
#ifndef _USE_32BIT_TIME_T
#define _USE_32BIT_TIME_T//use __time32_t
3.编译时出现:无法打开vc90.pdb的错误。在MSDN上搜索了一下,解决办法是 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hk8k8k4h(VS.80).aspx
Title: You may receive a "PRJ0008" or "C2471" or "C1083" or "D8022" or "LNK1103" or similar error message when you try to build a solution in Visual C++


  • D8022 : Cannot open 'RSP00000215921192.rsp'
  • PRJ0008 : Could not delete file 'vc90.idb'.
  • C1083 : Cannot open program database file 'vc90.pdb'
  • C2471 : Cannot update program database 'vc90.pdb'
  • LNK1103 : debugging information corrupt.

This problem occurs when all of the following conditions are true:

  1. You have a solution with more than one project in it.
  2. Two or more of the projects are not dependent on each other.
  3. You have parallel builds enabled. (Tools -> Options: Projects and Solutions, Build and Run: "maximum number of parallel project builds" is set to a value greater than 1)
  4. You are building on a system with multiple CPUs (cores).
  5. Two or more of the non-dependent projects are configured to use the same Intermediate and/or Output directory.
  6. A specific race condition in mspdbsrv.exe remains uncorrected.

To resolve the problem do one or more of the following:

  • Reconfigure the non-dependent projects to specify an Intermediate and Output directory that is different from one another, e.g. Output Directory = "$(SolutionDir)$(ProjectName)\$(ConfigurationName)", Intermediate Directory = "$(OutDir)".
  • Adjust your solution's project dependencies (Project -> Project Dependencies...) so that each is dependent on another.
  • Disable parallel builds.
  • Add the "/onecpu" boot option to your boot.ini file.
  • Change you BIOS settings to enable/use only one CPU.
  • File a problem report with Microsoft Technical Support and keep bugging the *** out of them until they eventually fix mspdbsrv.
