No OraCM running

安装Oracle 10gR2的时候报错了:

[root@rac1 ~]# cd /opt/clusterware/rootpre/
[root@rac1 rootpre]# ./ 
No OraCM running 


The shell script is used to determine if 9i Cluster Manager exists on the node/s & is running.
It will locate the 9i srv configuration device file from /var/opt/oracle/srvConfig.loc
If 9i does exist it will modify the above file with an entry of '/dev/null'
The point to doing this is to allow 10g OCR to manage the existing 9i environment.

Now if no 9i environment exists on the node/s & this is a clean/new environment the script will exit with the message =>
" No OraCM running "

This is a normal exit code since it did not find any 9i clusterware present.

