HDU 3961 Crisis【恶心的几何模拟】
链接: http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=3961这题竟然有队伍场上过掉了。。大神们的脑子得有多清楚。。。我这题是做了一天才理清思路,过了样例。。这题的样例就已然强的一B了。。
(x0,y0)圆心坐标 (xp,yp)圆外点坐标
(xp - x0)(x - x0) + (yp - y0)(y - y0) = r^2
(x - x0)^2 + (y - y0)^2 = r^2
仿射变换公式:(x,y) 转theta角到(x*cos(theta) - y*sin(theta),x*sin(theta)+y*cos(theta))
判断找到的两点是否在(xp,yp),cutl,cutr 构成的三角形内。我用了个麻烦的方法,是先根据叉积的左右手性判断一部分情况的,后续说明。
(x-x0)^2 + (y-y0)^2 = r^2
圆心角alpha = acos(vectorL * vectorR / (|vectorL|*|vectorR|))
#include < cstdio >
#include < cmath >
#include < cstring >
#include < algorithm >
#define maxn 105
using namespace std;
const double pi = acos( - 1.0 );
struct point
double x,y;
point( double a, double b):x(a),y(b){}
point operator - ( const point & p)
return point(x - p.x,y - p.y);
point operator + ( const point & p)
return point(x + p.x,y + p.y);
double operator * ( const point & p)
return x * p.x + y * p.y;
double operator ^ ( const point & p)
return x * p.y - y * p.x;
double norm()
return sqrt(x * x + y * y);
double multi(point a,point b,point o)
return (a - o) ^ (b - o);
double r;
int T1,T2,T;
int n;
const double eps = 1e - 6 ;
int comp( double x)
if (fabs(x) < eps)
return 0 ;
else if (x < - eps)
return - 1 ;
return 1 ;
point rotate(point a,point o, double theta)
point vec = a - o;
point to = point(vec.x * cos(theta) - vec.y * sin(theta),vec.x * sin(theta) + vec.y * cos(theta));
return o + to;
double tarea(point p0,point p1,point p2)
double k = p0.x * p1.y + p1.x * p2.y + p2.x * p0.y - p1.x * p0.y - p2.x * p1.y - p0.x * p2.y;
return k / 2 ;
bool cmp(point p,point q)
double t1 = atan2(p.y - sun.y,p.x - sun.x),t2 = atan2(q.y - sun.y,q.x - sun.x);
return (comp(t1 - t2) > 0 );
struct line
double a,b,c;
line(point p,point q)
if (comp(p.x - q.x) == 0 )
a = 1.0 ;
b = 0.0 ;
c = - p.x;
else if (comp(p.y - q.y) == 0 )
a = 0.0 ;
b = 1.0 ;
c = - p.y;
a = 1.0 ;
b = - (p.x - q.x) / (p.y - q.y);
c = - (p.x + b * p.y);
bool arc(line llll,point & P)
double a = llll.a,b = llll.b,c = llll.c;
double A = b * b + 1 ,B = 2.0 * b * c + 2.0 * b * earth.x - 2.0 * earth.y,C = c * c + 2.0 * c * earth.x + earth.x * earth.x + earth.y * earth.y - r * r;
double det = B * B - 4.0 * A * C;
if (comp(det) < 0 )
return false ;
else if (comp(det) == 0 )
double x,y;
y = ( - B + sqrt(det)) / ( 2.0 * A);
x = - (b * y + c);
point w(x,y);
P = w;
return true ;
double y1 = ( - B + sqrt(det)) / ( 2.0 * A),y2 = ( - B - sqrt(det)) / ( 2.0 * A);
double x1 = - (b * y1 + c),x2 = - (b * y2 + c);
point w1(x1,y1),w2(x2,y2);
double dis1 = (w1 - sun).norm(),dis2 = (w2 - sun).norm();
if (comp(dis1 - dis2) > 0 )
P = w2;
P = w1;
return true ;
void calc()
double a,b,c;
a = (sun.y - earth.y) * (sun.y - earth.y) + (sun.x - earth.x) * (sun.x - earth.x);
b = - 2.0 * earth.y * ((sun.y - earth.y) * (sun.y - earth.y) + (sun.x - earth.x) * (sun.x - earth.x)) - 2.0 * r * r * (sun.y - earth.y);
c = r * r * r * r + 2.0 * r * r * (sun.y - earth.y) * earth.y - r * r * (sun.x - earth.x) * (sun.x - earth.x) + earth.y * earth.y * ((sun.y - earth.y) * (sun.y - earth.y) + (sun.x - earth.x) * (sun.x - earth.x));
double det = b * b - 4.0 * a * c;
double y1 = ( - b + sqrt(det)) / ( 2.0 * a),y2 = ( - b - sqrt(det)) / ( 2.0 * a);
double x1 = (r * r - (sun.y - earth.y) * (y1 - earth.y)) / (sun.x - earth.x) + earth.x;
double x2 = (r * r - (sun.y - earth.y) * (y2 - earth.y)) / (sun.x - earth.x) + earth.x;
