my own split

// split.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "string.h"

#define MAX_ITEM 32768
namespace strsplite {

// Exchange from src to dest in input string
 char* exchange(char* input, char src, char dest){
  char* change = new char[strlen(input)+1];
  char* change_init = change;
  char* input_init = input;

  while ((*input) != '/0')
   if ((*input) == src ) *change = dest;
   else *change = *input; 
  *change = '/0';
  change = NULL;
  input = input_init;
  return change_init;

// align input string
 char* align_right(char* input,int width){
  int length = strlen(input);
  char* change = new char[length+1];
  int current =0,pre_space = -1, this_line_number = 0;
  while (current<length)
   if (input[current]=='/n'){
    this_line_number = 0;
    pre_space = -1;
   if (input[current]==' '&&this_line_number<=width)
    pre_space = current;
   if (this_line_number>width) {
    if (pre_space != -1) {
     this_line_number = 0;
     current = pre_space + 1;
     change[pre_space] = '/n';
     pre_space = -1;
    } else {
     printf("too narrow!");
     return NULL;}
   change[current] = input[current];
  change[current] = '/0';
  return change;

// split a string by a character
 int split(const char split,const char* input,   char** out, int out_slot)
  int item_number = 0;
  int input_size = strlen(input);
  int current = 0;

  while (current<input_size)
   // Get next!
   int this_end=-1,i = current; 
   while (i<input_size&&this_end==-1){
    if (input[i] == '/n' || input[i] == split) this_end = i;
   } if (this_end == -1) this_end = input_size;
   int this_long = this_end - current;
   out[item_number] = new char[this_long+1];
   for (int i=0;i<this_long;i++)
   if (item_number>=out_slot) return -1; //no slot to use
   current = this_end+1;
  return item_number;

 char* deleteNote(const char* input)
  printf("-- original --/n%s/n",input);
  int item_number = 0;
  int input_size = strlen(input);
  int current = 0;
  char* out = new char[input_size+1];
  int status = 0;
  char* out_init = out;

  while (current<input_size)
   // Get next!
   if (current+1<input_size){
    if (input[current]=='/' && input[current+1]=='/' && status == 0){
     status = 1;
     current += 2;
    if (input[current] == '/' && input[current+1] == '*' && status == 0) {
     status = 2;
     current += 2;
    if (input[current] == '*' && input[current+1] == '/' && status == 2) {
     status = 0;
   if (input[current]=='/n' && status ==1){
    status = 0;
   if (status==0){
    (*out) = input[current];
  printf("-- removed --/n%s/n",out_init);
  return out_init;


int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])

 char* out[MAX_ITEM];
 int i;
 for (i=0;i<MAX_ITEM;i++) out[i]=NULL;
 strsplite::deleteNote("#define abc 123/n void main(){/n printf(/"hello world/"); // print it /n}/n /* if you love me/n if you hate me/n you can save me/n */");
 char* inp0 = "about 123 abc/n2234 game/nsave";
 printf("/n-- original --/n%s/n/n",inp0);
 char* inp = strsplite::exchange(inp0,'/n',' ');  //Remove /n
 //delete [] inp  ->OK  inp0 ->Wrong;
 printf("/n-- exchange [enter] into [space] --/n%s/n/n",inp);
 printf("/n-- split by [space] --/n"); 
 int total_items = strsplite::split(' ',inp,out,MAX_ITEM);
 for (int i=0;i<total_items;i++)

 char* inp1 = strsplite::align_right(inp0,10);    // width = 10
 printf("/n-- aligned original--/n%s/n/n",inp1);
 return 0;

