变量名的定义和通常写JAVA程序一样。在JS中定义变量必需使用var <变量名>的方式来定义,如:
var v_abc="abc";
这样的代码在javascript是正确的因为javascript 并没有使用强类型,而是使用了一个宽松的类型定义,当定义变量时赋值的类型是字符串型,使用中也可以给变量赋予整型的值。javascript会自动转换变量的类型。
1 var name = prompt( " What is your name? " , "" );
2 document.write( " <br>Welcome to my world! "
+ name + " .</font><br> " );
3 var age = prompt( " Tell me your age. " , " Age " );
4 if ( age == null ){ // If user presses the cancel button
5 alert( " Not sharing your age with me " );
6 }
else {
7 alert(age + " is young " );
8 alert(prompt( " Where do you live? " , "" ));
</ script >
cofirm对话框,是用于让用户确认回答问题,该类型的对话框通常用"确定","取消" 等按钮.当用户单击"确定"按钮就返回true,单击"取消"按钮返回false,该函数只需要一个参数,用户提示要确认的信息.
document.clear // Clears the page
1 if (confirm( " Are you really OK? " ) == true ){
2 alert( " Then we can proceed! " );
else {
3 alert( " We'll try when you feel better? " );
</ script >
其实和C语言的操作差不多,主要不同的就是类型转换,如果一个数字型与一个字符型相加,那么javascript 会自动把数字型转换成字符型,字符型字符串使用"= ="进行比较是区分大小写的。操作符的种类也和C语言差不多一样,就是详细列举了。javascript提供了三种函数来显示的实现原始类型转换。
1 var num1 = prompt( " Enter a number: " , "" );
var num2 = prompt( " Enter another number: " , "" );
2 var result = Number(num1) + Number(num2);
// Convert strings to numbers
3 alert( " Result is " + result);
4 var myString = String(num1);
5 result = myString + 200 ; // String + Number is String
6 alert( " Result is " + result); // Concatenates 200 to the
// result; displays 20200
7 alert( " Boolean result is " + Boolean(num2)); // Prints true
</ script >
eval("(22+66)/4") ,这表达式运算的结果自然是22了,再参考下面代码
1 var str = " 5 + 4 " ;
2 var num1 = eval(str);
3 var num2 = eval(prompt( " Give me a number " , "" ));
4 alert(num1 + num2);
</ script >
if (condition){
if (age >8){
if (condition){ statements1; } else{ statements2; }
<!-- Hiding JavaScript from old browsers
document.write( " <h3> " );
2 var age = prompt( " How old are you? " , "" );
3 if ( age >= 55 ){
4 document.write( " You pay the senior fare! " );
5 }
6 else {
7 document.write( " You pay the regular adult fare. " );
document.write( " </h3> " );
// -->
8 </ script >
6.2 ConditionalsConditional constructs control the flow of a program. If a condition is true, the program will execute a block of statements and if the condition is false, flow will go to an alternate block of statements. Decision-making constructs (if, else, switch) contain a control expression that determines whether a block of expressions will be executed. If the condition after the if is met, the result is true, and the following block of statements is executed; otherwise the result is false and the block is not executed. FORMAT if (condition){ statements; } Example: if ( age > 21 ){ alert("Let's Party!"); } The block of statements (or single statement) is enclosed in curly braces. Normally, statements are executed sequentially. If there is only one statement after the conditional expression, the curly braces are optional. 6.2.1 if/else"You better pay attention now, or else . . . " Ever heard that kind of statement before? JavaScript statements can be handled the same way with the if/else branching construct. This construct allows for a two-way decision. The if evaluates the expression in parentheses, and if the expression evaluates to true, the block after the opening curly braces is executed; otherwise the block after the else is executed. FORMAT if (condition){ statements1; } else{ statements2; } Example: if ( x > y ){ alert( "x is larger"); } else{ alert( "y is larger"); } Example 6.1<html> <head> <title>Conditional Flow Control</title> </head> <body> 1 <script language=javascript> <!-- Hiding JavaScript from old browsers document.write("<h3>"); 2 var age=prompt("How old are you? ",""); 3 if( age >= 55 ){ 4 document.write("You pay the senior fare! "); 5 } 6 else{ 7 document.write("You pay the regular adult fare. ");} document.write("</h3>"); //--> 8 </script> </body> </html> EXPLANATION
