结构中的距离值,df是要插入的特征点的bbf结构中的距离值
	int i, ret = 0;

	if( n == 0 )
		nbrs[0] = feat;
        return 1;//插入成功,返回1

	/* check at end of array */
    fdata = (struct bbf_data*)feat->feature_data;//要插入点的bbf结构
    df = fdata->d;//要插入的特征点的bbf结构中的距离值
    ndata = (struct bbf_data*)nbrs[n-1]->feature_data;//最近邻数组中的点的bbf结构
    dn = ndata->d;//最近邻数组中最后一个特征点的bbf结构中的距离值

	if( df >= dn )
		if( n == k )
            feat->feature_data = fdata->old_data;//不明白这里是干什么?
			free( fdata );
            return 0;//插入失败,返回0
        nbrs[n] = feat;//插入到末尾
        return 1;//插入成功,返回1

	/* find the right place in the array */
    if( n < k )//最近邻数组中元素个数小于最大值,可插入
        nbrs[n] = nbrs[n-1];//原数组最后一个点后移
        ret = 1;//插入结果设为1
		nbrs[n-1]->feature_data = ndata->old_data;
		free( ndata );
	i = n-2;
	while( i >= 0 )
		ndata = (struct bbf_data*)nbrs[i]->feature_data;
		dn = ndata->d;
        if( dn <= df )//找到插入点
        nbrs[i+1] = nbrs[i];//一次后移
    nbrs[i] = feat;//插入

    return ret;//返回结果

Determines whether a given point lies within a specified rectangular region
@param pt point
@param rect rectangular region
@return Returns 1 if pt is inside rect or 0 otherwise
static int within_rect( CvPoint2D64f pt, CvRect rect )
	if( pt.x < rect.x  ||  pt.y < rect.y )
		return 0;
	if( pt.x > rect.x + rect.width  ||  pt.y > rect.y + rect.height )
		return 0;
	return 1;
