
1 普通jdbc方式,基本代码如下
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
< beans  xmlns ="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
       http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans/spring-beans-2.5.xsd
       http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx http://www.springframework.org/schema/tx/spring-tx-2.5.xsd
       http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop/spring-aop-2.5.xsd
       http://www.springframework.org/schema/context http://www.springframework.org/schema/context/spring-context-2.5.xsd"
< context:annotation-config />
< context:component-scan  base-package ="com.huaxia.oaapp" >
< context:include-filter  type ="aspectj"  expression ="com.huaxia.oaapp.service..*" />
< context:include-filter  type ="aspectj"  expression ="com.huaxia.oaapp.entity..*" />
< context:exclude-filter  type ="aspectj"  expression ="com.huaxia.oaapp.action..*" />
</ context:component-scan >
< context:property-placeholder  location ="classpath:jdbc.properties"   />
< bean  id ="dataSource"  
="close" >
< property  name ="driverClassName"  value ="${jdbc.driverClassName}"   />
< property  name ="url"  value ="${jdbc.url}"   />
< property  name ="username"  value ="${jdbc.username}"   />
< property  name ="password"  value ="${jdbc.password}"   />
</ bean >
< bean  id ="sessionFactory"
="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean" >
< property  name ="dataSource" >
< ref  bean ="dataSource"   />
</ property >
< property  name ="hibernateProperties" >
< props >
< prop  key ="hibernate.dialect" > org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect </ prop >
< prop  key ="hibernate.show_sql" > true </ prop >
< prop  key ="hiberante.format_sql" > true </ prop >
</ props >
</ property >
< property  name ="annotatedClasses" >
< list >
< value > com.huaxia.oaapp.entity.User </ value >
</ list >
</ property >
< property  name ="annotatedPackages" >
< list >
< value > com.huaxia.oaapp.entity </ value >
</ list >
</ property >
</ bean >

< bean  id ="transactionManager"
="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager" >
< property  name ="sessionFactory"  ref ="sessionFactory"   />
</ bean >
< aop:config >
< aop:pointcut  id ="baseServiceMethods"
="execution(* com.huaxia.oaapp.service.*.*(..)),execution(* com.huaxia.oaapp.aop.*.*(..))"   />
< aop:advisor  advice-ref ="txAdvice"
="baseServiceMethods"   />
</ aop:config >
< aop:aspectj-autoproxy  />
< tx:advice  id ="txAdvice"  transaction-manager ="transactionManager" >
< tx:attributes >
< tx:method  name ="select*"  read-only ="true"  propagation ="REQUIRED" />
< tx:method  name ="find*"  read-only ="true"   propagation ="REQUIRED" />
< tx:method  name ="save*"   propagation ="REQUIRED"  isolation ="REPEATABLE_READ" />
< tx:method  name ="update*"   propagation ="REQUIRED"  isolation ="REPEATABLE_READ" />
< tx:method  name ="add*"   propagation ="REQUIRED"  isolation ="REPEATABLE_READ"   />
< tx:method  name ="delete*"   propagation ="REQUIRED"  isolation ="REPEATABLE_READ" />
</ tx:attributes >
</ tx:advice >
</ beans >
         < property  name ="hibernateProperties" >
< value >
</ value >
</ property >

     < bean  id ="sessionFactory"
="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean" >
< property  name ="configLocations" >
< list >
< value > classpath:hibernate.cfg.xml </ value >
</ list >
</ property >  
</ bean >
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<! DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
        "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"
< hibernate-configuration >
< session-factory  name ="sessionFactory" >
< property  name ="hibernate.connection.driver_class" >
</ property >
< property  name ="hibernate.connection.password" > 123456 </ property >
< property  name ="hibernate.connection.url" >
            jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433; DatabaseName=oadb
</ property >
< property  name ="hibernate.connection.username" > sa </ property >
< property  name ="hibernate.dialect" >
</ property >
< property  name ="hibernate.show_sql" > true </ property >
< property  name ="hiberante.format_sql" > true </ property >
< property  name ="hibernate.cache.provider_class" >
</ property >
< property  name ="hibernate.connection.autocommit" > false </ property >
< mapping  class ="com.huaxia.oaapp.entity.User"   />
</ session-factory >
</ hibernate-configuration >