6.2.2 if/else if"If you've got $1, we can go to the Dollar Store; else if you've got $10, we could get a couple of movies; else if you've got $20 we could buy a CD . . . else forget it!" JavaScript provides yet another form of branching, the if/else if construct. This construct provides a multiway decision structure. FORMAT if (condition) { statements1; } else if (condition) { statements2; } else if (condition) { statements3; } else{ statements4; } If the first conditional expression following the if keyword is true, the statement or block of statements following the expression are executed and control starts after the final else block. Otherwise, if the conditional expression following the if keyword is false, control branches to the first else if and the expression following it is evaluated. If that expression is true, the statement or block of statements following it are executed, and if false, the next else if is tested. All else ifs are tested and if none of their expressions are true, control goes to the else statement. Although the else is not required, it normally serves as a default action if all previous conditions were false. Example 6.2<html> <head> <title>Conditional Flow Control</title> </head> <body> 1 <script language=javascript> <!-- document.write("<H2>"); 2 var age=eval( prompt("How old are you? ","")); 3 if( age > 0 && age <= 12 ){ 4 document.write("You pay the child's fare. "); } 5 else if( age > 12 && age < 60 ){ 6 document.write("You pay the regular adult fare. "); } 7 else { document.write("You pay the senior fare! "); } document.write("</H2>"); //--> 8 </script></body></html> EXPLANATION
6.2.3 switchThe switch statement is an alternative to if/else if conditional construct (commonly called a "case statement") and may make the program more readable when handling multiple options. It is supported in both Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer.[1]
FORMAT switch (expression){ case label : statement(s); break; case label : statement(s); break; ... default : statement; } Example: switch (color){ case "red": alert("Hot!"); break; case "blue": alert("Cold."); break; default: alert("Not a good choice."); break; } 参考例子 |
1 var color = prompt( " What is your color? " , "" );
2 switch (color){
3 case " red " :
document.bgColor = " color " ;
document.write( " Red is hot. " );
4 break ;
5 case " yellow " :
document.bgColor = color;
document.write( " Yellow is warm. " );
6 break ;
7 case " green " :
document.bgColor = " lightgreen " ;
document.write( " Green is soothing. " );
8 break ;
9 case " blue " :
document.bgColor = " #RRGGBB " ;
document.write( " Blue is cool. " );
10 break ;
11 default :
document.bgColor = " white " ;
document.write( " Not available today. We'll use white " );
12 break ;
13 }
// -->
</ script >
循环语句有三类,分别是while,for ,do/while。
statements ;
increment/decrement counter;
statements ;
document.write( " <font size='+2'> " );
1 var i = 0 ;
2 do {
3 document.writeln(i);
4 i ++ ;
5 } while ( i < 10 )
</ script >
For 循环语句是经常用的
for (initialize; test; increment/decrement)
javascript函数经常用,但却不懂怎么介绍,我觉得只要记录js的函数是地址传递就可以了,就有函数可以作为对象的方法 .函数中可以有return 语句,也可以没有。
var obj=new Object(parameter1,parameter2);
var pet=new Object();
< head >< title > The Object() Constructor </ title >
< script language = " javascript " >
1 var pet = new Object();
2 alert(pet);
</ script >
</ head >
< body ></ body >
</ html >
pet.cat = new Object();
pet.dog = new Object();
var pet = new Object();
1 pet.cat = new Object();
2 pet.cat.name = " Sneaky " ;
pet.cat.color = " yellow " ;
pet.cat.size = " fat " ;
pet.cat.attitude = " stuck up " ;
