五个月左右,零零散散的时间,自学完了这个C++ Primer Plus ,下面是做过的题目,自己常看看可以温故而知新呢!
// 编程练习_02_06.cpp /*******************第02章(开始学C++),第06题, 编写一个程序,要求用户输入小时数和分钟数,在main()函数中,将这两个值传递给一个void函数,后者以下面这样的格式显示这两个值。 Enter the number of hours: 9 Enter the number of minutes: 28 Time: 9:28 ******************************************************************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> // a preprocesor directive using namespace std; // make definitions visible int main() // function header { // start of function body int a; // declare an integar variable a int b; // declare an integar variable b cout << "Enter the number of hours: "; // message cin >> a; // input the value of the variable a cout << "Enter the number of minutes: "; // message cin >> b; // input the value of the variable a void display(int&, int&); // function prototype for display() display(a, b); // call the display() return 0; // terminate main() } // end of function body void display(int& x, int& y) // define the display() function { cout << "Time: " << x << ":" << y <<endl; }
// 编程练习 04.01_display message.cpp /*************************************************************** 1.编写一个C++程序,如下述输出范例所示的那样请求并显示信息: What is your first name? Betty Sue What is your last name? Yew What letter grade do you deserve? B What is your age? 22 Name: Yew, Betty Sue Grade: C 注意,该程序应该接受的名字包含多个单词。另外,程序将向下调整成绩,即向上调一个字母。 假设用户请求A、B或C,所以不必担心D和F之间的空档。 ********************************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> // a preprocessor directive #include <string> // for enter the name using namespace std; int main() { // define string fname; // define the first name string lname; // define the last name char grade; // define the grade int age; // define the age // calculate and cout cout << "What is your first name? "; getline(cin, fname); cout << "What is your last name? "; getline(cin, lname); cout << "What letter grade do you deserve? "; cin >> grade; getline(cin, *(new string)); //下面getline一次,忽略1行 // cout << endl; cout << "What is your age? "; cin >> age; // cout << endl; // cout the last message cout << "Name: " << lname << "," << fname <<endl; cout << "Grade: " << (char(grade+1)) << endl; return 0; }
// 编程练习 04.01_display message_2.cpp /*************************************************************** 1.编写一个C++程序,如下述输出范例所示的那样请求并显示信息: What is your first name? Betty Sue What is your last name? Yew What letter grade do you deserve? B What is your age? 22 Name: Yew, Betty Sue Grade: C 注意,该程序应该接受的名字包含多个单词。另外,程序将向下调整成绩,即向上调一个字母。 假设用户请求A、B或C,所以不必担心D和F之间的空档。 ********************************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> // a preprocessor directive #include <string> // for enter the name using namespace std; struct message { char *FirstName; char *LastName; char Grade; int age; }; /*有错,连对象都还没有定义 int main() { string temp; cout << "What is your first name? "; cin >> temp; message.FirstName = new char [strlen(temp) + 1]; strcpy(message.FirstName, temp); cout << "What is your last name? "; cin >> temp; message.LastName = new char [strlen(temp) + 1]; strcpy(message.LastName, temp); cout << "What letter grade do you deserve? "; cin.get(); cin.get(message.Grade); cout << "What is your age? "; cin >> message.age; cout << "Name: " << message.*LastName << ", " << message.*FirstName; cout << endl << "Grade: " << ((char)(message.Grade + 1)) << endl; cin.get(); return 0; } ***/ /************************************************************************* 打算参考书上的 char *ps; ps = new char[strlen(animal) + 1]; strcpy(ps, animal); 谁知道呢?挺多错误的。 G:\Temp\编程练习_04.01_display message_2.cpp:43: error: `LastName' undeclared (first use this function) G:\Temp\编程练习_04.01_display message_2.cpp:43: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.) G:\Temp\编程练习_04.01_display message_2.cpp:43: error: expected primary-expression before '.*' token ************************************************************************/ int main() { string temp; cout << "What is your first name? "; cin >> temp; message msg; msg.FirstName = new char [strlen(temp.c_str()) + 1]; // string 类型获取长度方法 strlen(string.c_str()) strcpy(msg.FirstName, temp.c_str()); cout << "What is your last name? "; cin >> temp; msg.LastName = new char [strlen(temp.c_str()) + 1]; strcpy(msg.LastName, temp.c_str()); cout << "What letter grade do you deserve? "; cin.get(); cin.get(msg.Grade); cout << "What is your age? "; cin >> msg.age; cout << "Name: " << msg.LastName << ", " << msg.FirstName; cout << endl << "Grade: " << ((char)(msg.Grade + 1)) << endl; cin.get(); return 0; }
