

// This function maps a wide-character string to a new character string
// lpcwszStr: [in] Pointer to the character string to be converted
// lpszStr: [out] Pointer to a buffer that receives the translated string.
// dwSize: [in] Size of the buffer
//Return Values:
// TRUE: Succeed
// FALSE: Failed
// MByteToWChar(szW,szA,sizeof(szA)/sizeof(szA[0]));
BOOL WCharToMByte(LPCWSTR lpcwszStr, LPSTR lpszStr, DWORD dwSize)
 DWORD dwMinSize;
 dwMinSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_OEMCP,NULL,lpcwszStr,-1,NULL,0,NULL,FALSE);
 if(dwSize < dwMinSize)
  return FALSE;
 return TRUE;
// This function maps a character string to a wide-character (Unicode) string
// lpcszStr: [in] Pointer to the character string to be converted
// lpwszStr: [out] Pointer to a buffer that receives the translated string.
// dwSize: [in] Size of the buffer
//Return Values:
// TRUE: Succeed
// FALSE: Failed
// MByteToWChar(szA,szW,sizeof(szW)/sizeof(szW[0]));
BOOL MByteToWChar(LPCSTR lpcszStr, LPWSTR lpwszStr, DWORD dwSize)
    // Get the required size of the buffer that receives the Unicode
    // string.
    DWORD dwMinSize;
    dwMinSize = MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, lpcszStr, -1, NULL, 0);
    if(dwSize < dwMinSize)
  return FALSE;
    // Convert headers from ASCII to Unicode.
    MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, lpcszStr, -1, lpwszStr, dwMinSize); 
    return TRUE;
很少有人提及到下面的两个函数size_t  wcstombs(char (& mbstr)[size], const wchar_t * wcstr,  size_t count );
size_t mbstowcs( wchar_t (& wcstr)[size], const char * mbstr, size_t count ); 以为只能用在COM中,其实不然,还可以用在WM5.0和Wince平台;
关于VS2008平台字符串转换,请看 http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ms235631(VS.80).aspx