2 配置proxool连接池
< bean  id ="sessionFactory"
="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean" >
< property  name ="hibernateProperties" >
< props >
< prop  key ="hibernate.dialect" >
</ prop >
< prop  key ="hibernate.show_sql" > true </ prop >
< prop  key ="hiberante.format_sql" > true </ prop >
< prop  key ="hibernate.proxool.pool_alias" > myDataSource </ prop >
< prop  key ="hibernate.proxool.xml" > Proxool.xml </ prop >
</ props >
</ property >
</ bean >
其中 Proxool.xml 在根目录下,大致内容如下
< something-else-entirely >
< proxool >
< alias > myDataSource </ alias >
< driver-url >
        jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433; DatabaseName=test
</ driver-url >
< driver-class > com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver </ driver-class >
< driver-properties >
< property  name ="user"  value ="sa" />
< property  name ="password"  value ="123456" />
</ driver-properties >
< house-keeping-sleep-time > 1000 </ house-keeping-sleep-time >  
< maximum-connection-count > 2 </ maximum-connection-count >
< house-keeping-test-sql > select CURRENT_DATE </ house-keeping-test-sql >
</ proxool >
</ something-else-entirely >
     < bean  id ="dataSource"  class ="org.logicalcobwebs.proxool.ProxoolDataSource"  destroy-method ="close" >
< property  name ="alias"  value ="test" ></ property >
< property  name ="delegateProperties" >
< value > user=${jdbc.username},password=${jdbc.password} </ value >
</ property >
< property  name ="user"  value ="${jdbc.username}" />
< property  name ="password"  value ="${jdbc.password}" />
< property  name ="driver"  value ="${jdbc.driverClassName}" />
< property  name ="driverUrl"  value ="${jdbc.url}" />
</ bean >
< bean  id ="sessionFactory"
="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean" >
< property  name ="dataSource" >
< ref  bean ="dataSource"   />
</ property >
< property  name ="hibernateProperties" >
< props >
< prop  key ="hibernate.dialect" > org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect </ prop >
< prop  key ="hibernate.show_sql" > true </ prop >
< prop  key ="hiberante.format_sql" > true </ prop >
</ props >
</ property >
</ bean >
    org.springframework.transaction.CannotCreateTransactionException: Could not open JDBC Connection for transaction; nested exception is com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.



     < bean  id ="sessionFactory"
="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.annotation.AnnotationSessionFactoryBean" >

< property  name ="configLocations" >
< list >
< value > classpath:hibernate.cfg.xml </ value >
</ list >
</ property >
</ bean >
< hibernate-configuration >
< session-factory  name ="sessionFactory" >
< property  name ="dialect" > org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect </ property >
< property  name ="show_sql" > true </ property >
< property  name ="connection.provider_class" > org.hibernate.connection.ProxoolConnectionProvider </ property >
< property  name ="proxool.pool_alias" > myDataSource </ property >
< property  name ="proxool.xml" > Proxool.xml </ property >
< property  name ="connection.autocommit" > =true  </ property >
< property  name ="jdbc.batch_size" > 20 </ property >
< property  name ="default_schema" > dbo </ property >
< mapping  class ="com.huaxia.oaapp.entity.User"   />
< mapping  class ="com.huaxia.oaapp.entity.Document"   />
< mapping  class ="com.huaxia.oaapp.entity.Certificate"   />
</ session-factory >
</ hibernate-configuration >    
其中 Proxool.xml 就是要加入的proxool连接池的配置文件
