At first, let's look the typical class structure diagram of composite pattern:
Composite pattern is very suitable for Tree structure. The picture showed above defines a Interface Node and two sub concrete tree types : Leaf and Branch. Branch may contains sub branch and leaf. The sample codes for the example are listed below:
public Interface Node{ public void print(); } public class leaf implements Node{ public void print(){ System.out.println("visit leaf..."); } } public class branch implements Node{ private List<Node> subNodes; public void addSubNode(Node subNode){} public void removeSubNode(Node subNode){} public void print(){ for(Node node : subNodes){ node.print(); } } }
The code is so unpractical that the print method just show its node type. In a general way, the requirement might extended in two directions respectively:
under the first situation, if we need print the number of sub nodes for each node, the easiest way, also the only way, is to change the print method and plus new logic. That is to say, we need to modify the existed system to satisfy new requirement, which violate the open-closed principle of OOD. So, how can we do it with a better way? May be a available method is to seperate the hebavior from the node class, namely introduce new class to response for behavior, and node class only contains state data. So now, it is time that visitor pattern show its power.
the class diagram of visitor pattern as follows:
Compare to the diagram of composite pattern. it has several extra classes : an integerface Visitor and class PrintVisitor. these classes provide the operation to visit nodes. The sample codes listed below:
public Interface Node{ public void print(); public void accept(Visitor v); } public class leaf implements Node{ public void print(){ System.out.println("visit leaf..."); } public void accept(Visitor v){ v.visit(this); } } public class branch implements Node{ private List<Node> subNodes; public void addSubNode(Node subNode){} public void removeSubNode(Node subNode){} public void print(){ for(Node node : subNodes){ node.print(); } } public void accept(Visitor v){ v.visit(this); } } public interface Visitor{ public void visit(Leaf leaf); public void visit(Branch branch); } public class PrintVisitor implements Visitor{ public void visit(Leaf leaf){ leaf.print(); } public void visit(Branch branch){ branch.print(); } }
Now, we can simply add a new 'visitor' class to extent node behavior, and need not any modification of existed system. Visitor pattern works wonderfully here, but it also has some limitation.
public Interface Node{ public void print(); public void accept(Visitor v); } public class leaf implements Node{ public void print(){ System.out.println("visit leaf..."); } public void accept(Visitor v){ LeafVisitor lv = (LeafVisitor)v; lv.visit(this); } } public class branch implements Node{ private List<Node> subNodes; public void addSubNode(Node subNode){} public void removeSubNode(Node subNode){} public void print(){ for(Node node : subNodes){ node.print(); } } public void accept(Visitor v){ BranchVisitor lv = (BranchVisitor)v; bv.visit(this); } } public interface Visitor{} public interface LeafVisitor{ public void visit(Leaf leaf); } public interface BranchVisitor{ public void visit(Branch branch); } public class PrintVisitor implements Visitor,LeafVisitor,BranchVisitor{ public void visit(Leaf leaf){ leaf.print(); } public void visit(Branch branch){ branch.print(); } }In the 'accpet' method of class node class, firstly, using up-casting, changes the argument to the visitor interface correspond with the node type. if success, then invokes the 'visit' method of the visitor.