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create table tb_test2
select *
from db_test.tb_test;
// insert into .. select
table t_emp(empno
int, ename
20), esex
alter table t_emp modify ename varchar( 30); alter table t_emp drop esex; alter table t_emp add esex char( 2); insert into t_emp(empno, ename, esex) values( 1000, 'tom', 'm'); insert into t_emp values( 1000, 'maggie', 'f'); /* 还没设置主键,故empno可以相同 */ insert into t_emp(empno, ename) values( 1002, 'john'); insert into t_emp(empno, ename, esex) values( 1003, null, 'm'); insert into t_emp values( 1004, '张三', '男'); show variables like 'character_set%'; /* 查看字符集设置 */ set character_set_database=utf8; /* 也可设置配置文件 */ set names gbk; /* 支持插入中文 */ update t_emp set empno= 1001 where ename= 'maggie'; delete from t_emp where esex is null; delete from t_emp; /* 表结构还在 */ drop table t_emp; /* 整表删除 */ |
主键 (constraint)外键 (constraint)用户自定义完整性约束 (check)
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table t_emp(empno
key, ename
20), esex
/* 创建时设置主键*/
create table t_emp(empno int, ename varchar( 20), esex char( 2), primary key (empno)); create table t_emp(empno int, ename varchar( 20), esex char( 2), constraint PK_EMPNO primary key(empno)); /* 设置主键*/ create table t_emp(empno int, ename varchar( 20), esex char( 2)); alter table t_emp add constraint PK_EMPNO primary key(empno); /* 这种方式也可以设置主键 */ insert into t_emp values( 1000, 'john', 'm'); insert into t_emp values( 1000, 'lily', 'f'); /* error,empno不能相等 */ insert into t_emp values( null, 'lily', 'f'); /* error,主键不能为空 */ create table t_emp(empno int, deptno int, ename varchar( 20), esex char( 2)); alter table t_emp add constraint PK_EMPNO primary key(empno); create table t_dept(deptno int, dname varchar( 20)); alter table t_dept add constraint PK_DEPTNO primary key(deptno); alter table t_emp add constraint FK_DEPTNO foreign key(deptno) references t_dept(deptno); /*设置t_emp 的外键为t_dept 的主键 */ set names gbk; insert into t_dept values( 2001, '人事部'); insert into t_dept values( 2002, '技术部'); insert into t_emp values( 1001, 2001, 'john', 'm'); insert into t_emp values( 1003, 2003, 'john', 'm'); create table t_test1(id int auto_increment primary key, name varchar( 30), age int default 20); insert into t_test1 values( null, 'aaa'); insert into t_test1 values( null, 'aaa', null); insert into t_test1 (name) values( 'bbb'); create table t_test2(id int, name varchar( 30), age int); alter table t_test2 add constraint CC_AGE check (age >= 18 and age<= 60); /* 实际上现在mysql不支持check限制 */ alter table t_test2 add constraint CC_AGE check ( length(name)> 2); |
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select empno,ename,job
from emp;
select * from emp; SELECT empno as '工号',ename '姓名' FROM emp; /* as 后面是别名 */ SELECT empno, '暨南大学' FROM emp; /* 常量列查询 */ SELECT empno, concat(ename, '#') FROM emp; /* concat连接 */ SELECT empno, ename|| '#' FROM emp; /* oracle可以用||作为连接符 */ SELECT empno, ename, job FROM emp WHERE ename = 'SMITH' SELECT empno, ename, job FROM emp WHERE ename <> 'SMITH' /* 也可以使用!= */ SELECT empno, ename, sal FROM emp WHERE sal>= 1500 SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno= 30 and sal> 1500; /* and */ SELECT * FROM emp WHERE job= 'MANAGER' or job= 'SALESMAN' /* or */ SELECT * FROM emp where sal BETWEEN 800 and 1500; SELECT * FROM emp where sal >= 800 and sal <= 1500; SELECT empno, ename, sal, comm FROM emp WHERE comm is null SELECT empno, ename, sal, comm FROM emp WHERE comm is not null /* not */ SELECT * FROM emp where sal not BETWEEN 800 and 1500; /* between */ SELECT * FROM emp where ename in ( 'SMITH', 'KING'); /* in */ SELECT * FROM emp where ename like 'S%'; /* 模糊查询 通配符: ‘%’(0个多个字符); 通配符: ‘_’ (单个字符) */ SELECT * FROM emp where ename like 'S_ITH'; SELECT * FROM emp ORDER BY ename desc; /* order by 默认是升序 asc */ SELECT empno, ename, job FROM emp ORDER BY 2 desc; SELECT * FROM emp ORDER BY job asc, sal desc; |
