业务层模式:Service Locator—服务定位器模式

Service lookup and creation involves complex interfaces and network operations.
J2EE clients interact with service components, such as Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
and Java Message Service (JMS) components, which provide business services and
persistence capabilities. To interact with these components, clients must either locate the
service component (referred to as a lookup operation) or create a new component. For
instance, an EJB client must locate the enterprise bean's home object, which the client then
uses either to find an object or to create or remove one or more enterprise beans. Similarly,
a JMS client must first locate the JMS Connection Factory to obtain a JMS Connection or a
JMS Session.
All Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) application clients use the JNDI
common facility to look up and create EJB and JMS components. The JNDI API enables
clients to obtain an initial context object that holds the component name to object bindings.
The client begins by obtaining the initial context for a bean's home object. The initial
context remains valid while the client session is valid. The client provides the JNDI
registered name for the required object to obtain a reference to an administered object. In
the context of an EJB application, a typical administered object is an enterprise bean's home
object. For JMS applications, the administered object can be a JMS Connection Factory (for
a Topic or a Queue) or a JMS Destination (a Topic or a Queue).
So, locating a JNDI-administered service object is common to all clients that need to
access that service object. That being the case, it is easy to see that many types of clients
repeatedly use the JNDI service, and the JNDI code appears multiple times across these
clients. This results in an unnecessary duplication of code in the clients that need to look up
Also, creating a JNDI initial context object and performing a lookup on an EJB home
object utilizes significant resources. If multiple clients repeatedly require the same bean
home object, such duplicate effort can negatively impact application performance.
Let us examine the lookup and creation process for various J2EE components.
The lookup and creation of enterprise beans relies upon the following:
A correct setup of the JNDI environment so that it connects to the naming and
directory service used by the application. Setup entails providing the location of the naming
service and the necessary authentication credentials to access that service.
The JNDI service can then provide the client with an initial context that acts as a
placeholder for the component name-to-object bindings. The client requests this initial
context to look up the EJBHome object for the required enterprise bean by providing the
JNDI name for that EJBHome object.
Find the EJBHome object using the initial context's lookup mechanism.
After obtaining the EJBHome object, create, remove, or find the enterprise bean,
using the EJBHome object's create, move, and find (for entity beans only).
The lookup and creation of JMS components (Topic, Queue, QueueConnection,
QueueSession, TopicConnection, TopicSession, and so forth) involves the following steps.
Note that in these steps, Topic refers to the publish/subscribe messaging model and Queue
refers to the point-to-point messaging model.
Set up the JNDI environment to the naming service used by the application. Setup
entails providing the location of the naming service and the necessary authentication
credentials to access that service.
Obtain the initial context for the JMS service provider from the JNDI naming service.
Use the initial context to obtain a Topic or a Queue by supplying the JNDI name for
the topic or the queue. Topic and Queue are JMSDestination objects.
Use the initial context to obtain a TopicConnectionFactory or a
QueueConnectionFactory by supplying the JNDI name for the topic or queue connection
Use the TopicConnectionFactory to obtain a TopicConnection or
QueueConnectionFactory to obtain a QueueConnection.
Use the TopicConnection to obtain a TopicSession or a QueueConnection to obtain a
Use the TopicSession to obtain a TopicSubscriber or a TopicPublisher for the required
Topic. Use the QueueSession to obtain a QueueReceiver or a QueueSender for the required
The process to look up and create components involves a vendor-supplied context
factory implementation. This introduces vendor dependency in the application clients that
need to use the JNDI lookup facility to locate the enterprise beans and JMS components,
such as topics, queues, and connection factory objects.
EJB clients need to use the JNDI API to look up EJBHome objects by using the
enterprise bean's registered JNDI name.
JMS clients need to use JNDI API to look up JMS components by using the JNDI
names registered for JMS components, such as connection factories, queues, and topics.
The context factory to use for the initial JNDI context creation is provided by the
service provider vendor and is therefore vendor- dependent. The context factory is also
dependent on the type of object being looked up. The context for JMS is different from the
context for EJB, with different providers.
Lookup and creation of service components could be complex and may be used
repeatedly in multiple clients in the application.
Initial context creation and service object lookups, if frequently required, can be
resource-intensive and may impact application performance. This is especially true if the
clients and the services are located in different tiers.
EJB clients may need to reestablish connection to a previously accessed enterprise
bean instance, having only its Handle object.
Use a Service Locator object to abstract all JNDI usage and to hide the complexities
of initial context creation, EJB home object lookup, and EJB object re-creation. Multiple
clients can reuse the Service Locator object to reduce code complexity, provide a single
point of control, and improve performance by providing a caching facility.
This pattern reduces the client complexity that results from the client's dependency on
and need to perform lookup and creation processes, which are resource-intensive. To
eliminate these problems, this pattern provides a mechanism to abstract all dependencies
and network details into the Service Locator.
