failed to create task or type replaceregexp

build.xml:324: Problem: failed to create task or type replaceregexp
Cause: the class was not found.
        This looks like one of Ant's optional components.
Action: Check that the appropriate optional JAR exists in
        -a directory added on the command line with the -lib argument

Do not panic, this is a common problem.
The commonest cause is a missing JAR.

This is not a bug; it is a configuration problem

错误原因是使用的功能replaceregexp对应的java类不存在,这是ant中可选的组件, 下载ant-nodeps-1.7.0.jar包到ant目录下的lib目录,然后添加到ANT_CLASSPATH中
set ANT_CLASSPATH=%ANT_HOME%\lib\ant-nodeps-1.7.0.jar;
