1. 每个职工有一个唯一的帐号,记录该职工的帐上余额。个人每月交纳的保险金额为工资的2%,单位为个人每月交纳的保险金额为工资的7%。
2. 每个职工有一个IC卡,有密码,并与职工的个人帐户相关联。每次就医后可凭卡支付医疗费用,IC卡可挂失、重发,如何时候都只有一张卡有效。
3. 系统要记录每次交纳医疗保险金的往来帐,并能查询打印这些信息。
4. 系统要记录每次支付医疗保险金的往来帐,并能查询打印这些信息。系统不能透支。
5. 不考虑对个人工资的管理、个人所属单位的管理。但要考虑入保和退保的处理。
1. 分析系统的对象集合,得出系统的类集合。
2. 完成系统所有类的属性的定义。
3. 完成系统所有类的服务定义。
4. 确定系统类之间的结构与连接关系。
5. 采用半展开方式进行主题划分。
6. 完成一个用例图的描述,以及一个类的编程实现。
#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class ICcard //IC卡类 { private: long number; char password[6]; bool state; //是否加入医保或挂失 public: ICcard() { state=true; number++; } void setPassword() { cout<<"please input your password length of 6"<<endl; string str1,str2; cin>>str1; cout<<"please again"<<endl; cin>>str2; if(str1==str2) { for(int i=0;i<6;i++) password[i]=str1[i]; } else cout<<"password error!"<<endl; } void retreat() //退出医保 { state=false; number--; } long getNumber() //获取IC卡卡号 { return number; } void drop() //挂失 { state=false; } void redistribute() { state=true; } float pay(float expend) { if(state=true) return expend; } }; class Employee //职工类 { private: string name; ICcard *iccard; float salary; float medicalSaving; long id; public: Employee() { } Employee(string name,float salary) { this->name=name; this->salary=salary; } void join() //入保 { iccard=new ICcard(); id=iccard->getNumber()+100000; iccard->setPassword(); medicalSaving=salary*0.09; } void quit() //退保 { cout<<"you have to drop out the system,we will call back the ICcard "<<endl; iccard->retreat(); } void consume(float expend) { medicalSaving-=iccard->pay(expend); } float getBalance() { return medicalSaving; } string getName() { return name; } ~Employee() { delete iccard; } }; class Statistics //统计本 { private: Employee *person[3]; float expend[3]; public: Statistics() { for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { string str; float salary; float expends; cout<<"please input Employee "<<i<<" 's name and salary and consume amount"<<endl; cin>>expends>>str>>salary; expend[i]=expends; person[i]=new Employee(str,salary); person[i]->join(); person[i]->consume(expends); } } void queryAndPrint() { cout<<"please input the person's name who you want to query"<<endl; string str; cin>>str; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { if(str==person[i]->getName()) { cout<<"you got it at person["<<i<<"]"<<endl; cout<<"his related information is as follows:"<<endl; cout<<"his consume this time is "<<expend[i]<<endl; cout<<"the balance is "<<person[i]->getBalance()<<endl; } } } }; int main() { Statistics s=Statistics(); s.queryAndPrint(); return 0; }测试结果: