一 问题描述
三 测试
四 代码
/* * change a bst to Double linked list */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define N 10 typedef int ElemType; typedef struct BSTNode { ElemType data; struct BSTNode *lchild; struct BSTNode *rchild; }BSTNode; typedef struct DLinkNode { ElemType data; struct DLinkNode *llink; struct DLinkNode *rlink; }DLinkNode; DLinkNode *head; void InsertBST(BSTNode **t, ElemType e) { if(*t == NULL) { *t = (BSTNode *)calloc(1, sizeof(BSTNode)); if(*t == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "memeory eror!\n"); exit(254); } // *t = (BSTNode *)malloc(sizeof(BSTNode)); (*t)->lchild = 0; (*t)->rchild = 0; (*t)->data = e; } else if((*t)->data > e) InsertBST(&(*t)->lchild, e); else InsertBST(&(*t)->rchild, e); } void PostTranverse(BSTNode *t) { if(t) { PostTranverse(t->lchild); // printf("%d\t", t->data); CreateDLinkList(t->data); PostTranverse(t->rchild); } } /* * to create a double linked list */ void CreateDLinkList(ElemType e) { static DLinkNode *r; // be defined in the static area of RAM if(!head) { head = (DLinkNode *)calloc(1, sizeof(DLinkNode)); if(head == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "memory error!\n"); exit(254); } head->llink = 0; head->rlink = 0; r = head; } DLinkNode *p = (DLinkNode *)calloc(1, sizeof(DLinkNode)); if(p == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "memory error!\n"); exit(254); } p->data = e; p->llink = r; p->rlink = 0; r->rlink = p; r = p; } int main() { int a[N]; int i; BSTNode *t = NULL; DLinkNode *p; for(i = 0;i < N;i++) { if(scanf("%d", &a[i]) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "input error!\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } for(i = 0;i < N;i++) { InsertBST(&t, a[i]); } PostTranverse(t); p = head->rlink; while(p) { printf("%d\t", p->data); p = p->rlink; } printf("\n"); return 0; }