</ script >
var car = new Object();
var friends = new Array("Tom", "Dick", "Harry");
var now= new Date("July 4, 2003");
< head >< title > User - defined objects </ title >
1 < script language = " javascript " >
2 var toy = new Object(); // Create the object
3 toy.name = " Lego " ; // Assign properties to the object
toy.color = " red " ;
toy.shape = " rectangle " ;
4 </ script >
</ head >
< body bgcolor = " lightblue " >
5 < script language = " javascript " >
6 document.write( " <b>The toy is a " + toy.name + " . " );
7 document.write( " <br>It is a " + toy.color + " "
+ toy.shape + " . " );
8 </ script >
</ body >
</ html >
1 function book(title, author, publisher){
// Defining properties
2 this .title = title;
3 this .author = author;
4 this .publisher = publisher;
5 }
</ script >
< body bgcolor = " lightblue " ></ body >
< script language = " javascript " >
6 var myBook = new book( " JavaScript by Example " ,
" Ellie " , " Prentice Hall " );
7 document.writeln( " <b> " + myBook.title +
" <br> " + myBook.author +
" <br> " + myBook.publisher
</ script >
<% out.println( " ABCDEF " ); %>
< script language = " javascript " type = " text/javascript " >
function person(name,age,sex){
this .name = name;
this .age = age;
this .sex = sex;
function showName(){
alert( this .name);
var per = new person( " peidw " , 29 , " 男 " );
per.showname = showName; // 给对象定义方法
document.write(per.name + " " + per.age + " " + per.sex);
</ script >
< head >< title > User - defined objects </ title >
< script language = " javascript " >
1 function book(title, author, publisher){ // Receiving
// parameters
2 this .pagenumber = 0 ; // Properties
this .title = title;
this .author = author;
this .publisher = publisher;
3 this .uppage = pageForward; // Assign function name to
// a property
4 this .backpage = pageBackward;
5 function pageForward(){ // Functions to be used as methods
this .pagenumber ++ ;
return this .pagenumber;
6 function pageBackward(){
this .pagenumber -- ;
return this .pagenumber;
</ script >
</ head >
< body bgcolor = " lightblue " >
< script language = " javascript " >
7 var myBook = new book( " JavaScript by Example " , " Ellie " ,
" Prentice Hall " ); // Create new object
8 myBook.pagenumber = 5 ;
9 document.write( " <b> " + myBook.title +
" <br> " + myBook.author +
" <br> " + myBook.publisher +
" <br>Current page is " + myBook.pagenumber );
document.write( " <br>Page forward: " );
10 for (i = 0 ;i < 3 ;i ++ ){
11 document.write( " <br> " + myBook.uppage());
// Move forward a page
document.write( " <br>Page backward: " );
for (;i > 0 ; i -- ){
12 document.write( " <br> " + myBook.backpage());
// Move back a page
</ script >
</ body >
</ html >
1 、关键字“with”
function person(name,age,sex){
this .name = name;
this .age = age;
this .sex = sex;
this .show = showperson;
function showperson(){
with ( this ){
var str = name + " - " + age + " - " + sex;
var per = new person( " peidw " , 125 , " 男 " );
</ script >
“for/in loop”关键字
function person(name,age,sex){
this .name = name;
this .age = age;
this .sex = sex;
this .show = showperson;
function showperson(){
with ( this ){
var str = name + " - " + age + " - " + sex;
function showProps(obj){
var result = "" ;
for ( var prop in obj){
result += prop + " = " + obj[prop];
var per = new person( " peidw " , 125 , " 男 " );
</ script >
以上代码通过以使用for in loop遍历对象!
// Customize String Functions
1 function uc(){
2 var str = this .big();
3 return ( str.toUpperCase());
4 function lc(){
5 var str = this .small();
6 return ( str.toLowerCase());
7 String.prototype.bigUpper = uc;
8 String.prototype.smallLower = lc;
9 var string = " This Is a Test STRING. " ;
10 string = string.bigUpper();
document.write(string + " <br> " );
