GacUI Demo:简单文本列表操作
#include < Windows.h >
// for SortedList, CopyFrom and Select
using namespace vl::collections;
int CALLBACK WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int CmdShow)
return SetupWindowsDirect2DRenderer();
class NameEditorWindow : public GuiWindow
private :
GuiTextList * listBox;
GuiSinglelineTextBox * textBox;
GuiButton * buttonAdd;
GuiButton * buttonRemove;
void buttonAdd_Clicked(GuiGraphicsComposition * sender, GuiEventArgs & arguments)
// add the specified name at the end of the list box
listBox -> GetItems().Add(textBox -> GetText());
textBox -> SelectAll();
textBox -> SetFocus();
void buttonRemove_Clicked(GuiGraphicsComposition * sender, GuiEventArgs & arguments)
// remove the selected items using item index
listBox -> GetItems().RemoveAt(listBox -> GetSelectedItems()[ 0 ]);
void listBox_SelectionChanged(GuiGraphicsComposition * sender, GuiEventArgs & arguments)
// disable the button if no item is selected
buttonRemove -> SetEnabled(listBox -> GetSelectedItems().Count() > 0 );
public :
:GuiWindow(GetCurrentTheme() -> CreateWindowStyle())
this -> SetText(L " Controls.ListBox.NameEditor " );
GuiTableComposition * table = new GuiTableComposition;
table -> SetRowsAndColumns( 4 , 3 );
table -> SetCellPadding( 3 );
table -> SetAlignmentToParent(Margin( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
table -> SetRowOption( 0 , GuiCellOption::MinSizeOption());
table -> SetRowOption( 1 , GuiCellOption::MinSizeOption());
table -> SetRowOption( 2 , GuiCellOption::MinSizeOption());
table -> SetRowOption( 3 , GuiCellOption::PercentageOption( 1.0 ));
table -> SetColumnOption( 0 , GuiCellOption::PercentageOption( 1.0 ));
table -> SetColumnOption( 1 , GuiCellOption::MinSizeOption());
table -> SetColumnOption( 2 , GuiCellOption::MinSizeOption());
this -> GetContainerComposition() -> AddChild(table);
GuiCellComposition * cell = new GuiCellComposition;
table -> AddChild(cell);
cell -> SetSite( 0 , 0 , 4 , 1 );
listBox = g::NewTextList();
listBox -> GetBoundsComposition() -> SetAlignmentToParent(Margin( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
listBox -> SetHorizontalAlwaysVisible( false );
listBox -> SelectionChanged.AttachMethod( this , & NameEditorWindow::listBox_SelectionChanged);
cell -> AddChild(listBox -> GetBoundsComposition());
GuiCellComposition * cell = new GuiCellComposition;
table -> AddChild(cell);
cell -> SetSite( 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 );
GuiLabel * label = g::NewLabel();
label -> SetText(L " Name to add: " );
label -> GetBoundsComposition() -> SetAlignmentToParent(Margin( 0 , - 1 , 0 , 0 ));
cell -> AddChild(label -> GetBoundsComposition());
GuiCellComposition * cell = new GuiCellComposition;
table -> AddChild(cell);
cell -> SetSite( 0 , 2 , 1 , 1 );
textBox = g::NewTextBox();
textBox -> GetBoundsComposition() -> SetPreferredMinSize(Size( 120 , 23 ));
textBox -> GetBoundsComposition() -> SetAlignmentToParent(Margin( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
cell -> AddChild(textBox -> GetBoundsComposition());
GuiCellComposition * cell = new GuiCellComposition;
table -> AddChild(cell);
cell -> SetSite( 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 );
buttonAdd = g::NewButton();
buttonAdd -> SetText(L " Add " );
buttonAdd -> GetBoundsComposition() -> SetAlignmentToParent(Margin( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
buttonAdd -> Clicked.AttachMethod( this , & NameEditorWindow::buttonAdd_Clicked);
cell -> AddChild(buttonAdd -> GetBoundsComposition());
GuiCellComposition * cell = new GuiCellComposition;
table -> AddChild(cell);
cell -> SetSite( 2 , 1 , 1 , 2 );
buttonRemove = g::NewButton();
buttonRemove -> SetText(L " Delete " );
buttonRemove -> SetEnabled( false );
buttonRemove -> GetBoundsComposition() -> SetAlignmentToParent(Margin( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
buttonRemove -> Clicked.AttachMethod( this , & NameEditorWindow::buttonRemove_Clicked);
cell -> AddChild(buttonRemove -> GetBoundsComposition());
// set the preferred minimum client size
this -> GetBoundsComposition() -> SetPreferredMinSize(Size( 480 , 480 ));
// call this to calculate the size immediately if any indirect content in the table changes
// so that the window can calcaulte its correct size before calling the MoveToScreenCenter()
this -> ForceCalculateSizeImmediately();
// move to the screen center
this -> MoveToScreenCenter();
void GuiMain()
GuiWindow * window = new NameEditorWindow;
GetApplication() -> Run(window);
delete window;
#include < Windows.h >
// for SortedList, CopyFrom and Select
using namespace vl::collections;
int CALLBACK WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int CmdShow)
return SetupWindowsDirect2DRenderer();
class NameEditorWindow : public GuiWindow
private :
GuiTextList * listBox;
GuiSinglelineTextBox * textBox;
GuiButton * buttonAdd;
GuiButton * buttonRemove;
void buttonAdd_Clicked(GuiGraphicsComposition * sender, GuiEventArgs & arguments)
// add the specified name at the end of the list box
listBox -> GetItems().Add(textBox -> GetText());
