memo:缓存工具JBoss Cache

JBoss Cache是一款缓存工具。


JBoss Cache’s goal is to provide enterprise-grade clustering solutions to Java-based frameworks, application servers or custom-designed Java SE applications.


Clustering for high availability

Since JBoss Cache is a replicated cache, state is always kept in sync with other servers in the cluster.  This makes any state stored in JBoss Cache resilient to server crashes or restarts, achieving high availability.

Clustered caching to remove bottlenecks

JBoss Cache still is, as it’s name suggests, a cache.  It is a product designed to cache frequently accessed Java objects in order to dramatically improve the performance of applications.  This makes it easy to remove data access bottlenecks - such as connecting to a database. 

And unlike non-cluster-aware caches which may go out of sync when there are concurrent updates, each JBoss Cache instance is aware of remote cache updates and can either invalidate or update it’s state.


JBoss Cache is an advanced, 'enterprise-grade' data grid solution, providing features such as transactions, eviction, and cache loading in addition to replication. Please see the JBoss Cache Users' Guide or FAQs for more details.