// 编程练习_04.09_nestedloopdisplaychar.cpp -- display linechar use nested loop /**************************** ** 题目要求 ** ******************************* 9.编写一个使用嵌套循环的程序,要求用户输入一个值,指出要显示多少行。 然后,程序将显示相应的行数的星号, 其中第一行包括一个星号,第二行包括两个星号,依此类推。 第一行包含的字符数等于用户指定的行数,在星号不够的情况下,在星号前面加上句点。 该程序的运行情况如下: Enter number of rows: 5 ....* ...** ..*** .**** ***** ******************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Enter number of rows: "; int n; cin >> n; while (n <= 0) { cout << "Please Enter again and the number must be equal or greater than zero: "; cin >> n; } char point = '.'; char asterisk = '*'; int i; // define two variable for circulate int j; int m = n; // mark the biggest number for (; n; --n) { for (i = n-1; i; --i) cout << point; for (j = 0; j < (m - n + 1); ++j) cout << asterisk; cout << endl; } return 0; }
// 很奇怪,在GCC里面运行正常,然后放在VC++6.0就不正常了。 // VC++ 2010 运行正常。 /************************************************************************************ 网友修改后 --------------------Configuration: test - Win32 Debug-------------------- Compiling... test.cpp F:\Temp\test.cpp(26) : error C2248: 'brand' : cannot access private member declared in class 'CandyBar' F:\Temp\test.cpp(17) : see declaration of 'brand' F:\Temp\test.cpp(30) : error C2248: 'weight' : cannot access private member declared in class 'CandyBar' F:\Temp\test.cpp(18) : see declaration of 'weight' F:\Temp\test.cpp(34) : error C2248: 'calorie' : cannot access private member declared in class 'CandyBar' F:\Temp\test.cpp(19) : see declaration of 'calorie' F:\Temp\test.cpp(41) : error C2248: 'brand' : cannot access private member declared in class 'CandyBar' F:\Temp\test.cpp(17) : see declaration of 'brand' F:\Temp\test.cpp(42) : error C2248: 'weight' : cannot access private member declared in class 'CandyBar' F:\Temp\test.cpp(18) : see declaration of 'weight' F:\Temp\test.cpp(43) : error C2248: 'calorie' : cannot access private member declared in class 'CandyBar' F:\Temp\test.cpp(19) : see declaration of 'calorie' F:\Temp\test.cpp(118) : error C2593: 'operator >>' is ambiguous F:\Temp\test.cpp(132) : error C2593: 'operator >>' is ambiguous F:\Temp\test.cpp(145) : error C2593: 'operator <<' is ambiguous Error executing cl.exe. test.obj - 9 error(s), 0 warning(s) ************************************************************************************/ // 编程练习_04.9_CandyBarmain.cpp /*************************************** 9.结构 CandyBar 包含3个成员, 第一个成员存储了糖块的品牌; 第二个成员存储糖块的重量(可有小数); 第三个成员存储了糖块的卡路里含量(整数)。 请编写一个程序,声明这个类。 使用new动态分配数组。 *****************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; const int NuLL = 0; // Candy Bar.h -- class include three data members class CandyBar { public: friend istream&operator >> (istream&, CandyBar&); // operator << redefine friend ostream&operator << (ostream&, CandyBar&); // operator >> redefine friend CandyBar* update();//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- friend CandyBar* display();//因为要在类外访问私有,没有添加友元 private: string brand; double weight; int calorie; CandyBar* next; // to create a linked list }; istream& operator >> (istream& input, CandyBar& cinCandyBar) { cout << "Please input the brand of the sugar:"; input >> cinCandyBar.brand ; cout << endl; cout << "Please input the weight of the sugar:"; input >> cinCandyBar.weight; cout << endl; cout << "Please input how many calorie in this sugar:"; input >> cinCandyBar.calorie; cout << endl; return input;//-------------------------------需要返回流,为了可以后续同类操作 cout>>a>>1>>"d"; } ostream& operator << (ostream& output, CandyBar& coutCandyBar) { output << coutCandyBar.brand << "\t\t" << coutCandyBar.weight << "\t" << coutCandyBar.calorie << endl; return output;//----------------------------------------------------------同上 } // CandyBarmain.cpp -- the main function of CandyBar //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------后面的函数要用,放main里访问不到 CandyBar* head = NuLL; CandyBar* pa; CandyBar* pb; int main() { // CandyBar* pc; // CandyBar* temp; int choice(); choice(); return 0; } int choice() { // the Candy Bar function CandyBar* update(); CandyBar* display(); // circulate choice while(1) { // display the message cout << "Welcome to our Candy Bar. " << endl << " 1.display the message of Candy Bar."