textBox -> SelectAll();
textBox -> SetFocus();
void buttonRemove_Clicked(GuiGraphicsComposition * sender, GuiEventArgs & arguments)
// remove the selected items using item index
listBox -> GetItems().RemoveAt(listBox -> GetSelectedItems()[ 0 ]);
void listBox_SelectionChanged(GuiGraphicsComposition * sender, GuiEventArgs & arguments)
// disable the button if no item is selected
buttonRemove -> SetEnabled(listBox -> GetSelectedItems().Count() > 0 );
public :
:GuiWindow(GetCurrentTheme() -> CreateWindowStyle())
this -> SetText(L " Controls.ListBox.NameEditor " );
GuiTableComposition * table = new GuiTableComposition;
table -> SetRowsAndColumns( 4 , 3 );
table -> SetCellPadding( 3 );
table -> SetAlignmentToParent(Margin( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
table -> SetRowOption( 0 , GuiCellOption::MinSizeOption());
table -> SetRowOption( 1 , GuiCellOption::MinSizeOption());
table -> SetRowOption( 2 , GuiCellOption::MinSizeOption());
table -> SetRowOption( 3 , GuiCellOption::PercentageOption( 1.0 ));
table -> SetColumnOption( 0 , GuiCellOption::PercentageOption( 1.0 ));
table -> SetColumnOption( 1 , GuiCellOption::MinSizeOption());
table -> SetColumnOption( 2 , GuiCellOption::MinSizeOption());
this -> GetContainerComposition() -> AddChild(table);
GuiCellComposition * cell = new GuiCellComposition;
table -> AddChild(cell);
cell -> SetSite( 0 , 0 , 4 , 1 );
listBox = g::NewTextList();
listBox -> GetBoundsComposition() -> SetAlignmentToParent(Margin( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
listBox -> SetHorizontalAlwaysVisible( false );
listBox -> SelectionChanged.AttachMethod( this , & NameEditorWindow::listBox_SelectionChanged);
cell -> AddChild(listBox -> GetBoundsComposition());
GuiCellComposition * cell = new GuiCellComposition;
table -> AddChild(cell);
cell -> SetSite( 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 );
GuiLabel * label = g::NewLabel();
label -> SetText(L " Name to add: " );
label -> GetBoundsComposition() -> SetAlignmentToParent(Margin( 0 , - 1 , 0 , 0 ));
cell -> AddChild(label -> GetBoundsComposition());
GuiCellComposition * cell = new GuiCellComposition;
table -> AddChild(cell);
cell -> SetSite( 0 , 2 , 1 , 1 );
textBox = g::NewTextBox();
textBox -> GetBoundsComposition() -> SetPreferredMinSize(Size( 120 , 23 ));
textBox -> GetBoundsComposition() -> SetAlignmentToParent(Margin( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
cell -> AddChild(textBox -> GetBoundsComposition());
GuiCellComposition * cell = new GuiCellComposition;
table -> AddChild(cell);
cell -> SetSite( 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 );
buttonAdd = g::NewButton();
buttonAdd -> SetText(L " Add " );
buttonAdd -> GetBoundsComposition() -> SetAlignmentToParent(Margin( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
buttonAdd -> Clicked.AttachMethod( this , & NameEditorWindow::buttonAdd_Clicked);
cell -> AddChild(buttonAdd -> GetBoundsComposition());
GuiCellComposition * cell = new GuiCellComposition;
table -> AddChild(cell);
cell -> SetSite( 2 , 1 , 1 , 2 );
buttonRemove = g::NewButton();
buttonRemove -> SetText(L " Delete " );
buttonRemove -> SetEnabled( false );
buttonRemove -> GetBoundsComposition() -> SetAlignmentToParent(Margin( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ));
buttonRemove -> Clicked.AttachMethod( this , & NameEditorWindow::buttonRemove_Clicked);
cell -> AddChild(buttonRemove -> GetBoundsComposition());
// set the preferred minimum client size
this -> GetBoundsComposition() -> SetPreferredMinSize(Size( 480 , 480 ));
// call this to calculate the size immediately if any indirect content in the table changes
// so that the window can calcaulte its correct size before calling the MoveToScreenCenter()
this -> ForceCalculateSizeImmediately();
// move to the screen center
this -> MoveToScreenCenter();
void GuiMain()
GuiWindow * window = new NameEditorWindow;
GetApplication() -> Run(window);
delete window;
sender, GuiEventArgs
// add the specified name at the end of the list box
listBox -> GetItems().Add(textBox -> GetText());
textBox -> SelectAll();
textBox -> SetFocus();
void buttonRemove_Clicked(GuiGraphicsComposition * sender, GuiEventArgs & arguments)
// remove the selected items using item index
listBox -> GetItems().RemoveAt(listBox -> GetSelectedItems()[ 0 ]);
void listBox_SelectionChanged(GuiGraphicsComposition * sender, GuiEventArgs & arguments)
// disable the button if no item is selected
buttonRemove -> SetEnabled(listBox -> GetSelectedItems().Count() > 0 );
// add the specified name at the end of the list box
listBox -> GetItems().Add(textBox -> GetText());
textBox -> SelectAll();
textBox -> SetFocus();
void buttonRemove_Clicked(GuiGraphicsComposition * sender, GuiEventArgs & arguments)
// remove the selected items using item index
listBox -> GetItems().RemoveAt(listBox -> GetSelectedItems()[ 0 ]);
void listBox_SelectionChanged(GuiGraphicsComposition * sender, GuiEventArgs & arguments)
// disable the button if no item is selected
buttonRemove -> SetEnabled(listBox -> GetSelectedItems().Count() > 0 );