11 document.write(string.bigUpper() + " <br> " );
12 document.write(string.smallLower() + " <br> " );
</ script >
var array_name = new Array();
这样定义的数组叫不定长数组,var array_name = new Array(100);这样定义的数组是定长的,预定包含100个元素,var array_name = new Array("red", "green", "yellow", 1 ,2, 3);这样定义的数组里的数据已经初始化好的数据。下面是一个数组例程
< h2 > An Array of Books </ h2 >
< script language = " JavaScript " >
1 var book = new Array( 6 ); // Create an Array object
2 book[ 0 ] = " War and Peace " ; // Assign values to its elements
book[ 1 ] = " Huckleberry Finn " ;
book[ 2 ] = " The Return of the Native " ;
book[ 3 ] = " A Christmas Carol " ;
book[ 4 ] = " The Yearling " ;
book[ 5 ] = " Exodus " ;
</ script >
</ head >
< body bgcolor = " lightblue " >
< script language = " JavaScript " >
document.write( " <h3> " );
3 for ( var i in book){
4 document.write( " book[ " + i + " ] " + book[i] + " <br> " );
</ script >
</ body >
以上代码中,当时最添加book[6] = "Exodus";这行代码,程序也不会报错。
1 var years = new Array( 10 );
2 for ( var i = 0 ; i < years.length; i ++ ){
3 years[i] = i + 2000 ;
4 document.write( " years[ " + i + " ] = " + years[i]
+ " <br> " );
</ script >
Property |
What It Does |
constructor |
References the object's constructor |
length |
Returns the number of elements in the array |
prototype |
Extends the definition of the array by adding properties and methods |
Method |
What It Does |
concat() |
把一个数组追加到另一个数组后面 |
join() |
pop() |
删除并返回数组的最后一个元素 |
push() |
在数组的最后面添加新元素 |
reverse() |
Reverses the order of the elements in an array |
shift() |
不懂怎么翻译 |
slice() |
数据分切,格式var new_ary=数组名.slice(1,2); |
sort() |
Sorts an array alphabetically, or numerically |
splice() |
删除特定位置的元素,或使用新元素替换特定位置元素 |
toLocaleString() |
Returns a string representation of the array in local format |
toString() |
Returns a string representation of the array |
unshift() |
不懂怎么翻译 |
var ary_book = new Array( 6 );
ary_book[ 0 ] = " VC " ;
ary_book[ 1 ] = " C++ " ;
ary_book[ 2 ] = " JAVA " ;
ary_book[ 3 ] = " C " ;
ary_book[ 4 ] = " Pascal " ;
ary_book[ 5 ] = " VB " ;
ary_book[ 6 ] = " ab " ;
var ary_EE = new Array( " a " , " b " );
document.write( " ary_book= " + ary_book);
ary_book = ary_book.concat(ary_EE);
document.write( " <br>连接后 " + ary_book);
var return_str = ary_book.pop();
document.write( " <br>执行pop删除- " + return_str + " -后= " + ary_book);
ary_book.push( " push elementA " , " push elementB " );
document.write( " <br>执行pop删除- " + return_str + " -后并执行追加函数后 " + ary_book);
var new_ary = ary_book.slice( 1 , 3 );
document.write( " <br>分切后数组new_ary= " + new_ary);
new_ary.splice( 1 , 2 , " AA " , " BB " , " CC " );
document.write( " <br>数组接合后new_ary= " + new_ary);
</ script >
========== 输出结果如下 ========================
ABCDEF ary_book=VC,C++,JAVA,C,Pascal,VB,ab
执行pop删除-b-后并执行追加函数后VC,C++,JAVA,C,Pascal,VB,ab,a,push elementA,push elementB
var Date = new Date( " July 4, 2004, 6:25:22 " );
var Date = new Date( " July 4, 2004 " );
var Date = new Date( 2004 , 7 , 4 , 6 , 25 , 22 );
var Date = new Date( 2004 , 7 , 4 );
var Date = new Date(Milliseconds);
Method |
What It Does |
getDate |
Returns the day of the month (1–31) |
getDay |
Returns the day of the week (0–6); 0 is Sunday, 1 is Monday, etc. |
getFullYear |
Returns the year with 4 digits[*] |
getHours |
Returns the hour (0–23) |
getMilliseconds |
Returns the millisecond[*] |
getMinutes |
Returns hours since midnight (0–23) |
getMonth |
Returns number of month (0–11); 0 is January, 1 is February, etc. |
getSeconds |
Returns the second (0–59) |
getTime |
Returns number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 |
getTimeZoneOffset |
Returns the difference in minutes between current time on local computer and UTC (Universal Coordinated Time) |
getUTCDate() |
Returns the day of the month[*] |
getUTDDay() |