<<endl << " 2.update the message of Candy Bar."<<endl << " 3.exit the system."<<endl << "Now, please choice a function you want to come true and enter the function number: "; //start realize the function char ch; switch (ch=cin.get()){ // -----------------------------switch() 缺个大括号 { case '1': cout << "\n";//-------------------------------这之后的好几个\n写成/n了 display(); break; case '2': cout << "\n"; update(); break; case '3': cout << "\n Success to exit the system! "; return 0; default : cin.clear();//---------------------------------写错 clean while(ch!='\n') cin.get(); cout << "\nplease enter a true number"; break; }//-------------------------------------------------------同上,缺} } return 0; } CandyBar* update() { // make sure update number cout << "How many message you want to update? "; int n; cin >> n; cout << endl; if (head == NuLL) // if it is first input { pb = new CandyBar; head = pb; cin >> *head; pa = head; --n; } else // search the address of last linked list for (pa = head; pa->next != NuLL; pa = pa -> next); // input the data for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) { pb = new CandyBar; pa->next = pb; pa = pb; cin >> *pa; } pa->next = NuLL; return (head); } CandyBar* display() { cout << " \n Brand\t\tWeight\tcalorie\n" ; for (pb = head; pb ; pb = pb->next) //pb->next = NuLL =号是赋值 ==是判断 //这里循环后才执行 pb = pb->next, //所以判断pb就行, cout << *pb; //需要传的是引用,不是指针,先解指针 return 0; }
// 编程练习_05.03_计算投资价值 /********************* 第3题 ***************************************** 3.Daphne 以10%的单利投资了100美元。也就是说,每一年的利润都是投资额的10%, 即每年10元美元: 利息=0.10*原始存款 而Cleo以5%的复利投资了100美元。 也就是说,利息是当前存款(包括获得的利息)的5%,: 利息=0.05*当前存款 Cleo在第一年投资100美元的盈利是5%---得到了105美元。 下一年的盈利是105美元的5%即5.25美元,依此类推。 请编写一个程序,计算多少年后,Cleo的投资价值才能超过Daphne的投资价值, 并显示此时两个人的投资价值。 **************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const double depositd = 100; // d的本金 double depositc = 100; // c的本金 const double interestrd = 0.10; const double interestrc = 0.05; double interestd; // d的利息 double interestc; // c的利息 double sumd = 0; double &sumc = depositc; int year; //先计算出第一年的 sumd += depositd; interestd = interestrd * depositd; interestc = interestrc * depositc; sumc += interestc; for (year = 2; sumc > sumd; ++year) { sumd += interestd; interestc = interestrc * depositc; sumc += interestc; } cout << "Invest of Cleo: " << sumc << endl; cout << "Invest of Daphne: " << sumd << endl; cout << "After year: " << year << endl; while(2); return 0; }
// 编程练习_05.04_用循环显示数据.cpp /****************************** 第4题 ************************************** 4.假设要销售 C++ For Fools 一书。请编写一个程序,输入全年中每个月的销售量 (图书数量,而不是销售额)。程序通过循环,使用初始化为月份字符串的char* 数组 (或string对象数组)逐月进行提示,并将输入的数据储存在一个int数组中。 然后,程序计算数组中各元素的总数,并报告这一年的销售情况。 *****************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { const int monnum = 12; int sale [monnum]; // string smonth[]是用C++中的string 定义的字符串数组 // 如果你想用C语言中的指针(呵呵,同样也是C++中的,只是在C++中少用了,大多都用string代替了), // 你就把 string smonth[]= 用 char *scmonth[]= 代替 string pointout[monnum] = // char *scmonth[] = { "Please enter the distribution records of January: ", "Please enter the distribution records of February: ", "Please enter the distribution records of March: ", "Please enter the distribution records of April: ", "Please enter the distribution records of May: ", "Please enter the distribution records of June: ", "Please enter the distribution records of July: ", "Please enter the distribution records of August: ", "Please enter the distribution records of September: ", "Please enter the distribution records of October: ", "Please enter the distribution records of November: ", "Please enter the distribution records of December: " }; int i = 0; int sum = 0; for (; i < 12; ++i) { cout << pointout[i]; // 你用char *scmonth[] 就把 cout << smonth[i];用cout << scmonth[i];代替 // cout << scmonth[i]; cin >> sale[i]; cout << endl; sum += sale[i]; } cout << "\nTotal: " << sum << endl; return 0; }
