9.4.2 Text-Positioning Operators

Text space is the coordinate system in which text is shown. It shall be defined by the text matrix, Tm, and the text state parameters Tfs, Th, and Trise, which together shall determine the transformation from text space to user space. Specifically, the origin of the first glyph shown by a text-showing operator shall be placed at the origin of text space. If text space has been translated, scaled, or rotated, then the position, size, or orientation of the glyph in user space shall be correspondingly altered.






The text-positioning operators shall only appear within text objects.



Table 108 – Text-positioning operators



 operands tx ty 

Move to the start of the next line, offset from the start of the current line by (tx, ty). tx and ty shall denote numbers expressed in unscaled         text space units. More precisely, this operator shall perform these assignments:





operands tx ty

Move to the start of the next line, offset from the start of the current line by (tx, ty). As a side effect, this operator shall set the leading parameter in the text state. This operator shall have the same effect as this code:
−ty TL
tx ty Td

 TD也是用来指示移动到下一行,与Td类似。另一方面,TD也还要设置TL,即leading parameter.

At the beginning of a text object, Tm shall be the identity matrix; therefore, the of text space shall be initially the same as that of user space. The text-positioning operators, described in Table 108, alter Tm and thereby control the placement of glyphs that are subsequently painted. Also, the text-showing operators, described in Table 109, update Tm (by altering its e and f translation components) to take into account the horizontal or vertical displacement of each glyph painted as well as any character or word-spacing parameters in the text state.



operands a b c d e f
Set the text matrix, Tm, and the text line matrix, Tlm:

The operands shall all be numbers, and the initial value for Tm and Tlm shall be the identity matrix, [1 0 0 1 0 0]. Although the operands specify a matrix, they shall be passed to Tm as six separate numbers, not as an array.
The matrix specified by the operands shall not be concatenated onto the current text matrix, but shall replace it.

 设置文本矩阵或文本行矩阵。该操作符的全部操作数都是数字,还且其初始值应为单位矩阵[1 0 0 1 0 0]. 尽管由操作数可以确定一个矩阵,但是当它们传递给Tm的时候应该是6个独立的数字,而不是一个数组。



Move to the start of the next line. This operator has the same effect as the code
0 -Tl Td
where Tl denotes the current leading parameter in the text state. The negative of Tl is used here because Tl is the text leading expressed as a positive number. Going to the next line entails decreasing the y coordinate.


Additionally, within a text object, a conforming reader shall keep track of a text line matrix, Tlm, which captures the value of Tm at the beginning of a line of text. The text-positioning and text-showing operators shall read and set Tlm on specific occasions mentioned in Tables 108 and 109.
NOTE This can be used to compactly represent evenly spaced lines of text.



