
afx_msg UINT CWnd::OnGetDlgCode( );
Called for a control so the control can process arrow-key and TAB-key input itself. Normally, Windows handles all arrow-key and TAB-key input to a CWnd control. By overriding OnGetDlgCode, a CWnd control can choose a particular type of input to process itself. The default OnGetDlgCode functions for the predefined control classes return a code appropriate for each class.
Return Value
One or more of the following values, indicating which type of input the application processes:
·                     DLGC_BUTTON   Button (generic).
·                     DLGC_DEFPUSHBUTTON   Default pushbutton.
·                     DLGC_HASSETSEL   EM_SETSEL messages.
·                     DLGC_UNDEFPUSHBUTTON   No default pushbutton processing. (An application can use this flag with DLGC_BUTTON to indicate that it processes button input but relies on the system for default pushbutton processing.)
·                     DLGC_RADIOBUTTON   Radio button.
·                     DLGC_STATIC   Static control.
·                     DLGC_WANTALLKEYS   All keyboard input.
·                     DLGC_WANTARROWS   Arrow keys.
·                     DLGC_WANTCHARS   WM_CHAR messages.
·                     DLGC_WANTMESSAGE   All keyboard input. The application passes this message on to the control.
·                     DLGC_WANTTAB   TAB key.