Returns the day of the week converted to universal time[*] |
get UTCFullYear() |
Returns the year in four digits converted to universal time[*] |
getUTCHours() |
Returns the hour converted to universal time[*] |
getUTCMilliseconds() |
Returns the millisecond converted to universal time[*] |
parse() |
Converts the passed-in string date to milliseconds since January 1, 1970 |
setDate(value) |
Sets day of the month (1–31) |
setFullYear() |
Sets the year as a four-digit number[*] |
setHours() |
Sets the hour within the day (0–23) |
setHours(hr,min,sec,msec) |
Sets hour in local or UTC time |
setMilliseconds |
Sets the millisecond[*] |
setMinutes(min,sec, msec) |
Sets minute in local time or UTC |
setMonth(month,date) |
Sets month in local time |
setSeconds() |
Sets the second |
setTime() |
Sets time from January 1, 1970, in milliseconds |
setUTCdate() |
Sets the day of the month in universal time |
setUTCFullYear() |
Sets the year as a four-digit number in universal time[*] |
setUTCHours() |
Sets the hour in universal time[*] |
setUTCMilliseconds() |
Sets the millisecond in universal time[*] |
setUTCMinutes() |
Sets the minute in universal time[*] |
setUTCMonth() |
Sets the month in universal time[*] |
setUTCSeconds() |
Sets the second in universal time[*] |
setYear() |
Sets the number of years since 1900 (00–99) |
toGMTString() |
Returns the date string in universal format |
toLocaleString |
Returns string representing date and time based on locale of computer as 10/09/99 12:43:22 |
toSource |
Returns the source of the Date object[*] |
toString |
Returns string representing date and time |
toUTCString |
Returns string representing date and time as 10/09/99 12:43:22 in universal time[*] |
UTC() |
Converts comma-delimited values to milliseconds[*] |
valueOf() |
Returns the equivalence of the Date object in milliseconds[*] |
Property |
Value |
Description |
Math.E |
2.718281828459045091 |
Euler's constant, the base of natural logarithms |
Math.LN2 |
0.6931471805599452862 |
Natural log of 2 |
Math.LN10 |
2.302585092994045901 |
Natural log of 10 |
Math.LOG2E |
1.442695040888963387 |
Log base-2 of E |
Math.Log10E |
0.4342944819032518167 |
Log base-10 of E |
Math.PI |
3.14592653589793116 |
Pi, ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter |
Math.SQRT1_2 |
0.7071067811865475727 |
1 divided by the quare root of 2 |
Math.SQRT2 |
1.414213562373985145 |
Square root of 2 |
Method |
Functionality |
Math.abs(Number) |
Returns the absolute (unsigned) value of Number |
Math.acos(Number) |
Arc cosine of Number, returns result in radians |
Math.asin(Number) |
Arc sine of Number, returns results in radians |
Math.atan(Number) |
Arctangent of Number, returns results in radians |
Math.atan2(y,x) |
Arctangent of y/x; returns arctangent of the quotient of its arguments |
Math.ceil(Number) |
Rounds Number up to the next closest integer |
Math.cos(Number) |
Returns the cosign of Number in radians |
Math.exp(x)[*] |
Euler's constant to some power (see footnote) |
Math.floor(Number) |
Rounds Number down to the next closest integer |
Math.log(Number) |
Returns the natural logarithm of Number (base E) |
Math.max(Number1, Number2) |
Returns larger value of Number1 and Number2 |
Math.min(Number1, Number2) |
Returns smaller value of Number1 and Number2 |
Math.pow(x, y) |
Returns the value of x to the power of y(xy), where x is the base and y is the exponent |
Math.random() |
Generates pseudorandom number between 0.0 and 1.0 |
Math.round(Number) |
Rounds Number to the closest integer |
Math.sin(Number) |
Arc sine of Number in radians |
Math.sqrt(Number) |
Square root of Number |
Math.tan(Number) |
Tangent of Number in radians |
Math.toString(Number) |
Converts Number to string |
What Is a Wrapper Object?
