如何消除VeraCode检测中的CRLF Injection Issue(CWE ID 117)

如何消除VeraCode检测中的CRLF Injection Issue(CWE ID 117)


这里主要总结一下如何消除Veracode检测结果中的CRLF(Carriage Return, Line Feed) Injection Issue(CWE ID 117)。

首先,先看看VeraCode对CRLF Injection Issue的定义:
The acronym CRLF stands for "Carriage Return, Line Feed" and refers to the sequence of characters used to denote the end of a line of text.  CRLF injection vulnerabilities occur when data enters an application from an untrusted source and is not properly validated before being used.  For example, if an attacker is able to inject a CRLF into a log file, he could append falsified log entries, thereby misleading administrators or cover traces of the attack.  If an attacker is able to inject CRLFs into an HTTP response header, he can use this ability to carry out other attacks such as cache poisoning.  CRLF vulnerabilities primarily affect data integrity.

Apply robust input filtering for all user-supplied data, using centralized data validation routines when possible.  Use output filters to sanitize all output derived from user-supplied input, replacing non-alphanumeric characters with their HTML entity equivalents.

log.debug( " xxxxxxxxxxxxxx " );

通过对现有系统的实践证明,对于这类CRLF Injection Issue,消除时主要遵循以下原则:

2) 验证后返回新的字符串变量

public   static   final  String removeControlCharacter(String input)
if  (input  ==   null )
return   "" ;
        StringBuilder sb 
=   new  StringBuilder();
for  ( int  i = 0 ; i < input.codePointCount( 0 , input.length()); i ++ )
int  codePoint  =  input.codePointAt(i);
if ( ! Character.isISOControl(codePoint))
return  sb.toString();
log.debug(FileUtil.removeControlCharacter( " xxxxxxxxxxxxxx " ));

你可能感兴趣的:(如何消除VeraCode检测中的CRLF Injection Issue(CWE ID 117))