The Editor-in-Chief of Pattern Recognition is pleased to announce the winners of the 2007 and 2008 awards. These Biennial Awards are made for the best papers published in the journal Pattern Recognition.
Certificates of Honorable Mention are also awarded to outstanding papers. Manuscripts published in volumes 40 (year 2007) and 41 (year 2008) have been judged by the Editor-in-Chief and the members of the Editorial and Advisory Boards of the journal based on the following criteria:
1) Originality of the contribution,
2) Presentation and exposition of the manuscript, and
3) Citations by other researchers.

Winner of the Best Paper Award for 2007:
"A survey of content-based image retrieval with high-level semantics"
Y. Liu, D. Zhang, G. Lu, W.-Y. Ma
Pattern Recognition 40 (1), pp. 262-282, Jan. 2007.

Honorable Mentions 2007:
"Fast and robust fuzzy c-means clustering algorithms incorporating local information for image segmentation"
W. Cai, S. Chen, D. Zhang
Pattern Recognition 40 (3), pp. 825-838, March 2007.
"A survey of skin-color modeling and detection methods"
P. Kakumanu, S. Makrogiannis, N. Bourbakis
Pattern Recognition 40 (3), pp. 1106-1122, March 2007.

Winner of the Best Paper Award for 2008:
"A survey of kernel and spectral methods for clustering"
M. Filippone, F. Camastra, F. Masulli, S. Rovetta
Pattern Recognition 41 (1), pp. 176-190, Jan. 2008.

Honorable Mentions 2008:
"Feature mining and pattern classification for steganalysis of LSB matching steganography in grayscale images"
Q. Liu, A. H. Sung, Z. Chen, J. Xu
Pattern Recognition 41 (1), pp. 56-66, Jan. 2008.
" Person recognition by fusing palmprint and palm vein images based on 'Laplacianpalm' representation"
J.-G. Wang, W.-Y. Yau, A. Suwandy, E. Sung
Pattern Recognition 41 (5), pp. 1514-1527, May 2008.