Property |
What It Does |
length |
Returns the length of the string in characters |
prototype |
Extends the definition of the string by adding properties and methods |
document.write( " 字符串属性例子<br> " );
var str = new String( " abcdDeF " );
function up(){
return this .toUpperCase();
String.prototype.lup = up;
document.write( " str长度= " + str.length + " <br> " );
document.write( " str内容= " + str + " <br> " );
document.write( " uper转换后= " + str.lup() + " <br> " );
</ script >
Method |
What it Does |
charAt(index) |
返回字符串中index位置的字符(从0开始计算index) |
charCodeAt(index) |
返回特定字符串中index位置的字符的Unicode 编码 |
concat(string1, ..., stringn) |
字函数的参数字符串连起来 |
fromCharCode(codes) |
把编码转换成字符 |
indexOf(substr, startpos) |
从字符串中返回从startpos开始的substr子串的位置 |
lastIndexOf(substr, startpos) |
从字符串中返回从最后一次出现substr子串的位置 |
replace(searchValue, replaceValue) |
把字符串中searchvalue转换成replaceValue |
search(regexp) |
Searches for the regular expression and returns the index of where it was found |
slice(startpos, endpos) |
返回从starpos到endpos位置的字符串 |
split(delimiter) |
把字符串以delimiter为分鬲符的字符串数组 |
substr(startpos, endpos) |
返回一个串但不包括endpos |
toLocaleLowerCase() |
Returns a copy of the string converted to lowercase |
toLocaleUpperCase() |
Returns a copy of the string converted to uppercase |
toLowerCase() |
Converts all characters in a string to lowercase letters |
toString() |
Returns the same string as the source string |
toUpperCase() |
Converts all characters in a string to uppercase letters |
valueOf |
Returns the string value of the object |
数字对象The Number Object
var number = new Number(numeric value);
var number = Number(numeric value);
var n = new Number(65.7);
Property |
What It Describes |
The largest representable number, 1.7976931348623157e+308 |
The smallest representable number, 5e–324 |
NaN |
Not-a-number value |
Negative infinite value; returned on overflow |
Infinite value; returned on overflow |
prototype |
Used to customize the Number object by adding new properties and methods |
Method |
What It Does |
toString() |
Converts a number to a string using a specified base (radix) |
toLocaleString() |
Converts a number to a string using local number conventions |
toFixed()[1] |
Converts a number to a string with a specified number of places after the decimal point |
toExponential() |
Converts a number to a string using exponential notation and a specified number of places after the decimal point |
toPrecision() |
Converts a number to a string in either exponential or fixed notation containing the specified number of places after the decimal point |
var num1 = 20 ;
var num2 = new Number( 13 );
var num3 = new Number( 25.36985 );
document.write( " <br>num1=20,基数为2转换成字符串-> " + num1.toString( 2 ) + " <br> " );
document.write( " num1=20,基数为8转换成字符串-> " + num1.toString( 8 ) + " <br> " );
document.write( " num1=13,基数为2转换成字符串-> " + num2.toString( 2 ) + " <br> " );
document.write( " num3=25.16985,取整到2位小数-> " + num3.toFixed( 2 ) + " <br> " );
</ script >
9.6 What Is a Wrapper Object?The primitive man wraps himself up in an animal skin to keep warm or to protect his skin. A primitive data type can also have a wrapper. The wrapper is an object bearing the same name as the data type it represents. For each of the primitive data types (string, number, and Boolean), there is a String object, a Number object, and a Boolean object. These objects are called wrappers and provide properties and methods that can be defined for the object. For example, the String object has a number of methods that let you change the font color, size, and style of a string; and the Number object has methods that allow you to format a number to a specified number of significant digits. Whether you use the object or literal notation to create a string, number, or Boolean, JavaScript handles the internal conversion between the types. The real advantage to the wrapper object is its ability to apply and extend properties and methods to the object, which in turn, will affect the primitive. 9.6.1 The String ObjectWe have used strings throughout this book. They were sent as arguments to the write() and writeln() methods, they have been assigned to variables, they have been concatenated, and so on. As you may recall, a string is a sequence of characters enclosed in either double or single quotes. The String object (starting with JavaScript 1.1) is a core JavaScript object that allows you to treat strings as objects. The String object is also called a wrapper object because it wraps itself around a string primitive, allowing you to apply a number of properties and methods to it. You can create a String object implicitly by assigning a quoted string of text to a variable, called a string primitive (see "Primitive Data Types" on page 31 of Chapter 3), or by explicitly creating a String object with the new keyword and the String() object constructor method. Either way, the properties and methods of the String object can be applied to the new string variable. FORMAT var string_name = "string of text"; var string_name = new String("string of text"); Example: var title="JavaScript by Example"; var title=new String("JavaScript by Example"); Example 9.19<html><head><title>The String Object</title></head> <body bgcolor=pink><font face="arial" size=+1> <h2>Primitive and String Objects</h2> <script language="JavaScript"> 1 var first_string = "The winds of war are blowing."; 2 var next_string = new String("There is peace in the valley."); 3 document.write("The first string is of type<em> "+ typeof(first_string)); document.write(".</em><br>The second string is of type<em> "+ 4 typeof(next_string) +".<br>"); </script> </body> </html> EXPLANATION
The Properties of the String ObjectThe string properties (see Table 9.8) describe the attributes of the String object. The most common string property is the length property, which lets you know how many characters there are in a string. The prototype property allows you to add your own properties and methods to the String object, that is, you can customize a string.