cutl = point(x1,y1),cutr = point(x2,y2);
if ( ! cmp(cutl,cutr))
double len(point a,point b)
point vec1 = point(a - earth),vec2 = point(b - earth);
double value = (vec1 * vec2) / (vec1.norm() * vec2.norm());
if (comp(value - 1.0 ) >= 0 )
value = 1.0 ;
double theta = acos(value);
return r * theta;
int main()
while (scanf( " %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf " , & sun.x, & sun.y, & earth.x, & earth.y, & r) == 5 )
// calc arc
scanf( " %d %d %d %d " , & n, & T1, & T2, & T);
for ( int i = 0 ;i < n;i ++ )
double x,y;
scanf( " %lf %lf " , & x, & y);
p[i] = point(x,y);
int t1 = T % T1,t2 = T % T2;
double gong = 2.0 * pi * ( double )t1 / ( double )T1,zi = 2.0 * pi * ( double ) t2 / ( double ) T2;
point zhong,temp( 0 , 0 );
double area = 0 ,sumx = 0 ,sumy = 0 ,sarea = 0 ;
for ( int i = 1 ;i < n - 1 ;i ++ )
temp.x = p[ 0 ].x + p[i].x + p[i + 1 ].x;
temp.y = p[ 0 ].y + p[i].y + p[i + 1 ].y;
area = tarea(p[ 0 ],p[i],p[i + 1 ]);
sarea += area;
sumx += temp.x * area;
sumy += temp.y * area;
zhong = point(sumx / sarea / 3 ,sumy / sarea / 3 );
for ( int i = 0 ;i < n;i ++ )
vec[i] = p[i] - zhong;
// rotate the gravity point
zhong = rotate(zhong,earth,gong);
// gongzhuan
for ( int i = 0 ;i < n;i ++ )
p[i] = vec[i] + zhong;
// zizhuan
for ( int i = 0 ;i < n;i ++ )
p[i] = rotate(p[i],zhong,zi);
sort(p,p + n,cmp);
if ( ! cmp(cutl,cutr))
point L = p[ 0 ],R = p[n - 1 ];
if ( ! cmp(L,R))
point xl,xr;
line LE = line(sun,L),RI = line(sun,R);
if (comp(multi(L,cutl,sun)) <= 0 )
xl = cutl;
else if (comp(multi(L,cutr,sun)) >= 0 )
xl = cutr;
if (comp(multi(R,cutl,sun)) <= 0 )
xr = cutl;
else if (comp(multi(R,cutr,sun)) >= 0 )
xr = cutr;
double len1 = len(cutl,cutr),len2 = len(xl,xr);
if (comp((L - sun).norm() - (xl - sun).norm()) > 0 || comp((R - sun).norm() - (xr - sun).norm()) > 0 )
len2 = 0 ;
double ans = len1 - len2;
printf( " %.2lf\n " ,ans);
#include < cstdio >
#include < cmath >
#include < cstring >
#include < algorithm >
#define maxn 105
using namespace std;
const double pi = acos( - 1.0 );
struct point
double x,y;
point( double a, double b):x(a),y(b){}
point operator - ( const point & p)
return point(x - p.x,y - p.y);
point operator + ( const point & p)
return point(x + p.x,y + p.y);
double operator * ( const point & p)
return x * p.x + y * p.y;
double operator ^ ( const point & p)
return x * p.y - y * p.x;
double norm()
return sqrt(x * x + y * y);
double multi(point a,point b,point o)
return (a - o) ^ (b - o);
double r;
int T1,T2,T;
int n;
const double eps = 1e - 6 ;
int comp( double x)
if (fabs(x) < eps)
return 0 ;
else if (x < - eps)
return - 1 ;
return 1 ;
point rotate(point a,point o, double theta)
point vec = a - o;
point to = point(vec.x * cos(theta) - vec.y * sin(theta),vec.x * sin(theta) + vec.y * cos(theta));
return o + to;
double tarea(point p0,point p1,point p2)
double k = p0.x * p1.y + p1.x * p2.y + p2.x * p0.y - p1.x * p0.y - p2.x * p1.y - p0.x * p2.y;
return k / 2 ;
bool cmp(point p,point q)
double t1 = atan2(p.y - sun.y,p.x - sun.x),t2 = atan2(q.y - sun.y,q.x - sun.x);
return (comp(t1 - t2) > 0 );
struct line
double a,b,c;
line(point p,point q)
if (comp(p.x - q.x) == 0 )
a = 1.0 ;
b = 0.0 ;
c = - p.x;
else if (comp(p.y - q.y) == 0 )
a = 0.0 ;
b = 1.0 ;
c = - p.y;
a = 1.0 ;
b = - (p.x - q.x) / (p.y - q.y);