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select *
from emp
BY sal
select * from emp ORDER BY sal limit 0, 5; /* 0表示offet, 5表示从0开始的5条记录*/ select * from emp ORDER BY sal limit 5, 5; select * from emp ORDER BY sal limit 10, 5; select job,deptno from emp; select all job,deptno from emp; /* 默认是all */ select distinct job,deptno from emp; /* 去除重复记录 */ select * from dept where deptno in ( SELECT DISTINCT deptno from emp); /* 查询有员工的部门信息 */ /* UNION (无重复并集):当执行UNION 时,自动去掉结果集中的重复行,并以第一列的结果进行升序排序。*/ select empno,ename,job from emp where job= 'SALESMAN' union /* union即联合查询 */ select empno,ename,job from emp where job= 'MANAGER'; select empno,ename,job from emp where job= 'SALESMAN' or job= 'MANAGER' /* 比较结果 */ /* UNION ALL (有重复并集):不去掉重复行,并且不对结果集进行排序。*/ select job, sal from emp where empno= 7902 union all select job, sal from emp where empno= 7788; select job, sal from emp where empno= 7902 union select job, sal from emp where empno= 7788; |
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select *
from emp,dept
/*交叉连接 */
SELECT * FROM emp INNER JOIN dept ON emp.deptno = dept.deptno; /*内连接(等值连接) */ select * from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno; select * from emp INNER JOIN dept on emp.deptno > dept.deptno; /* 内连接(不等连接)*/ select * from emp,dept where emp.deptno > dept.deptno; select A.ename 员工, B.ename 领导 from emp A, emp B where A.mgr = B.empno; /*内连接(自身连接) */ SELECT * FROM emp INNER JOIN dept ON emp.deptno = dept.deptno; select * from emp left join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno /*外连接(左连接) */ /* scott.sql并未设置emp表的外键为deptno,故这里可以插入在dept表中不存在的deptno值*/ /* 主要是为了演示左连接和右连接的区别 */ insert into EMP (empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno) values ( 9999, 'XXXX', 'CLERK', 7782, '1982-01-23', 1300, null, 90); select * from emp right outer join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno /* 外连接(右连接) */ select * from emp left join dept on emp.deptno=dept.deptno /* 自然连接会合并deptno一项,而外连接不会 */ SELECT * FROM emp NATURAL JOIN dept; SELECT * FROM emp NATURAL LEFT JOIN dept; SELECT * FROM emp NATURAL RIGHT JOIN dept; |
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/* 查询员工及其领导名称 */
select A.ename 员工, B.ename 领导 from emp A, emp B where A.mgr = B.empno; /* 子查询,同上 */ select ename 员工, ( select ename from emp where empno = e.mgr) 领导 from emp e; /* 列出所有“CLERK”(办事员)的姓名及其部门名称 */ select ename, dname from emp,dept where job= 'CLERK' and emp.deptno = dept.deptno; /* 子查询,同上 */ select ename, ( select dname from dept where deptno=e.deptno) dname from emp e where job= 'CLERK' and deptno in ( select deptno from dept); /* 子查询,同上 */ select ename, dname from ( select ename, ( select dname from dept where deptno=e.deptno) dname from emp e where job= 'CLERK') a where dname is not null; /* 子查询,多出deptno=90的行 */ select ename, ( select dname from dept where deptno=e.deptno) dname from emp e where job= 'CLERK'; /* 同上 */ select ename, dname from emp LEFT JOIN dept on emp.deptno = dept.deptno where job= 'CLERK'; /* 列出薪金比'SMITH'高的员工*/ select * from emp where sal > ( select sal from emp where ename= 'SMITH'); /* 列出受雇日期早于其直接上级的所有员工*/ select * from emp e where hiredate < ( select hiredate from emp where empno=e.mgr); /* 查询薪金小于销售员某个员工的员工信息*/ select * from emp WHERE sal < any ( select sal from emp where job= 'SALESMAN'); select * from emp WHERE sal < ( select max(sal) from emp where job= 'SALESMAN'); /* 查询薪金大于所有销售员的员工信息 */ select * from emp WHERE sal > all ( select sal from emp where job= 'SALESMAN'); /* 列出与“SCOTT”从事相同工作的所有员工 */ select * from emp e where EXISTS ( select * from emp where ename= 'SCOTT' and e.job = job ); select * from emp where job =( select job from emp where ename= 'SCOTT'); |
count(field) //记录数avg(field) //平均值min(field) //最小值max(field) //最大值sum(field) //总和
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as 记录数
from emp;
/* 非 NULL 则计数 */
select count(*) as 记录数 from emp; select count( 0) as 记录数 from emp; select count(empno) as 记录数 from emp; select avg(sal) as 平均薪金, max(sal) as 最高薪金, min(sal) as 最低薪金, sum(sal) as 薪金总和 from emp; /* 列出各部门各有多少人 */ select deptno, count(*) from emp group by deptno; /* 列出各部门人数大于3的 并按人数降序排列 */ select deptno, count(*) cn from emp group by deptno HAVING cn > 3 ORDER BY cn desc; /* 列出在dept表中出现过的部门各有多少人 */ select *, ( select count(*) from emp group by deptno HAVING deptno = dept.deptno) total from dept; /* 如果人数为NULL 赋值为 0 */ select *, ifnull(( select count(*) from emp group by deptno HAVING deptno = dept.deptno), 0) total from dept; /* 查询出薪金成本最高的部门的部门号和部门名称 */ select dept.deptno, dept.dname from dept, emp where dept.deptno=emp.deptno group by dept.deptno, dept.dname HAVING sum(sal) >= all ( select sum(sal) from emp group by deptno); select dept.deptno, dept.dname from dept, emp where dept.deptno=emp.deptno group by dept.deptno, dept.dname HAVING sum(sal) >= ( select max(t.total) from ( select sum(sal) total from emp group by deptno) t ); |
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WHEN [compare-
result [
WHEN [compare-
result ...] [
CASE WHEN [condition] THEN result [ WHEN [condition] THEN result ...] [ ELSE result] END SELECT CASE 1 WHEN 1 THEN 'one' WHEN 2 THEN 'two' ELSE 'more' END; SELECT CASE WHEN 1> 0 THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END; select a.cgi from ( select case when port=443 then concat('https://', url) else concat('http://', url) as cgi from t_url) a; /* 查询员工的薪金等级 */ select ename 员工, sal 薪金, case grade when 1 then '一级' when 2 then '二级' when 3 then '三级' when 4 then '四级' when 5 then '五级' end 等级 from emp, salgrade where sal between losal and hisal; SELECT ASCII( '2a'); SELECT ASCII( 'a2'); SELECT BIN( 12); SELECT BIT_LENGTH( 'text'); SELECT CHAR( 77, 121, 83, 81, '76'); SELECT CHAR( 77, 121, 83, 81, 76); SELECT 3+ 5; SELECT 3/ 5; SELECT ABS(- 32); select now(); SELECT DATE_ADD( '1998-02-02', INTERVAL 31 DAY); SELECT DATE_ADD( '1998-02-02', INTERVAL 28 DAY); SELECT adddate( '1998-02-02', INTERVAL 28 DAY); SELECT adddate( '1998-02-02', 28); select DATEDIFF(now(), '2014-02-01'); select DATEDIFF( '2014-02-01', '2014-03-01'); select DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%H:%i:%s'); select DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%Y%M%D'); select DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%Y%m%d'); |
工作中常用的时间函数还有 time_to_sec, date_format, str_to_date, addtime, timestampdiff 等,注意 NULL 数据做什么运算结果都是NULL,不为真,为此可以用 ifnull(exp1, exp2) 指定默认值。