Example 9.20<html><head><title>The String Object</title></head> <body bgColor="lightblue"> <font face="arial" size=+1> <h3>Length of Strings</h3> <script language="JavaScript"> 1 var first_string = "The winds of war are blowing.";var next_string = new String("There is peace in the valley."); 2 document.write("\""+first_string +"\" contains "+ first_string.length + " characters."); 3 document.write("<br>\""+ next_string+"\" contains "+ next_string.length+" characters.<br>"); document.write("<font size=-1><em>...not to imply that war is equal to peace...<br>"); </script> </body> </html> EXPLANATION
Example 9.21<html><head><title>The Prototype Property</title> <script language = "javascript"> // Customize String Functions 1 function ucLarge(){ var str=this.bold().fontcolor("white").toUpperCase().fontsize("22"); return( str); } 2 String.prototype.ucL=ucLarge; </script> </head> <body bgcolor=black><center> <script language="JavaScript"> 3 var string="Watch Your Step!!"; 4 document.write(string.ucL()+"<br>"); </script> <img src="high_voltage.gif"> </body></html> EXPLANATION
String MethodsThere are two types of string methods: the string formatting methods that mimic the HTML tags they are named for, and the methods used to manipulate a string such as finding a position in a string, replacing a string with another string, making a string uppercase or lowercase, and the like. Table 9.9 lists methods that will affect the appearance of a String object by applying HTML tags to the string, for example, to change its font size, font type, and color. Using these methods is a convenient way to change the style of a string in a JavaScript program, much easier than using quoted HTML opening and closing tags.
Example 9.22<html> <head><title>String object</title> </head> <body bgcolor="yellow"> <font size="+1" face="arial"> <h2>Working with String Objects:</h2> <script language="JavaScript"> 1 var str1 = new String("Hello world!"); // Use a String constructor 2 var str2 = "It's a beautiful day today."; document.write(str1) + "<br>"; 3 document.write(str1.fontcolor("blue")+"<br>"); 4 document.write(str1.fontsize(8).fontcolor("red").bold()+"<br>"); 5 document.write(str1.big()+ "<br>"); 6 document.write("Good-bye, ".italics().bold().big() + str2 + "<br>"); </script> </body></html> EXPLANATION
There are a number of methods (see Table 9.10) provided to manipulate a string.
Methods That Find a Position in a StringA substring is a piece of an already existing string; thus eat is a substring of both create and upbeat, and java is a substring of javascript. When a user enters information, you want to see if a certain pattern of characters exist, such as the @ in an e-mail address or a zip code in an address. JavaScript provides a number of methods to assist you in finding substrings. The indexOf() and the lastIndexOf() methods are used to find the first instance or the last instance of a substring within a larger string. They are both case sensitive. The first character in a string is at index value 0, just like array indices. If either of the methods finds the substring, it returns the position of the first letter in the substring. If either method can't find the pattern in the string, then a –1 is returned. Example 9.23 <html><head><title>Substrings</title>
<body bgcolor=lightgreen>
<font face="arial" size="+1">
Searching for an @ sign
<script language="JavaScript">
1 var email_addr=prompt("What is your email address? ","");
2 while(email_addr.indexOf("@") == -1 ){
3 alert( "Invalid email address.");
email_addr=prompt("What is your email address? ",""); }
Example 9.24<html> <head><title>String Manipulation</title></head> </head> <body> <h2>Working with String Manipulation Methods</h2> <script language="JavaScript"> function break_tag(){ document.write("<br>"); } document.write("<h3>"); 1 var str1 = new String("The merry, merry month of June..."); document.write("In the string:<em> "+ str1 ); 2 document.write("</em> the first 'm' is at position " + str1.indexOf("m")); break_tag(); 3 document.write("The last 'm' is at position " + str1.lastIndexOf("m")); break_tag(); 4 document.write("<em>str1.substr(4,5)</em> returns<em> " + str1.substr(4,5)); break_tag(); document.write(str1.toUpperCase()); document.write("</h3>"); </script> </body> </html> Figure 9.26. Output from Example 9.24.Methods that Extract Substrings