c = - (p.x + b * p.y);
bool arc(line llll,point & P)
double a = llll.a,b = llll.b,c = llll.c;
double A = b * b + 1 ,B = 2.0 * b * c + 2.0 * b * earth.x - 2.0 * earth.y,C = c * c + 2.0 * c * earth.x + earth.x * earth.x + earth.y * earth.y - r * r;
double det = B * B - 4.0 * A * C;
if (comp(det) < 0 )
return false ;
else if (comp(det) == 0 )
double x,y;
y = ( - B + sqrt(det)) / ( 2.0 * A);
x = - (b * y + c);
point w(x,y);
P = w;
return true ;
double y1 = ( - B + sqrt(det)) / ( 2.0 * A),y2 = ( - B - sqrt(det)) / ( 2.0 * A);
double x1 = - (b * y1 + c),x2 = - (b * y2 + c);
point w1(x1,y1),w2(x2,y2);
double dis1 = (w1 - sun).norm(),dis2 = (w2 - sun).norm();
if (comp(dis1 - dis2) > 0 )
P = w2;
P = w1;
return true ;
void calc()
double a,b,c;
a = (sun.y - earth.y) * (sun.y - earth.y) + (sun.x - earth.x) * (sun.x - earth.x);
b = - 2.0 * earth.y * ((sun.y - earth.y) * (sun.y - earth.y) + (sun.x - earth.x) * (sun.x - earth.x)) - 2.0 * r * r * (sun.y - earth.y);
c = r * r * r * r + 2.0 * r * r * (sun.y - earth.y) * earth.y - r * r * (sun.x - earth.x) * (sun.x - earth.x) + earth.y * earth.y * ((sun.y - earth.y) * (sun.y - earth.y) + (sun.x - earth.x) * (sun.x - earth.x));
double det = b * b - 4.0 * a * c;
double y1 = ( - b + sqrt(det)) / ( 2.0 * a),y2 = ( - b - sqrt(det)) / ( 2.0 * a);
double x1 = (r * r - (sun.y - earth.y) * (y1 - earth.y)) / (sun.x - earth.x) + earth.x;
double x2 = (r * r - (sun.y - earth.y) * (y2 - earth.y)) / (sun.x - earth.x) + earth.x;
cutl = point(x1,y1),cutr = point(x2,y2);
if ( ! cmp(cutl,cutr))
double len(point a,point b)
point vec1 = point(a - earth),vec2 = point(b - earth);
double value = (vec1 * vec2) / (vec1.norm() * vec2.norm());
if (comp(value - 1.0 ) >= 0 )
value = 1.0 ;
double theta = acos(value);
return r * theta;
int main()
while (scanf( " %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf " , & sun.x, & sun.y, & earth.x, & earth.y, & r) == 5 )
// calc arc
scanf( " %d %d %d %d " , & n, & T1, & T2, & T);
for ( int i = 0 ;i < n;i ++ )
double x,y;
scanf( " %lf %lf " , & x, & y);
p[i] = point(x,y);
int t1 = T % T1,t2 = T % T2;
double gong = 2.0 * pi * ( double )t1 / ( double )T1,zi = 2.0 * pi * ( double ) t2 / ( double ) T2;
point zhong,temp( 0 , 0 );
double area = 0 ,sumx = 0 ,sumy = 0 ,sarea = 0 ;
for ( int i = 1 ;i < n - 1 ;i ++ )
temp.x = p[ 0 ].x + p[i].x + p[i + 1 ].x;
temp.y = p[ 0 ].y + p[i].y + p[i + 1 ].y;
area = tarea(p[ 0 ],p[i],p[i + 1 ]);
sarea += area;
sumx += temp.x * area;
sumy += temp.y * area;
zhong = point(sumx / sarea / 3 ,sumy / sarea / 3 );
for ( int i = 0 ;i < n;i ++ )
vec[i] = p[i] - zhong;
// rotate the gravity point
zhong = rotate(zhong,earth,gong);
// gongzhuan
for ( int i = 0 ;i < n;i ++ )
p[i] = vec[i] + zhong;
// zizhuan
for ( int i = 0 ;i < n;i ++ )
p[i] = rotate(p[i],zhong,zi);
sort(p,p + n,cmp);
if ( ! cmp(cutl,cutr))
point L = p[ 0 ],R = p[n - 1 ];
if ( ! cmp(L,R))
point xl,xr;
line LE = line(sun,L),RI = line(sun,R);
if (comp(multi(L,cutl,sun)) <= 0 )
xl = cutl;
else if (comp(multi(L,cutr,sun)) >= 0 )
xl = cutr;
if (comp(multi(R,cutl,sun)) <= 0 )
xr = cutl;
else if (comp(multi(R,cutr,sun)) >= 0 )
xr = cutr;
double len1 = len(cutl,cutr),len2 = len(xl,xr);
if (comp((L - sun).norm() - (xl - sun).norm()) > 0 || comp((R - sun).norm() - (xr - sun).norm()) > 0 )
len2 = 0 ;
double ans = len1 - len2;
printf( " %.2lf\n " ,ans);