

Logon as an Administrator and use Control Panel Internet Options General Settings... Move Folder... to move the cache directory from C:/Windows/Temporary Internet Files to C:/Documents and Settings/<administrator's username>/Local Settings. Windows will create the Temporary Internet Files folder inside the chosen directory and delete the one from C:/Windows. This fixes the problem for all users until another Administrator logs in.

按照它上面的果然这个问题解决了.原来我以前使用了Ramdisk Plus,安装后并且把ie的临时文件移到了这个分出的分区里面了.本以为能够浏览网页快些,但是发现还是没有什么变化,后来就卸载了.但是ie临时文件的位置没有改过来.所以出现了这样的错误.