// 编程练习_05.06_设计car结构.cpp 简单的动态链表 /********************************* 第6题 ************************************* 6.设计一个名为car的结构,用它存储下述有关汽车的信息:生产商(存储在字符数组成 string 对象中的字符串)、生产年份(整数)。编写一个程序,向用户询问有多少辆汽车。 随后,程序使用new来创建一个由相应数量的car 结构数组。接下来,程序提示用户输入每 辆辐的生产商(可能由多个单词组成)和年份信息。请注意,这需要特别小心,因为它将交 替读取数值和字符串(参见第四章)。最后,程序将显示每个结构的内容。该程序的运行情 况如下: How many cars do you wish to catalog? 2 Car #1: Please enter the make: Hudson Hornet Peease enter the year made: 1952 Car #2: Please enter the make: Kaiser Please enter the year made: 1951 Here is your collection: 1952 Hudson Hornet 1951 Kaiser *******************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int n; class car { public: string name; int year; car* next; }; int main() { car* creat(); car* display(car*); display(creat()); while(1); return 0; } car* creat() { car *head; car *pa; car *pb; cout << "How many cars do you wish to catalog?"; cin >> n; while (!cin ) { cout << "Enter Error, please enter again:"; cin.clear(); while(cin.get() != '\n') continue; cin >> n; } int i; head = new car; pa = head; for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { pb = pa; cout << "Car #" << i << ":" << endl; cout << "Please enter the make: "; cin >> pa -> name; cout << "Please enter the year made: "; cin >> pa -> year; pa = new car; pb -> next = pa; } pa = 0; pb -> next = 0; return head; } car* display(car *head) { cout << "Here is your collection: " << endl; car *pa; for (pa = head; pa != 0; pa = pa -> next) cout << pa -> year << " " << pa -> name << endl; return 0; }
// 编程练习_05.7_计算读取单词.cpp /******************* 第07题 ************************************************ 7.编写一个程序,它使用一个 char 数组和循环来每次读取一个单词, 直到用户输入 done 为止。随后,该程序指出用户输入了多少个单词(不包括done在内). 下面是该程序的运行情况: Enter words (to stop, type the word done): anteaster birthday category dumpster anvyfiagle geometry done for sure You entered a total of 7 words. 您应在程序中包含头文件 cstring,并使用函数 strcmp() 来进行测试. ******************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Enter words (to stop, type the word done): " << endl; const int ch_ar_si = 100; char word[ch_ar_si]; int n = 0; while(cin >> word && strcmp("done", word)) ++n; cout << "You enterd a total of " << n << "words."; while(2); return 0; }
// 编程练习_06.06_动态链表应用.cpp /*************************** 第六题 *********************************** 6.编写一个程序,记录捐助给”维护合法权利团体“的钱。 该程序要求用户输入捐献者数目,然后要求用户输入每一个捐献者的姓名和款项。 这些信息被储存在一个动态分配的结构数组中。每个结构有两个成员: 用来存储姓名的字符数组(或string)和用来存储款项的double成员。 读取所有的数据后,程序将显示所有捐款超过10000的捐款者的姓名及其捐款数额。 该列表前应包含一个标题,指出下面的捐款者是重要的捐款人(Grand Patrons). 然后,程序将列出其他的捐款者,该列表要以Patrons开头。 如果某种类别没有捐款者,则程序将打印单词"none"。 该程序只显示这两种类别,而不进行排序。 *****************************************************************************/ #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; struct jq { string name; double money; jq *next; }; int main() { // enter donors numbers int n; int t; cout << "Please enter the number of donors:"; do { t = 0; cin >> n; if (!cin) { cout << "Enter error, Please enter again: "; cin.clear(); while(cin.get() != '\n'); t++; } }while(t); // prototype jq* creat(int n); jq* print(jq *head, int n); // function call jq* temp = creat(n); print(temp, n); // The end while(2); return 0; } jq* creat(int n) { // define three pointer to make the list jq* head = new jq; // 链表结点 jq* pa = head; jq* pb = pa; // enter data int i; for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { pb -> next = pa; pb = pa; cout << "Please enter number " << i << " donors money: "; int t; do { t = 0; cin >> pa -> money; if (!cin) { cout << "Enter error, Please enter again: "; cin.clear(); while(cin.get() != '\n'); } }while(t); cout << "Please enter number " << i << " name: "; while(cin.get() != '\n'); // 消回车 getline(cin, pa -> name); // 输字符串 if (pa -> name == "") // string 不读取 \n pa -> name = "none"; // 若不输入名则自动为none cout << endl; pa = new jq; } pa = 0; pb -> next = 0; return head; } jq* print(jq* head, int n) { jq* pa; // screen 1 cout << "Grand Patrons List: " << endl; for (pa = head; pa != 0; pa = pa -> next) if(pa -> money >= 10000) cout << pa -> name << "\t\t" << pa -> money << endl; // screen 2 cout << endl << "Other Patrons List: " << endl; for (pa = head; pa != 0; pa = pa -> next) if(pa -> money < 10000) cout << pa -> name << "\t\t" << pa -> money << endl; cout << "Finish!"; return 0; }