from a StringYou may have to do more than just find a substring within a string, you may need to extract that substring. For example, we found the @ in the e-mail address, now we may want to get just the user name or the server name or domain name. To do this, JavaScript provides methods such as splice(), split(), charAt(), substr(), and substring(). Example 9.25<html><head><title>Extracting Substrings</title> </head> <body bgcolor=lightgreen> <font face="arial" size="+1"> Extracting substrings <font size="-1"> <script language="JavaScript"> 1 var straddr = "[email protected]"; document.write("<br>His name is<em> " + 2 straddr.substr(0,6) + "</em>.<br>"); 3 var namesarr = straddr.split("@" ); 4 document.write( "The user name is<em> " + namesarr[0] + "</em>.<br>"); 5 document.write( "and the mail server is<em> " + namesarr[1] + "</em>.<br>"); 6 document.write( "The first character in the string is <em>" + straddr.charAt(0)+ "</em>.<br>"); 7 document.write( "and the last character in the string is <em>" + straddr.charAt(straddr.length - 1) + "</em>.<br>"); </script> </body></html> EXPLANATION
Search and Replace MethodsIn word processing software you'll always find some mechanism to search for patterns in strings and to replace one string with another. JavaScript provides methods to do the same thing, using the String object. The search() method searches for a substring and returns the position where the substring is found first. The match() method searches a string for substrings and returns an array containing all the matches it found. The replace() method searches for a substring and replaces it with a new string. These methods are discussed again in Chapter 13, "Regular Expressions and Pattern Matching," in more detail. Example 9.26<html><head><title>Search and Replace</title> </head> <body bgcolor=lightgreen> <font face="arial" size="+1"> Search and Replace Methods<br> <font size="-1"> <script language="JavaScript"> 1 var straddr = "[email protected]"; document.write( "The original string is "+ straddr + "<br>"); document.write( "The new string is "+ 2 straddr.replace("Daniel","Jake")+"<br>"); 3 var index=straddr.search("dad"); document.write("The search() method found \"dad\" at position "+ index +"<br>"); 4 var mysubstr=straddr.substr(index,3); document.write("After replacing \"dad\" with \"POP\" <br>"); 5 document.write(straddr.replace(mysubstr,"POP")+"<br>"); </script> </body></html> EXPLANATION
9.6.2 The Number ObjectNow that we've travelled this far in JavaScript, have you wondered how to format a floating-point number when you display it, as you can with the printf function in C or Perl? Well, the Number object, like the String object, gives you properties and methods to handle and customize numeric data. The Number object is a wrapper for the primitive numeric values (see Chapter 2, "Script Setup"), which means you can use a primitive number type or an object number type and JavaScript manages the conversion back and forth as necessary. The Number object was introduced in JavaScript 1.1. The Number() constructor takes a numeric value as its argument. If used as a function, without the new operator, the argument is converted to a primitive numeric value, and that number is returned; if it fails, NaN is returned. The Number object has a number of properties and methods, as listed in Tables 9.11 and 9.12. FORMAT var number = new Number(numeric value); var number = Number(numeric value); Example: var n = new Number(65.7);
FORM var object = new Boolean(value); Example: var b1 = new Boolean(5); var b2 = new Boolean(null); |
Property |
What It Does |
length |
Returns the number of arguments that are expected to be passed (read only) |
prototype |
Allows the object to be customized by adding new properties and methods |
Property |
What It Does |
apply()[*] |
Allows you to apply a method from one function to another |
call() |
Allows you to call a method from another object |
var nameOfFunction = new Function (arguments, statements_as_string: }
Example Function Definition:
var addemUp = new Function ( "a", "b", "return a + b;" );
Example Function Call:
document.write(addemUp (10, 5));< script language = " javascript " type = " text/javascript " >
var fsum = new Function( " a " , " b " , " return a+b; " );
document.write( " the sum= " + fsum( 5 , 10 ) + " <br> " );
</ script >