// 编程练习_07.02_处理数组的函数.cpp /********************************************************************** 2.编写一个程序,要求用户输入最多10个高尔夫成绩,并将其存储在一个数组中。 程序允许用户提早结束输入,并在一行上显示所有成绩,然后报告平均成绩。 请使用3个数组处理函数来分别进行输入、显示和计算平均成绩。 ***********************************************************************/ #include <iostream> int const GolfArSize = 10; int TrueSize = 0; int main() { using namespace std; cout << "Now, begin to remember the score." << endl; void SaveGolf(int* Golf); void ShowGolf (const int * Golf); void AverageGolf (const int* Golf); int Golf[GolfArSize]; SaveGolf(Golf); ShowGolf(Golf); AverageGolf(Golf); return 0; } void SaveGolf(int* Golf) { using namespace std; int i = 0; cout << "If you want to end the programme,Please enter a letter." << endl; for (i; i < GolfArSize; i++) { cout << "Please enter " << i+1 << " golf score: "; if (cin >> Golf[i]) { } else { TrueSize = i; break; } TrueSize = i; } cout << "Enter End" << endl; } void ShowGolf (const int * Golf) { using namespace std; int i= 0; cout << endl; cout << "Now show the score in next line: " << endl; for (i; i < TrueSize; i++) { cout << Golf[i] << '\t'; } cout << endl; } void AverageGolf (const int* Golf) { using namespace std; int i = 0; int sum = 0; for (i; i < TrueSize; ++i) { sum += Golf[i]; } cout << "Average Score is : " << sum / TrueSize << endl; } // 本次编程时遇到了可提早结束输入的问题,后来想到多定义一个全局变量解决问题。 // 另外,这里还学习注意用const访问数组。用三种函数对数组实现功能。
// 编程练习_07.08_处理数组和结构的函数.cpp /****************************************************************** 8.这个练习让您编写处理数组和结构的函数。下面是程序的框架, 请提供其中描述的函数,以完成该程序。 #include <iostream> using namespace std; const int SLEN = 30; struct student { char fullname[SLEN]; char hobby[SLEN]; int ooplevel; }; // getinfo() has two arguments: a pointer to the first element of // an array of student structures and an int representing the // number of elements of the array. The function solicits and // stores data about students. It terminates input upon filling // the array or upon encoutering a blank line for the student // name. The function returns the actual namber of array elements // filled. int getinfo(student pa[], int n); // display1()takes a student structure as an argument // and displays its contents void display1(student st); // display2()takes the address of student structure as an // argument and displays the structure's contents void display2(const student *ps); // display3()takes the address of the first element of an array // of student structures and the number of array elements as // arrguments and displays the contents of the structures void display3(const student pa[], int n); int main() { cout << "Enter class size:"; int class_size; cin >> class_size; while(cin.get() != '\n') continue; student * ptr_stu = new student [class_size); int entered = getinfo(ptr_stu, class_size); for (int i = 0; i < entered; i++) { display1(ptr_stu[i]); display2(&ptr_stu[i]); } display3(ptr_stu, entered); delete[] ptr_stu; cout << "Done\n"; return 0; } *****************************************************************/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; const int SLEN = 30; struct student { char fullname[SLEN]; char hobby[SLEN]; int ooplevel; }; // getinfo() has two arguments: a pointer to the first element of // an array of student structures and an int representing the // number of elements of the array. The function solicits and // stores data about students. It terminates input upon filling // the array or upon encoutering a blank line for the student // name. The function returns the actual namber of array elements // filled. int getinfo(student pa[], int n); // display1()takes a student structure as an argument // and displays its contents void display1(student st); // display2()takes the address of student structure as an // argument and displays the structure's contents void display2(const student *ps); // display3()takes the address of the first element of an array // of student structures and the number of array elements as // arrguments and displays the contents of the structures void display3(const student pa[], int n); int main() { cout << "Enter class size:"; int class_size; cin >> class_size; while(cin.get() != '\n') continue; student * ptr_stu = new student [class_size]; int entered = getinfo(ptr_stu, class_size); for (int i = 0; i < entered; i++) { display1(ptr_stu[i]); display2(&ptr_stu[i]); } display3(ptr_stu, entered); delete[] ptr_stu; cout << "Done\n"; cin.get(); cin.get(); cin.get(); return 0; } // getinfo() has two arguments: a pointer to the first element of // an array of student structures and an int representing the // number of elements of the array. The function solicits and // stores data about students. It terminates input upon filling // the array or upon encoutering a blank line for the student // name. The function returns the actual namber of array elements // filled. int getinfo(student pa[], int n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n ; ++i) { cout << "Please enter this student's fullname: "; int j; cin.get(pa[i].fullname[0]); if (pa[i].fullname[0] == '\n') { break; } for (j = 1; j < SLEN && (pa[i].fullname[j-1] != '\n'); ++j) { cin.get(pa[i].fullname[j]); pa[i].fullname[j+1] = '\0'; } cout << "Please enter this student's hobby: "; cin >> pa[i].hobby; cout << "Please enter this student's ooplevel: "; cin >> pa[i].ooplevel; cin.get(); } return i; } // display1()takes a student structure as an argument // and displays its contents void display1(student st) { cout << st.fullname << '\t' << st.hobby << '\t' << st.ooplevel << endl; } // display2()takes the address of student structure as an // argument and displays the structure's contents void display2(const student *ps) { cout << ps -> fullname << '\t' << ps -> hobby << '\t' << ps -> ooplevel << endl; } // display3()takes the address of the first element of an array // of student structures and the number of array elements as // arrguments and displays the contents of the structures void display3(const student pa[], int n) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (pa[i].fullname == "") { break; } cout << pa[i].fullname << '\t' ; cout << pa[i].hobby << '\t' ; cout << pa[i].ooplevel << endl; } }
// 编程练习_05.03_计算投资价值 /********************* 第3题 ***************************************** 3.Daphne 以10%的单利投资了100美元。也就是说,每一年的利润都是投资额的10%, 即每年10元美元: 利息=0.10*原始存款 而Cleo以5%的复利投资了100美元。 也就是说,利息是当前存款(包括获得的利息)的5%,: 利息=0.05*当前存款 Cleo在第一年投资100美元的盈利是5%---得到了105美元。 下一年的盈利是105美元的5%即5.25美元,依此类推。 请编写一个程序,计算多少年后,Cleo的投资价值才能超过Daphne的投资价值, 并显示此时两个人的投资价值。 **************************************************************************/ // g++ -O3 -o benifit.exe -lstdc++ benifit.cpp #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { const double depositd = 100; // d的本金 double depositc = 100; // c的本金 const double interestrd = 0.10; const double interestrc = 0.05; double interestd; // d的利息 double interestc; // c的利息 double sumd = 0; double &sumc = depositc; int year; /* //先计算出第一年的 sumd += depositd; // d的第一年本金加利息 interestd = interestrd * depositd; // d的固定利息 interestc = interestrc * depositc; // c的固定利息 sumc += interestc; // c的第一年的本金加利息 for (year = 2; sumc > sumd; ++year) // 因为计算了第一年,所以从第一年开始算,当c的总额大于d的时候,结束循环 { sumd += interestd; // ********************************************************************************************** interestc = interestrc * depositc; // 求出c的利息,利率* c的本金 // <- 就是错在这里了 // ********************************************************************************************** sumc += interestc; } */ // sumd = depositd; // d的第一年本金加利息 interestd = interestrd * depositd; // d的固定利息 year = 0; while(true) { // 从第一年开始计算,不断循环,符合条件则用break跳出循环 year ++; sumd += interestd; // d可以直接进行利息累加 sumc += sumc * interestrc; // c的计算方法是上一年的乘以利息再加上本金 cout << year << " year later, Daphne got " << sumd << " and Cleo got " << sumc << endl; if(sumc > sumd) { break; } } cout << "Invest of Cleo: " << sumc << endl; cout << "Invest of Daphne: " << sumd << endl; cout << "After year: " << year << endl; system("pause"); return 0; }